The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1165 Sprint

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Although Fiorentina drew with AC Milan in this round of the league, Fiorentina fans are glad, but Juventus fans are disappointed that Juventus did not seize this opportunity to narrow the points gap with the leaders.In another game that ended at the same time, the Bianconeri, also dragged down by the Champions League tie, were held to a draw by Lazio at the Stadio Olimpico and remain nine points behind Fiorentina at the top of the table.

At this stage, even the most stubborn Juventus fans have to admit the fact that the league title belongs to Fiorentina.After all, with only three rounds left in the league and a nine-point lead, while the goal difference and mutual record are superior, it is really an extremely difficult task for Juventus to complete a comeback in the league.

The subsequent development also confirmed people's speculation. In the No.30 second round of Serie A a week later, Fiorentina, who had a good rest, only sent half of the main force to easily handle the unstable Samp. Doria, with a score of [-] to [-], locked the league championship two rounds ahead of schedule!

In fact, with the strength of Sampdoria, it should not be so easily defeated by Florence, who did not play at full strength.But who made them really unlucky in the past two years. Berezovsky, the team's big boss and biggest financial backer, had his assets in Russia frozen due to political reasons, and had to terminate the previous years in the transfer market. Instead of burning a lot of money, he began to learn the business model of Udinese and Vicenza, intending to make profits by reselling players to maintain the club's operations, and by the way earn some extra money to maintain his rich life.

For this reason, Berezovsky personally made the decision last summer and sold Nedved and other main players at high prices to direct competitors in the league such as Juventus.This move by the Russian tycoon has distracted the hearts of the Sampdoria team. If Veron hadn't tried his best to win over the hearts of the people and stabilize the locker room for his personal future, it would have been impossible for Sampdoria to be at the end of the season. Lock in a place for next season's European competition in advance.

Nevertheless, the negative impact of this series of changes is quite serious.Under Berezovsky's heavy investment, the Seablue Corps, which already faintly had the golden Samp demeanor of the year, suffered a major blow again, and those ambitious Samp players also flirted with other teams at this time, secretly Find a next home that can satisfy their ambitions.

Especially now that the overall situation of the league has been decided, the main players headed by Veron will not care about the few remaining irrelevant games, which is why Sampdoria will be so temperless in this game The most important reason for losing to Florence.

Fortunately, Sampdoria did not have to face the embarrassing situation of bankruptcy and reorganization like Lazio, which had huge debts.What the Aquamarine Corps has to face is nothing more than a transformation of its business strategy and its own positioning, which will not cause much pressure on the club's finances.

Having finished talking about Sampdoria, let us now take a look at Florence.After securing the league championship trophy two rounds in advance, Fiorentina ushered in the second round of the Champions League semi-final against Inter Milan in the following week, that is, on the night of May 5!

Heynckes is set to make the most of those advantages after coming out of San Siro in the first leg and scoring an away goal.For example, specially arranged defensive counterattack tactics, and put all the fast horses Vincent and Giuly into the starting lineup; and for Inter Milan players, tonight's game is a battle of life and death that must not be lost !

After all, as long as they pass the level of Fiorentina, Inter Milan can get another ticket to the Champions League final after a lapse of 31 years; Defeat, then they don't know that they have to wait until the year of the monkey to see the threshold of the Champions League final again.

You know, for most players, being on the stage of the Champions League final is one of their most dreamed things.And now, this opportunity is in front of the Inter Milan players.Therefore, without any pre-war mobilization by Cooper, these players are already full of energy.

It's not just the Inter Milan players who don't want to miss this opportunity, but also their head coach, Hector Cooper, who is only 47 years old and has almost all white hair.The Argentine coach is doing his best for the upcoming Champions League final. He insisted on studying tactics at the Pinettina training base all night, trying to find a clear way without weakening his own defense.

Toldo, Koko, Materazzi, Cannavaro, Cordoba, Zanetti, Di Biagio, Zanetti, Emre, Mutu and Crespo...don't look Inter Milan's starting lineup is exactly the same as the previous game, but there are fundamental differences in formation and tactics.For example, Cooper changed the original four backs to a combination of three central backs + double backs, using three central backs to defend the penalty area, and let Koko and Zanetti take full charge of the team's side attack and defense; Emre, who was arranged to play the left midfielder, returned to the familiar center. Cooper intends to let him take on the important role of the playmaker like Pirlo and control the team's game rhythm.

In this way, under the stimulation of the Champions League final, the Inter Milan players turned their backs after the start of the game and launched a fierce attack on the goal of Fiorentina.Although the Fiorentina players were prepared for this, they didn't expect that their opponent would be so desperate as soon as they came up, and they would launch a fierce attack without even thinking about it!

"Damn it, why are these guys so aggressive today? They all look like they've been drugged?" After successfully breaking the ball at Zanetti's feet and kicking the ball out of the sideline, he withdrew to his own side Vincent, who was assisting in the half-court defense, was very puzzled by the state of the Inter Milan players, "Their current appearance is completely a make-or-break posture, what the hell did that old boy Cooper feed them? magic potion?"

"Don't think about these useless things. If you have the skills, you might as well keep an eye on these guys." At this time, Carlos interrupted Vincent's wild thoughts. The experienced Brazilian knew that these things are definitely not considered now. Good timing, "If we lose the away goal advantage we had so hard to usher in in the last game at the beginning of the game, then all our arrangements before the game will have to be overthrown and restarted."

"Well, I see!" Under Carlos' reminder, Vincent also realized his mistake, and quickly nodded in response.

In this way, in the first 10 minutes after the start of the game, Fiorentina, who were playing at home, was unexpectedly suppressed by Inter Milan.For a while, there was a lot of noise in front of the goal guarded by Buffon, as if there was a danger of being attacked by the Nerazzurri at any time!

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