The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1168 Advance to the Finals

PS1: Those who continue to ask for recommendation tickets here say that free books do not require everyone to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets, right?We are here thank you~

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"Damn it!" Seeing that Vieri shot the ball into his own goal, an angry Cooper slammed the water bottle in his hand to the ground, "It's all Di Biagio's fault, if he just now Listen to me, if you put Pirlo over with a flying shovel, how could this happen now."

Although everyone could see that Cooper was venting his anger, no one stood up and said a fair word for Di Biagio at this time.The reason for this phenomenon is that, on the one hand, the players who are familiar with Di Biagio are either playing on the field (such as Toldo and Materazzi), or the 18-man congress who did not enter the game at all. list (such as Batistuta); on the other hand, it is because the players know that Cooper likes to vent his anger on others and is extremely cautious, so naturally no one dares to come forward to persuade him.

After all, everyone lives on football.If Cooper is hated for Di Biagio, then the final result is likely to be kicked out of the team by Cooper this summer with Di Biagio.You know, a rich and generous club like Inter Milan is hard to find in Europe, which is currently experiencing an economic winter.Most teams are now trying to save money as much as possible, and it is really very difficult to find a job that pays similarly to this.Therefore, unless it is a boss with enough voice and influence in the locker room, no one is willing to take the initiative to hit the gun.

At this time, Cooper's slightly ferocious facial expression and aggressive behavior once again attracted the attention of the fourth official. In order to overcome the anger in his heart, he sent this great god away from his side with a smiling face and countless guarantees.

It cannot be blamed that these referees are so cautious. You must know that the Champions League represents the highest level of competition among European clubs, and it is also one of UEFA's main sources of financial revenue.Therefore, on critical occasions such as the semi-finals of the Champions Cup, these referees must be more careful to ensure that there will be no mistakes in the game, which will have an irreparable negative impact on the overall image of the Champions Cup, resulting in a shrinking of the economic benefits of this event. signs.

As the saying goes, cutting off one's wealth is like killing one's parents.In the eyes of UEFA, those teams and people who have a bad influence on the golden sign of the Champions League will take a thunderous blow to it.

At the same time, on the court, the hearts of the players on both sides also underwent unknown changes because of Vieri's goal.

Since the first round was tied [-]-[-] with Fiorentina at home, and the opponent scored a goal in this game, so at this moment, the Inter Milan players are still quite flustered.After all, it is very difficult for an opponent at the level of Florence to complete a reversal on them.

Some people may give examples of Fiorentina's performance in the league in the past few seasons, but please don't forget that in those seasons, Fiorentina was surpassed by opponents such as Lazio and Roma while leading the way in the league and lost the championship trophy. , mainly due to their distraction from the European war and the aging team lineup.But now, with the overall situation of the league set and the renewal of the team has been preliminarily completed, the possibility of reversing and defeating Fiorentina is really too low.

Compared with the bleak and gloomy Inter Milan, Florence's side at this time is a scene of jubilation.After all, after resisting the opponent's onslaught for more than ten minutes, the players who managed to score a goal really need a reasonable way to vent the pressure accumulated before, so that they can go into battle lightly and in a more relaxed way. mentality to meet the next fierce battle.

The Inter Milan players were not so lucky. Under the huge pressure brought by the total score behind, they had to continue to press hard after the re-kick-off, and put on a posture of attacking with all their strength.Even if the players know in their hearts that doing so is likely to give the opponent more opportunities to counterattack, they must do so.

This is also something that can't be helped. After all, if Inter Milan chooses to continue to attack now, then maybe one of their shots will turn into a goal.And if they reduce their investment in the offensive end for the safety of the rear, then this group of unscrupulous Fiorentina players will definitely take the opportunity to stabilize the defense while delaying the game time, dragging the [-]-[-] score until the end of the game.

This is a conspiracy set up by Heynckes. Even if Inter Milan knows that they will be tricked, they have to obediently get into the trap, because they can't think of a way to solve it. Is it the backward side, forcing them to step up their offense to regain the disadvantage in the score?

Some people may think that Florence's style of play is too negative or utilitarian and does not conform to their aesthetics.But in fact, there is no professional team that is not utilitarian.Even Barcelona, ​​which claims to be playing the most gorgeous football of the Cosmos team, doesn't it often appear that after taking the lead, they control the ball in the backcourt until the opponent collapses?Isn't this a utilitarian approach in disguise?

Therefore, in this case, if Fiorentina, which has a world-class defense line, did not take advantage of this opportunity to stick to the backcourt and fight the opponent's counterattack, then it would be abnormal.

Just as the Inter Milan players were worried, Fiorentina, who took the initiative to shrink the defensive line, seized the space exposed in the backcourt after they pressed the attack in the following time and frequently launched quick counterattacks, making Toldo the Frankie Stadium tonight. They are the busiest people in the field; however, it is difficult for them to tear open the opponent's line of defense due to the narrow offensive space and the fact that Emre, the playmaker, is completely marked to death, and they even have few threatening shots.

If the disadvantage on the scene just made the Inter Milan players feel a little discouraged, then the goals scored by Vieri and Giuly in the No. 308 and 6 minutes of the game were the last straw that crushed them!

Although Crespo pulled back a victory in No. 705 minutes with his outstanding personal ability, it didn't help the result of the game.After all, in the semi-finals of the Champions League, the gap between the two goals is too huge.What's more, what Inter Milan has to face is Fiorentina, which has an extremely strong defensive ability, which undoubtedly further increases the difficulty for the Nerazzurri to chase points.

In the end, when the referee announced the end of the game, the Inter Milan players who were like walking dead on the court fell to their knees on the turf of the Frankie Stadium and wept bitterly, as if their strength had been drained from their bodies.Because in this crucial battle, they lost to Florence with almost no resistance, and were blocked from the gate of the Champions League final by the opponent!

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