The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1167 Situation Reversal

PS1: Those who continue to ask for recommendation tickets here say that free books do not require everyone to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets, right?We are here thank you~

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

PS3: Here I would like to thank the book friend "Tiger Machine Flying" for the reward.

"Damn! I was fooled!" Seeing the Fiorentina players moving towards Inter Milan's goal as if they heard the starting gun after Pirlo took the ball, Cooper couldn't help but suddenly realized, "So that's the case, no wonder Hein Kicks would make that arrangement. Vieri and the others dropped back and participated in the defense just to make us paralyzed. In fact, with their speed and mobility, even launching a counterattack from their own half is not a problem. A very difficult thing."

"Di Biagio! Stop Pirlo immediately!" Realizing the danger, Cooper made a decisive decision and yelled at Di Biagio, who is the closest to Pirlo, "Even if it is a foul or even a card, you have to give it to me!" I stop him, and I must not let him have the space and opportunity to pass the ball! If it doesn't work, I will break his leg!"

"I %¥#&%..." Heynckes, who was not far away from Cooper, heard this, and felt like ten thousand Vieri galloping past his heart (Vieri: "..."), almost He yelled at the Argentine.After all, regardless of Cooper's intentions, these words he said were too vicious.

For a head coach, especially a wealthy head coach, there are some things that can be done quietly, but they must never be said, otherwise, it will inevitably lead to accusations from countless people.And this time, Cooper clearly went too far.

Di Biagio is obviously also aware of the inappropriateness. His professionalism does not allow him to do such a bad intentional injury, not to mention that Fiorentina is still his old club, so it is naturally even more impossible to do anything to Pirlo. Such a dangerous move.

However, if Di Biagio does not take unconventional actions to directly foul him, then it will be difficult for him to stop Pirlo's progress.Therefore, Di Biagio, who did not make any lethal moves to defend, failed to stop Pirlo after all. He watched the opponent pass the ball in the direction of Vincent's forward drive, and Cooper was so angry that he stood on the sidelines. Jump feet.

At this time, the fourth official couldn't stand Cooper's crazy words anymore.The black-clothed judge walked over to admonish the passionate Argentine coach, warning that if he made any inappropriate remarks during the game, he would definitely write it down in the post-match report and write it down. Report to the UEFA Disciplinary Committee.

Reluctantly, Cooper reined in his behavior after receiving a warning from the fourth official.However, the narrow-minded Argentine still made a note of Di Biagio who did not obey his instructions, and decided to find a reason to drive him out of Inter Milan this summer.In Cooper's view, anyway, the team now has Zanetti, and his boss is willing to invest in strengthening the team. The older Di Biagio is naturally not an indispensable role.

I'm afraid no one would have thought that Di Biagio's future at Inter Milan would actually change because of this weak defense.

Let’s stop with Cooper’s little thought, now let’s turn our attention back to the game.

Because the Inter Milan players pushed forward too much, even Materazzi, Cannavaro and Cordoba, the three central defenders, all pushed back to the center line of the court because Vieri and others all retreated.Therefore, when Pirlo instigated this quick counterattack, there was no Inter Milan player in the Nerazzurri's half-court except for Toldo, the goalkeeper!

It has to be said that after studying with top midfielders such as Redondo and Effenberg for so many years, Pirlo's use of many techniques and his grasp of passing timing have reached the point of perfection.His pass was well controlled both in terms of strength and placement, and Vincent who received the ball was amazed in his heart.After all, not everyone can pass out such a player who does not need to make many adjustments during a quick counterattack, or even a ball that does not need to slow down.

In this way, Vincent, who received the pass, rushed towards Inter Milan's penalty area without slowing down.And behind him are Inter Milan defenders such as Zanetti and Cordoba who are struggling to catch up, and the first counterattack line composed of Vieri and Giuly!

Although Vincent's speed is very fast, it is naturally impossible for him to advance at full speed with the ball under his feet.Therefore, when the Spaniard advanced to the corner of the penalty area, Zanetti, who followed all the way, finally caught up with Vincent and entangled with him in this area, trying to buy time for his teammates to rearrange the defense.

Of course, Vincent could see Zanetti's small calculations, and he was also deliberately cooperating with the opponent's actions. While dribbling the ball on the penalty area line and making a return run, he scanned the movement in the middle with his peripheral vision——and Zanetti, who was waiting for his teammates to arrange the defense line, had the same idea, and Vincent was also waiting for Vieri and Giuly to be in place so that he could take the next step.

In this way, the key to determining the success of this counterattack lies in which of the follow-up troops from both sides will rush to this battlefield first.If Cordoba and the others are in place first, then the possibility of Fiorentina's counterattack will be infinitely reduced; and if Vieri and the others are one step ahead, then it will be Inter Milan's turn to suffer.

Although these are quite complicated to say, in fact, all this happens and completes in less than tens of seconds.Therefore, Vincent didn't wait long, and saw a scene that he was very excited-the first to rush to the Inter Milan restricted area were several figures in purple jerseys!

On the other side, Zanetti, who was also paying attention to the surrounding situation, felt cold in his heart.He can already imagine what kind of fate his goal will suffer next...

Time was running out, and Vincent didn't care about the identity of the observer. He used his superhuman speed to instantly throw Zanetti half a body away, and passed the ball before the Argentine made a tackle. go out!

Vieri, who responded in the middle of the penalty area, controlled his position very well. He was not in the offside position at the moment when Vincent passed the ball, and he gently unloaded the flying ball. After a slight adjustment Then he volleyed directly!

Since Vieri's shot was very powerful and very close, Toldo only had time to make a gesture, and then heard the ball whistling past his ears and the sound of fierce friction with the net behind him!

One to zero!After being pressed by Inter Milan for a full 6 minutes, Fiorentina took advantage of a quick counterattack to score a goal, and firmly held the initiative of promotion in their own hands!

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