The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1126 The Most Familiar Stranger

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Seeing that the referee signaled that the goal was valid, Shevchenko excitedly took off his jersey, waved it vigorously amid the cheers of thousands of Milan fans, and ran towards the area where the substitute players and the head coach were!

However, Sheva's goal this time is not the visiting team coach's bench where Ancelotti stayed, but the home team coach's bench where Heynckes and Fiorentina players are.I saw him running not far in front of Heynckes, then smiled triumphantly at him, and at the same time stretched out his hands and applauded lightly in the direction of the Fiorentina coach—obviously, Shevqin Ke was demonstrating to Heynckes in this way, venting all the dissatisfaction accumulated in his heart for so long!

Didn't you say that Vieri is more suitable to stay in the middle than me?what's the result?Didn't AC Milan take the lead with me, and you with Vieri fell behind in this direct contest?Although Shevchenko did not have any verbal communication with Heynckes during the whole process, his series of behaviors on the sidelines just now undoubtedly expressed the above meanings.

Seeing Shevchenko showing off his power in front of him, although Heynckes did not make any public expression or fight back, judging from the German's face that was as black as the bottom of the pot, the current Fiorentina The coach must be in a bad mood.After all, the main reason why Shevchenko left Fiorentina was that Heynckes was unwilling to give him the same tactical status as Vieri, and insisted on arranging him on the wing, allowing Vieri to be the first firepower and team player. The tactical fulcrum in the frontcourt, rather than the Ukrainians leading the team's offensive direction.

Although under this arrangement of Heynckes, Shevchenko scored a lot of goals every season, the best evidence is that she scored 24 league goals in the first two seasons of landing in Serie A.But with more and more honors and fame, Shevchenko's ambitions have also increased. He is no longer satisfied with the current position, and began to demand more independent offensive power on the court. , instead of serving as green leaves for Vieri and other teammates on the wing.Therefore, Shevchenko, who had serious differences with Heynckes, made up his mind and made the decision to leave Florence.

And now, in this direct confrontation between Fiorentina and AC Milan, Shevchenko used a goal to prove to Heynckes how wrong the German positioned him, and that he is fully capable of taking on the responsibility on the pitch. More important roles!

"Sheva, you have gone too far this time." Although you have a good personal relationship with Shevchenko, it does not mean that Vieri and the others will ignore the provocative behavior of the Ukrainian nuclear warhead, "Although in your position In fact, the boss may be a bit too stubborn, but this does not mean that you can disrespect and mock him in front of us. After all, we are all members of Florence, and no one can provoke Florence in front of us any one of."

Shevchenko was just emotional after scoring a goal and wanted to vent his grievances. He didn't want to sever the relationship with his former teammates because of this incident.So, after Vieri made a warning, the Ukrainian shrugged and retreated to the center of the court, waiting for the referee to announce the re-kick-off.

Looking at Florence again, although Shevchenko's emotions can be understood, Vieri and others are still angry because of Sheva's provocative behavior after scoring a goal.After all, most of them have experienced the period when Florence was at its peak, so it can be said that their feelings for Viola are quite deep.Therefore, seeing someone dare to provoke Heynckes in front of them, the hearts and fighting spirit of the Fiorentina players were immediately stimulated!

As Vieri said, no one can retreat after being disrespectful to Fiorentina, even if this person is their former teammate, Shevchenko, who has made great contributions to the Viola's two Champions League trophies, can't!After all, Heynckes is also the head coach of Fiorentina. If other players are allowed to be so blatantly provocative, it will cut everyone's face in Fiorentina!

In this way, Shevchenko's provocative behavior towards Heynckes made him angry, and at the same time successfully aroused the fighting spirit of the Fiorentina players!

Therefore, after the game restarted, the players of AC Milan were surprised to find that Fiorentina's already very tight defensive system became more oppressive at this time, which brought a negative impact on Costa and Seedorf's organizational work in the midfield. Here comes great difficulty!

Although Pirlo and Albertini are not good at confrontation, they are naturally not a defensive black hole if they can gain a foothold in the Italian national team. Excellent defensive ability and accurate prediction are the basis for the two to gain a foothold on the defensive end .With the help of Pirlo and Albertini, coupled with Makelele's powerful super sweeper, and the retreat interference of Di Natale and Vincent, Costa and others had to retreat further back It is difficult to directly organize an offensive in the frontcourt like before.

Although Costa and others can still guarantee the accuracy of the pass after retreating, and at the same time reduce the probability of being intercepted and counterattacked by the opponent, but in this way, the threat of the Rossoneri on the offensive end is greatly reduced.After all, although Costa and Seedorf still have a very penetrating long pass ability, it is obviously unrealistic to rely on this long pass as a conventional offensive tactic to penetrate Fiorentina's defense.

The other reason that forces Costa to retreat and organize the attack is the older age of Maldini and Helveg. If they maintain the offensive intensity at the beginning of the game, they are likely to last until the end of the game.

In this way, when AC Milan's offensive was contained, Fiorentina's offensive gradually revealed its sharp fangs——No. Immediately after passing the ball, he distributed the ball to the left side. After catching the ball, Vincent relied on the speed and explosive power far surpassing Helveg to forcibly overtake and directly dribbled the ball into the penalty area of ​​AC Milan. After attracting Di After Da and Maldini's attention, the Spaniard cleverly passed the ball to the center of the penalty area!

Vieri, who followed up in the middle, swung his left foot and volleyed vigorously against the flying ball. The interference from Grandoni behind him had no effect on him at all, and Dida's act of mending after awakening It didn't have any effect either, the AC Milan players could only watch helplessly as the ball rushed into their own gate, one to one!

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