The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1247 Busy February

PS1: The update on Sunday was delivered a little late. I hope that readers will not pay too much attention to the update time, and I promise not to stop updating...

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

Some people may think that stars like Vieri and Inzaghi should have a lot of annual salary and various commercial sponsorship contracts, and they can earn tens of millions of dollars in a year. Why? Will he still be tempted by the bonus of the All-Star Game?This is obviously unscientific!

Indeed, due to Zhuang Mingge, Fiorentina is far ahead of most clubs in terms of commercial development and star image promotion. Only a few clubs such as Manchester United and Real Madrid can not fall behind in this regard, plus the salaries of the players Has always been among the top ranks in Europe, so most Fiorentina players generally earn much more than players of the same level in terms of total income.

Having said that, please don’t forget that the money earned by Vieri and the others is pre-tax income, and they still need to pay all taxes to the Italian government before they can get their share .

You know, the personal income tax rate that Serie A players need to pay is the highest among the four major European leagues, and the total is as high as 50%!That's a lot more than the Bundesliga and the Premier League, not to mention La Liga, which has imposed the Beckham Act under pressure from Real Madrid.

In other words, for every dollar of after-tax wages paid by Serie A clubs to players, they also need to pay a dollar of tax to the Italian government.Excessive tax rates make Serie A clubs have to spend more on player salaries than clubs in other leagues.Only in this way can they retain those capable players and avoid being poached by teams in other leagues with high salaries.

After all, in this age of the Bosman Act, not many players want to see themselves paid less than players at their level because of different tax rates.Therefore, Italy's excessive tax rate has greatly increased the financial burden on Serie A clubs.

Although under the suggestion and influence of Zhuang Minge, Prodi has been working hard to try to reduce the tax rate in this area, but due to the overall sluggish economic environment in Italy in recent years, most members of the parliament do not agree with this proposal.In their view, if this most important fiscal revenue is cut, it will inevitably have a negative impact on the government's future fiscal budget.

That's why Vieri and the others are very excited about this bonus - whoever made the government collect taxes is too harsh, and the landlord's family has no surplus food!

What moved them the most was that under the strong "suggestion" of the Italian Football Association and a group of football bigwigs, the Italian government finally listened to their opinions humbly and announced that it would not levy personal income tax on the players' bonuses !

After the news came out, all the players who were about to participate in the All-Star Game couldn't help cheering.And this undoubtedly greatly stimulated their desire for victory.According to regulations, the winning side can get more bonuses. Therefore, the players who were dissatisfied because of the occupation of the Christmas holiday were gearing up one after another, and their attitude towards the All-Star Game also took a 180-degree turn.

The above is why Vieri and the others are so tempted by this bonus.You know, a bonus of up to hundreds of thousands of dollars that does not need to pay taxes is enough for them to spend a Christmas holiday happily!

Fans obviously don't know about these psychological activities of the players, let alone that not long ago, the players were dissatisfied with the All-Star Game taking up their precious vacation time.For them, being able to see a feast belonging to the stars before Christmas is simply a perfect Christmas gift!

In this way, the time came to one o'clock in the afternoon on December 12, the day before Christmas.The first Serie A All-Star Game will be staged at the Olympic Stadium in Rome in an hour!

It has to be said that the Italian Football Association is quite conscientious. It did not arrange the game on Christmas Day like the NBA, nor did it play on Christmas Eve, which is most valued by Westerners.Even though they have begun to pay attention to the image of the league and commercial promotion, they are still very moral, at least they have not completely fallen into the eyes of money.

Although there is still a full hour before the start of the game, the Olympic Stadium in Rome, which can accommodate [-] spectators, is already full at this time, and the fans can't wait to see this All-Star performance.

Seeing the fans waving all kinds of flags and slogans in the stands so enthusiastically, and there were bursts of cheering in their ears, the players couldn't help but be infected by this atmosphere, before the referee said something He ran out of the player channel and waved to the fans in the stands.And this triggered even bigger cheers in the stands.

Seeing this group of unruly players, Collina, who served as the referee of the game, couldn't help but smile knowingly, and didn't run out to spoil the atmosphere because of such a trivial matter.Because he knew that this game was different from the official games he had enforced in the past, and there was no need to strictly abide by many rules.

To create a festival that belongs to all Serie A fans, and at the same time promote the name of Serie A to the whole world, so that more people know and like Serie A, this is the meaning of the Serie A All-Star Game.

Now let me introduce the starting lineups of the two teams, let's talk about the Italian All-Star team first.The goalkeeper position naturally belongs to Buffon, who is known as the world's number one goalkeeper, and Toldo, who is also top-notch, was squeezed to the bench; on the defense line, Maldini and Zambrotta served as left and right full-backs respectively. The central defender combination is Nesta and Cannavaro; in the midfield, Ambrosini and Tomasi are responsible for providing defensive hardness and sweeping in front of the penalty area, and Pirlo is responsible for controlling the rhythm of the game and sorting out the team. The task, and took the initiative to hand over the work of connecting the frontcourt organization and offense that most attracts the attention of fans to Roberto Baggio.Obviously, Pirlo is using this method to express his respect to this senior.

There is no need to say more about the forward line. Vieri and Inzaghi have already locked these two places. Totti, who is slightly less popular, can only sit on the bench with his two teammates Tony and Cassano. .

In fact, Totti is also unlucky enough. If it weren't for Robert Baggio, a popular superstar in the front midfielder, and Vieri and Inzaghi, the top-notch and handsome partners on the front line, he would definitely be able to Qualified for an All-Star starter.Unlike now, he can only wait for the three players in the front court to be physically exhausted, and at the same time, he has to pass Capello's level to wait for the chance to play.

"Next year, next year I will definitely be the starter in the All-Star Game." Looking at Baggio and the others enviously, Totti made up his mind and thought.

Fortunately, Baggio will retire after this season, and he will never have the opportunity to participate in the All-Star Game.Otherwise, Totti would have to wait for this All-Star starting qualification to become a lookout stone...

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