The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1177 Battle at Old Trafford

PS1: Those who continue to ask for recommendation tickets here say that free books do not require everyone to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets, right?We are here thank you~

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

PS3: In the morning, I saw that the Warriors were killed by the Bucks as I expected, and now I am having a carnival...

"Huh~ Tony, I think it's time to propose to FIFA to abolish the golden ball system." After the drowsy overtime, Karin, who had finally regained her energy, complained to Zhuang Mingge , "I think the implementation of the golden ball system has not received the desired effect. Instead, the teams have become more conservative in their tactics and the game has become dull. In the long run, this will inevitably have a negative impact on the development of football. certain negative impact."

"Well, what you said is absolutely right." Zhuang Mingge nodded, agreeing with Karin's opinion, "The purpose of FIFA's introduction of the golden ball system back then was to attack those teams that blindly defended the game in order to win. , but with the passage of time, the golden goal system has become a reason for teams to choose a defensive strategy in overtime. I think this is not the result that FIFA hopes to see when it passes the resolution of the golden goal system .”

In fact, since the 02 World Cup, protests from national football associations against the golden ball system have become louder and louder.Especially Italy, which suffered from the golden ball in the Korea-Japan World Cup, has become a vanguard against the golden ball system!

Under the strong protests of the national football associations, FIFA President Johansson was naturally happy to do this kind of favor, and he overturned Havelange's Golden Ball system at the latest FIFA Congress, and announced that he will start from September this year. The silver ball system will be implemented from the first day of the month.That is to say, after the game enters the overtime stage, the judgment condition for the scoring team to win will change from the moment of scoring to the end of the second half of overtime.In other words, after adopting the silver ball system, even if a player scores a goal in overtime, the game will not end immediately, but wait until the referee blows the whistle for the end of the first half of overtime. Then the final winner is determined based on the score on the field.

The reason why this resolution was dragged on for nearly a year before being passed at the meeting is mainly because Johansson has been working on cleaning the Havelange faction within FIFA during this period.After experiencing a World Cup in Korea and Japan that left a very bad impression on fans all over the world, Sepp Blatter, the Secretary-General of FIFA who is in charge of commanding the overall situation in South Korea, has become a street mouse that everyone shouts and beats.In this way, Johansson, who is already at the enemy of Havelange and his successor Blatter, will naturally seize the opportunity to add insult to injury and vigorously suppress the power of this faction, thereby enhancing his voice within FIFA.

What's more, Johansson's purge this time can be said to be famous.After all, Blatter's series of actions during the World Cup in Korea and Japan had a huge negative impact on the World Cup, a football event with a long history, and the official image of FIFA. Te produced strong dissatisfaction.

Worst of all, under the investigation of some interested people (Zhuang Mingge said that it was definitely not his handwriting), the sudden large deposits of unknown origin in Blatter's Swiss bank account were also made public.And Blatter himself was unable to explain clearly the source of these funds to the public and investigators. This incident caused the Swiss to face enormous pressure from public opinion and investigations from the legal department.

Although Blatter stated in an interview that these deposits came from his legitimate income, and claimed that the incident was a deliberate frame for him, the credibility of these statements is not clear when he cannot clearly explain the source of the unknown money. Obviously not high.

Let’s stop here for the time being about Blatter. All in all, with the end of this FIFA conference, it has become a certainty to cancel the golden ball system and replace it with a more reasonable silver ball system.

At this time, under the leadership of the referee, the players from both sides once again set foot on the lawn of the Old Trafford Stadium, preparing for the most thrilling and exciting penalty shootout in football matches!

Trezeguet was the first to set foot on the [-]-yard point. Facing Buffon, who was posing in front of the goal, the center forward of the French national team cleanly scored the ball into the lower right corner of the goal after a run-up!

One to zero!Juventus go first!

"Damn it!" Seeing that Trezeguet had tricked Buffon and shot the ball into the goal from the opposite direction, Heynckes waved his fist depressedly and complained to Ferrara next to him. Kid is clearly the top-notch talent in goalkeeping, and is well-deserved No.1 in international football today in terms of ability, but why does he act so ordinary when it comes to saving penalties?"

"Uh, I'm not very clear about this. It was also during training. When it comes to saving a penalty kick, Buffon's performance is completely different from that in the game." Regarding Heynckes' complaint, Ferrara I didn't know how to answer, so I had to say a few words casually, "Perhaps Buffon thought too much about the penalty kick, which interfered with his judgment. If he can save the penalty kick like Toldo It might be a lot better to rely more on your intuition than your head when you're doing it."

"..." Heynckes was also a little speechless after hearing Ferrara's explanation, but he never thought about this possibility.After all, things like intuition are really mysterious to the Germans, and it is unscientific to attribute Buffon's lack of improvement in penalty kicks to this.

Although Trezeguet made a good start for the Bianconeri, Juventus were not happy for long, because Ballack then played with a powerful volley through Frey's ten fingers to tie the score. One to one tie!Although the young French goalkeeper judged the ball correctly, but Ballack's shot was too powerful and he could not catch it at all.

Immediately afterwards, the very different performances of Bilindley and Vieri, who took the penalty kick in the second round, caused Juventus to suffer another heavy blow.Although his shot bypassed Buffon's blocking, but because of excessive pursuit of the shooting angle, it hit the outside post of the goal and popped the bottom line; Vieri, who played on behalf of Fiorentina, used the same method as Ballack to take the penalty. A steady penalty scored and helped Fiorentina overtake the score!

What made Juventus fans even more frightened was that Nedved, who was third on the field, also missed at the twelve-yard point.Although Buffon still failed to save the penalty shot by the Czech iron man, Nedved was also unable to help the Bianconeri level the score. His shot just hit the crossbar and bounced into the penalty area instead of flying into Buffon. Behind the goal!

Although Nedved then vented his anger and pumped the ball into the goal, his move did not help. After all, penalty shootouts are all one-shot deals, and he will never be given a second chance to shoot.

In this way, relying on the consecutive misses of Bilindley and Nedved, Fiorentina has a great advantage in this penalty shootout.As long as Nesta, who will play next, can hit a penalty kick, then Fiorentina, which leads [-] to [-], will get the match point of this Champions League final in advance!

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