The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1166 Situation Reversal

PS1: Those who continue to ask for recommendation tickets here say that free books do not require everyone to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets, right?We are here thank you~

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

PS3: Here, I would like to thank the book friends for the reward of "Amazing Life".

"Joseph (Heynckes), do you think we should take some measures to adjust?" Ferrara, who appeared on the sidelines as a member of Fiorentina's coaching staff, watched Inter Milan's offensive on the court getting more and more fierce. Dangers continued in front of the goal, and I couldn't help but start to worry, "Inter Milan's offense is much more fierce than we expected before the game. If we continue to defend like this, I am worried that it will happen before we implement the original plan. What an accident."

"Don't be so nervous, Chiro (Ferrara)." Heynckes shook his head and did not agree with Ferrara's statement, "You have to have confidence in our players, anyway, most of them Everyone has experienced it. Moreover, despite the fierce offensive of Inter Milan during this period, it has indeed caused a lot of threat to our gate, but I don’t know if you have noticed, their style of play is largely dependent on Relying on the performance of one person..."

"Claude (Makelele), pay attention to blocking Emre, that is the passing route of the No. 5 player! Michael (Barack), you and I take turns to defend him closely and interfere with his receiving organization. At this time, after more than ten minutes of observation since the opening, Pirlo finally discovered the shortcomings of Inter Milan's offensive end. Zanetti and the others. Our defensive formation is tight enough, and their offensive awareness is quite average, so it is difficult to find suitable long-range shooting opportunities."

"I said Andre, is it necessary to do this?" Ballack obviously had different opinions on Pirlo's arrangement, and said, "After all, it seems that we attach too much importance to Emre. Is it? I don’t think he has the value to be treated like that.”

"Michael, now is not the time to worry about these things." Pirlo patted Ballack on the shoulder and said with a serious face, "Our goal is the next Champions League final and the championship trophy! So, no matter what, We all have to strangle the opponent's most threatening point! And Emre is the lifeblood of this Inter Milan team! Without his pass scheduling, Inter Milan's offense will become disorganized again. This is a very good thing for the team.”

"Okay, let's do it as you said." Looking at Pirlo with a firm face, Ballack sighed. As a German player, he certainly knows the importance of the team's interests, "Since If you decide to do it, let this Turk know how good we are!"

Therefore, in the following time, Emre, who was taken care of by the Fiorentina midfielder, enjoyed the treatment that Zidane and Rui Costa would only receive from top organizational midfielders.Pirlo and Ballack's defense in turn and Makelele's precise prediction of the ball made it almost impossible for Emre to catch the ball, and it was difficult to organize a decent offensive even if he got the ball.The Inter Milan players who noticed this took the initiative to bypass Emre's point, and played their best game of passing from the side to the middle to grab points.

"It seems that our little Andre has also discovered the fate of Inter Milan." Heynckes looked at Pirlo, who was commanding the field, and said with relief, "In this way, Inter Milan is attacking. The threat at the end is greatly reduced."

"It turns out that Joseph, you have seen this a long time ago. No wonder you were not in a hurry just now." At this time, Ferrara finally saw the mystery, and said with admiration and complaints, "If you told the players earlier If you do this, then I don't have to be as worried as I was just now."

"If that's the case, these kids will never be able to really grow up." Seeing that the situation on the field has improved, Heynckes turned his head and patiently explained his intention to do so to Ferrara, "A top player Players must have the ability to respond to emergencies, if everything needs to be reminded by me, the head coach, then their ability to deal with emergencies will be greatly weakened after they have developed the habit of relying on the coach, leading to more serious consequences.”

Therefore, under Pirlo's command and intentional manipulation, although the Nerazzurri's offensive wave after wave was higher than the wave, even Di Biagio and Zanetti crossed the center line of the court with red eyes to participate in the attack , but because Emre was firmly marked by Ballack and others, Inter Milan had great difficulties in the operation of the offensive end, and had to return to their most accustomed tactical style of flying with both wings in the middle to grab points.Therefore, even if Di Biagio and the others press forward to participate in the offense, it will be difficult to get a good offensive opportunity.

By this time, most people have also seen the trick.Although it seems that Inter Milan's offensive is still fierce and sharp, in fact, without Emre's organization and scheduling, the Nerazzurri have always been in a state of gaining power and not scoring. Most of the offense was divided by the Fiorentina players. Restricted to two sides, it is difficult to form a three-dimensional offensive.Occasionally, the ball passed into the penalty area of ​​Fiorentina was also cleared first by Nesta and Stam, leaving no chance for Crespo and the others.

"The opportunity is here!" Seeing that Inter Milan's offense was in trouble, but the players were pressing forward with enthusiasm, Heynckes' eyes flashed, and he gestured to Ferrara calmly.The latter understood, and immediately took advantage of the dead ball to find Vincent who was closest to him, and secretly gave him the latest instructions from Heynckes with a pre-arranged action.

"What are they doing?" Cooper, who had been paying attention to every move on the Fiorentina coach's bench, couldn't help feeling suspicious after seeing this scene, and thought to himself, "Although the team's formation is really tight now A little bit forward, but Fiorentina even Vieri and Vincent retreated to their own half, wanting to play a quick counterattack, and they don't have a point in the frontcourt that can respond..."

However, just as Cooper was pondering Heynckes' intentions, the situation on the court suddenly changed!

It turned out that after Koko's pass was headed out of the penalty area by Stam, Emre, who got the ball outside the penalty area, was about to reorganize the attack, but a purple figure suddenly appeared from the side, and in the blink of an eye A wonderful steal was completed!

"Andre, it's up to you!" Makelele, who successfully intercepted the ball, handed the ball to Pirlo at the first time, and shouted at the same time - after hard work against Inter Milan for more than ten minutes After the onslaught of the French midfielder who has always been silent, he couldn't help but want to fight back.

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