The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1158 The last afterglow

PS1: Those who continue to ask for recommendation tickets here say that free books do not require everyone to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets, right?We are here thank you~

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

Time always flies by unconsciously, and in a blink of an eye, it has entered April of 03. The Fiorentina players who finished their national team game tasks have returned to the team to continue their intense preparations.

Although due to the national team's competition, most of the international players except for Carlos and a few physical monsters seemed quite tired, but no one complained about being tired or tired at this time, or simply quit.Because the players are very clear in their hearts, now has reached the most critical period of the entire season.

If they can grit their teeth and survive this period of time and win a few key games, then in May, the players can see the championship trophy they have worked hard for a season; If you relax, then what is waiting for Florence to go up and down, I am afraid it will be an ending where all four things are empty.

Moreover, regardless of the fact that Fiorentina has a huge point advantage in the league, Juventus and Inter Milan, who are now ranked behind Viola, still have the possibility of winning the championship in theory.If Heynckes and his players are not careful and commit their energies to the Champions League prematurely without a clear title, last season's Leverkusen was a lesson for them.

Having said that, for Fiorentina, which already has a fairly obvious advantage in the league, it is not a problem to occasionally give up a game or two for the European competition.After all, doing so is conducive to keeping the players in a good competitive state, and avoiding their sluggish state or even tired injuries due to double matches a week and running around.

Therefore, in order to prepare for the second round of the Champions League match against Ajax, in the seventh round of Serie A No.20 three days ago, Fiorentina, who had rotated most of the main players, was cut off by Lazio in the away game. The game was lost cleanly with a score of zero to three.

Although he suffered a defeat in the league battlefield, there are still seven rounds to come to the end of the Serie A league. With Juventus leading the second place in the standings by as much as [-] points, a mere defeat is obviously not going to happen. How many negative impacts on Florence's championship situation.After all, it is really unrealistic to want Fiorentina, which has not suffered serious injuries, to lose a full eleven-point lead in the last seven rounds.

It is precisely for this reason that Lippi seems to have given up the idea of ​​chasing after Fiorentina, and instead focused on the Champions League, intending to seek a breakthrough in the European arena in order to keep his job. .

"It seems that no matter what the result is, Ajax is bound to become the target of many giant clubs in this summer's transfer market." Sitting in the VIP box at Frankie Stadium, waiting At the start of the game, Zhuang Mingge pondered, "Being able to reach the quarter-finals in the Champions League, which is as strong as a cloud, is enough to prove the strength of this Ajax team. If the managers of those teams don't make moves this summer, it will be true." It's a weird thing."

"It's true, just based on Ajax's outstanding performance in the European arena this season, those top giants will never give up this piece of fat in front of them." Karin nodded in agreement , "The only thing that needs to be guessed now is how long it will take for this Ajax team to be carved up. Did it take four full years to lose all the players like the championship team in 95, or Will the process be completed in a shorter period of time?"

"Really, it's all the fault of the Bosman Act. If it weren't for the introduction of this bill, Ajax, which once dominated European football, would not have fallen to where it is now." Zhuang Mingge still sympathized with all kinds of encounters after the arrival of the Man era.So even though Van Prager has been using various excuses to alienate the connection with Florence in the past few years, he never thought about what to do with the other party, "Now, let us appreciate it, this Ajak team It’s probably the last collective performance of Stanley in the European arena. By next season, I’m afraid not many people will stay in this team.”

"Why, Tony, do you have no idea about these Ajax players?" At this time, Karin asked in a joking tone.Having lived with Zhuang Mingge for so many years, of course she can hear the meaning of the other party's words, "In my opinion, van der Vaart and the Swedish striker named Zlatan Ibrahimovic have great potential. If we can combine them If one of them is brought to Fiorentina, it will definitely play a very positive role in improving the overall strength of the team."

"How should I put it, Van der Vaart and Ibrahimovic are indeed very talented young players. No matter which team acquires them, their strength will increase." However, Zhuang Mingge did not agree with Karin's proposal. He didn't express his approval, "However, these two are proud masters. I don't think they can accept the rotation or even the substitute position in Florence. A main position or core treatment, That's what they really want."

While Zhuang Minge and Karin were discussing the issue of van der Vaart and Ibrahimovic, the players from both sides set foot on the lawn of Frankie Stadium under the leadership of the referee.

"Tony, look quickly." Looking at the players on both sides coming out of the tunnel one after another, the sharp-eyed Karin noticed something different, "Van der Vaart didn't seem to start this game, and replaced him. It's the player named Sneijder wearing the No. 37 jersey!"

"What did you say?!" Hearing Karin's words, Zhuang Minge quickly picked up the binoculars and looked towards the sidelines, "Damn it, Coman is really courageous enough to dare to stand on such a critical occasion." Put van der Vaart on the bench and use the younger Sneijder instead!"

Those who were surprised by this were not only the fans of both sides and Zhuang Mingge and others who were watching the game from the sidelines, but even Heynckes was surprised by Koeman's change of tactics.After all, compared to van der Vaart, who is already well-known in Europe, Sneijder, who was born in 84, is obviously worse than the former in terms of popularity.And in terms of ability, Sneijder, who has just stepped into the professional league, obviously cannot be compared with Van der Vaart, who has more than two years of professional game experience.

It can be said that Koeman chose Sneijder in this life-and-death battle instead of continuing to use the attack combination of Van der Vaart and Ibrahimovic, which is really something that everyone did not expect.

In this way, under the eyes of people full of surprise and curiosity, the second round of the match between Fiorentina and Ajax officially kicked off!

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