The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1176 Battle at Old Trafford

PS1: Those who continue to ask for recommendation tickets here say that free books do not require everyone to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets, right?We are here thank you~

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

Fiorentina's unsuccessful quick counterattack set the tone of the entire game. The two teams, both of which invested heavily in the midfield, devoted more energy to the confrontation in the midfield in the following time, even if they occasionally caught Taking advantage of the opportunity of the opponent's pass error to hit a counterattack or two, it is often destroyed by the opponent because the own side invests too little force on the offensive end.

"Ha~" Little Groz covered her mouth and let out a big yawn. After watching the game for such a long time, she didn't get a goal, and she didn't even see a few shots. It was indeed a bit boring, "Antonio, you are so right, I really should ask someone to bring a few movies to relieve boredom, this game is really boring."

"Haha..." Zhuang Mingge, who was feasting his eyes on the lazy posture of little Groz, smiled unscrupulously and said, "I told you a long time ago that this game will make many Non-professionals are bored. After all, Lippi and Heynckes, the two head coaches, are both masters of tactical design. They value defense very much and they will not let the team act rashly in such a critical situation. So I think, their original plan was to choose to defend and counterattack at the beginning of the game, and then make corresponding adjustments according to the opponent's tactics, so as to grasp the initiative of the game. It's just that they didn't expect that the opponent actually adopted a complete counterattack against themselves. The same game strategy, which is the key reason why this final is so dull."

"Although you did say it, I didn't expect them to play so conservatively." Hearing Zhuang Mingge's answer, Little Groz pursed his lips and said unhappily, "This is the final of the Champions Cup. Playing so ugly, they are not afraid of fans complaining after the game."

"It is precisely because this is the final of the Champions League that everyone treats it like this." Zhuang Mingge watched Ballack and Nedved accidentally bump into each other in order to compete for the ball. He said, "However, despite the dullness of the scene, from a professional point of view, the technical and tactical content of this final is still very high. Whether it is our Fiorentina or Juventus, they have shown their best in this game. Players They performed their respective defensive tasks almost impeccably. If it weren't for that, the game would have been decided."

As analyzed by Zhuang Minge, the players on both sides did play their best form tonight, building their respective defenses like iron walls, preventing Vieri, Trezeguet and others from being helpless.

For Juventus, Iuliano, Montero and others teamed up to withstand the impact of Vieri. Although the latter's force against the sky made it very difficult for them to defend, the arrangement of Lippi's three central defenders made Montero They can take turns to draw two people to mark Vieri, leaving one to concentrate on recovering.

Facing Juventus' wheel tactic, Vieri could only grit his teeth and make a tough stop based on Heynckes' pre-match tactic, relying on his personal ability to attack the opponent's defense, instead of attacking as usual. Sometimes there is a group of teammates around him to help him stretch the space.

Although many people think that Juventus is incapable of causing much trouble for Fiorentina in this Champions League final, Vieri, who has had many exchanges with Heynckes, knows in his heart that Juventus lost the league mainly because they The depth of the bench is not as strong as Fiorentina.If we only talk about the main lineup, even if the Bianconeri with famous generals such as Nedved and Trezeguet cannot gain the upper hand, they will definitely not lose to Viola.

Vieri was very convinced of Heynckes' ability, so he obeyed the arrangement of the German coach and was willing to fight alone in the frontcourt.If other people had arranged this way, Vieri would have turned his back on him long ago.After all, this way of playing football will cause considerable damage to the player's body, and it may even shorten the life span of his career if he is not careful.

After staying in Florence for so many years, Vieri, who has been influenced by Carter and other experts, has much richer knowledge in sports medicine than in his previous life, so he naturally pays more attention to body maintenance than in his previous life.It can also be seen that Heynckes' position in Vieri's heart has reached the point where he can fight his opponent regardless of his body.

Looking at Fiorentina again, although their offensive routines were tightly sealed by their opponents, in the same way, Juventus players also did nothing under the defense of Fiorentina players.Trezeguet had only one shot that was within the range of the goal frame throughout the game. Nedved and Camoranesi spent most of their energy on the confrontation with the Fiorentina midfielder, and there was no difference at all. The strength is used in the attack.

Seeing that the players were at a stalemate on the field, and the tactical adjustments they made did not have much effect, the two head coaches began to deploy troops off the field, trying to change the situation in front of them through substitutions.However, these substitutions also did not have much positive effect. Under the tight defense of both sides, the score on the field was still zero to zero, without any changes.

And just like that, when Merck blew the nine 10-minute whistle, Fiorentina and Juventus ended a goalless draw at Old Trafford and had to go into extra time that every team loves to hate. !

You must know that the overtime stage of this Champions Cup final adopts the golden ball system, that is, as long as one side scores a goal within half an hour, the game can be declared over, and the side that scores first will get Win the game and win the Big Ears Cup!

Faced with this situation, neither Lippi nor Heynckes dared to take risks.After all, what a head coach like them who likes to bring the game under their control fears most is the situation where there is no room to fight back once they make a mistake.Therefore, during the period before the start of overtime, the two head coaches invariably gave the same order to the players, that is, to concentrate on defending their own half in the overtime and not to let the opponent have a scoring distance. Opportunities in the 30-meter zone of the goal!

Therefore, under another unconscious collision between Heynckes and Lippi in tactical arrangements, Fiorentina and Juventus, who were on the defensive, still did not make any achievements in this half-hour overtime match, and ended with zero to zero. After the 120-minute game, we ushered in a penalty shootout that most tested the players' psychological quality!

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