The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1157 Interlude

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Although he failed to win a victory in the first leg, he was able to draw with Ajax in the away game and scored a valuable away goal, which slightly made up for the regret in Heynckes' heart.After all, such a result is still quite favorable for Fiorentina. The Ajax players who failed to defend their home court and were scored an away goal by Viola must find a way to smooth this one in the second round. Away goals difference.If Fiorentina are allowed to take the initiative in the game, then maybe they will be handed a goalless draw by Viola in the second round, and finally eliminated because of fewer away goals.You know, using a helpless concrete defense to hold this advantage after the situation is dominant can be said to be the special skill of all Italian teams!

Therefore, Ajax is clearly aware that the next confrontation with Fiorentina will definitely be an extremely difficult game.Because they have to smooth out the disadvantages of away goals, but also be able to resist Viola's sharp and quick counterattack, so as to avoid conceding more goals than scoring.

Since Ajax had to take an active offensive strategy in the second round to regain the disadvantage of away goals, this gave Heynckes, a master tactician, a lot of room for adjustment, whether it is the main defense A counterattack, or a confrontation with the opponent is a feasible tactic.The German coach can choose one of these tactics to deal with Ajax, and it also saves the trouble of guessing which tactics the opponent will use.

After the first leg against Ajax, Heynckes did not take the players back to Fiorentina, but announced their disbandment after participating in the post-match press conference.Because of the nightmare of all European giants, a new round of national team match day has arrived at this juncture!

Faced with the call-up orders issued by the coaches of various national teams, Fiorentina, who could not find a reason to refuse, had to let their players go to participate in the national team games.Therefore, Roberto Carlos and Lucio went to distant South America together, Ballack went to Germany, Pirlo, Vieri, Inzaghi and other local players went to Milan, where they will participate in the new national team competition. Team training.

Of course, not all members of Fiorentina's first team have been called up from the national team.For example, Deco and Diego Milito, who have played fairly stable since the start of the season, still failed to enter the eyes of Pereira (the new Brazil coach) and Bielsa this time, and continued to play outside the gate of the national team. drift.

Deco, who was deeply disappointed when he learned that Pereira would rather choose to hang out in Middlesbrough than Juninho, who was unwilling to bring him into the Selecao, finally began to consider the possibility of naturalization in Italy. He has lived in the Apennines for more than four years, and he will be eligible to apply for Italian citizenship this summer; Diego Milito, who has dual citizenship of Italy and Argentina, is obviously better in action, and he directly approached Zhuang Mingge , expressed his desire to represent the Italian national team in the arena.

I have to say that Milito's vision of judging the situation is really vicious.He is soberly aware that the Argentine national team is now full of talents on the forward line. There are three generations of outstanding players for Bielsa to choose from, and he is simply not allowed to get involved in it; There is no shortage of good strikers, but in fact Italy has almost never had a striker at their level after Vieri and Montella. Cassano is more like a nine and a half than a striker, and Toni is in Rome. His performance also proved that he is only a fairly good traditional center, and there is still a big gap between him and the first-class.

Therefore, in Milito's view, if there is no accident, as long as he can put on the Italian jersey and wait until Vieri and Inzaghi fade out of the national team, then the Azzurri will definitely have a place for him in the future striker!

For Deco and Milito's statement, Zhuang Mingge was naturally very excited.After all, he is very clear that Italian football will fall into a state of inadequacy in the next few years. Although his intervention has allowed Grosso and Tony to grow up ahead of schedule, he has also saved some shooting stars such as Grandoni and Barbados from the previous life. The fate of Ronio and others, but for the entire Italian football, these changes he made still seem to be a drop in the bucket.

Therefore, it is very necessary to join Deco and Milito at this time.Because these two players are fully capable of supporting the backbone of the national team with Pirlo after Vieri's players get old, helping Italy through the most difficult period, so as to avoid the appearance of Pirlo in the previous life. A situation where one person is struggling to support the national team.

Moreover, the most important thing is that although Italy did not welcome foreigners to join the national team in the past, the current situation is completely different. The arrival of Ke and Milito made irresponsible remarks.

Therefore, after Milito and Deco expressed their desire to be naturalized in Italy and to represent the Azzurri in international competitions, Zhuang Mingge expressed his strong support and promised to settle Deco's naturalization as soon as possible through the relationship , and also refer them to Trapattoni in due course.

Of course, Zhuang Mingge also bluntly stated to the two in this conversation that he cannot guarantee that Trapattoni will definitely bring them into the national team.Deco and Milito expressed their understanding of this. After all, the person in front of them is their immediate boss, not the head coach of the national team. It is very interesting to be willing to help them in this matter. Nose and face could ask for more.

In this way, Milito and Deco, who received a satisfactory answer, left the Florence headquarters contentedly, and Zhuang Mingge had no intention of delaying the time. Immediately after the two left, they called Trapattoni and sent Milito and Deco's desire to represent Italy informed the coach.

"Chairman Corleone, thank you very much for your support for the work of the national team. Deco and Milito are players I admire very much. It is my luck to have the opportunity to coach them." Unlike his predecessor Zoff, Trapattoni He is not a stubborn guy, he is good at dealing with interpersonal relationships, he will never refute the face of Zhuang Mingge, a big boss, face to face.What's more, in Trapattoni's view, if players like Milito and Deco who have adapted to the style of Italian football and are also considered excellent are not included in the Azzurri system as soon as possible, but let them be awakened If the South American duo brought back, then Italy will definitely regret it in the future.

Therefore, driven by Zhuang Mingge, the little butterfly, the fate of Deco and Milito in this life has been quietly changed, and the wheel of history has therefore turned on a completely different road.

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