The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1248 Serie A All-Star

PS1: This is today's update, it's a little late, I hope you guys don't pay too much attention to the update time, I promise I won't stop updating...

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

PS3: I wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival~

Let's put aside Totti, who is depressed because he didn't get the starting qualification, and let's take a look at the movements of other Italian players.

"Hahahaha..." Cassano smiled triumphantly, using the seat and terrain to dodge left and right, "Idiot, idiot Grandoni, Grandoni with strong limbs and simple mind~"

"Cassano! You little bastard, if you have the guts, stop and don't run!" At the same time, Grandoni had an angry expression on his face. It must be the feeling of wanting to tear Cassano apart, "You actually sprinkled chili powder in my drink while I wasn't paying attention, you are asking for your own death!"

It turned out that after the players from both sides entered the field, Grandoni, who was sitting on the bench, picked up the Gatorade beside him and took a sip. Paprika goes in.As a result, the unsuspecting Grandoni became the victim of Cassano's prank.

"Tsk, if you tell me to stop, I will stop? How embarrassing for me~" As he said, Cassano moved a few steps to the right, dodging another pounce from Grandoni, and at the same time He smiled and said, "I'm just standing here, come and beat me if you have the ability?"


"Hey, you both stop me quickly. Don't forget, this is the scene of the All-Star game, so many fans are watching us." I found that Grandoni and Cassano were performing full martial arts on the field Vieri and Materazzi, who were originally only planning to watch the excitement from the sidelines, suddenly turned pale with fright, and rushed over to separate them, so as not to cause any irreversible consequences under the eyes of everyone.

After stopping the furious Grandoni, Vieri turned his head and said to Cassano who was winking at the side: "Cassano, you boy, give me a break. Even if it's a prank, you do it this time." It might be a little too much.”

"Huh? Ah, I know~" Discovering that it was Vieri who spoke, and Capello was also watching not far away, Cassano had no choice but to nod in agreement.Now he is just a big boy in his early 20s with a childlike innocence. He is full of aura on the court and is regarded as the star of hope in Italy. He has not yet developed into the locker room tumor. I still know some priorities, "Well, idiot. This time, for the sake of Christian (Vieri) and others, I won't care about it with you. Let's shake hands and make peace."

"Let go of me, if you don't beat up this little bastard today, I'll just..." Grandoni became furious when he heard that Cassano didn't mean to admit his mistake at all, and wanted to rush up and beat Cassano twice fist.However, he who was hugged tightly by Vieri was obviously no match for the former in terms of strength, so he could only pant heavily and stare fiercely at Cassano, who had a face of indifference.

However, before Grandoni had another attack and made the matter develop in a more serious direction (at this time, the fans thought that Grandoni and Cassano were just fighting on the sidelines), Maldini He appeared by his side and grabbed him: "Calm down! If you want to go crazy, wait until the game is over and find a gym to do strength training. What's the matter here?"

At this time, Maldini can be said to be quite angry. He planned to finish the game in a harmonious and warm atmosphere, and gave it to his old friend Roberto Baggio as a retirement gift.But what Maldini didn't expect was that Grandoni and Cassano made trouble on the sidelines before the game started.

Seeing that his plan was about to be destroyed by these two ignorant bastards, how could Maldini not be angry?

"...I understand, Captain. I assure you, I will never make trouble in this game!" Seeing Maldini's sharp eyes, Grandoni felt a sudden shock in his heart, and his anger could not help dissipating many.After all, Maldini has played for AC Milan for more than ten years, and his authority and influence within the Rossoneri are far from what Grandoni can compare.Therefore, when he saw Maldini showing signs of getting angry, Grandoni resolutely gave up, and ran to the other end of the bench under the watchful eyes of his own captain.

On the other side, Cassano also persuaded Capello, Baggio and others to return to their seats, and sat at both ends of the bench with Grandoni to reduce the possibility of conflict between the two later.

It stands to reason that with Cassano's character, even Capello and Totti may not be able to get him out so quickly.But who made Baggio Cassano's childhood idol?The idols have spoken in front of him, and Cassano will naturally not lose face.

"Are you also so happy in your usual life?" Seeing that Cassano was surrounded by Baggio asking this and that with a look of admiration, Nesta quietly asked Totti, who was close to him, with a teasing look on his face. .

"Hey, he's always been like this. He doesn't show signs of maturity at all. Even I have been tricked." Regarding Nesta's question, Totti didn't hide it, and answered truthfully, "This kid just doesn't grow up like that." It’s as big as it is, and it turns over like a book, you don’t know that you will provoke him because of some trivial matter, and you will make a lot of it in the end.”

"Yes, yes, this kid is simply a troublemaker, and his ability to play tricks is simply world-class." At this time, Tomasi and Tony also joined the conversation between the two, "No matter how careful we are, In the end, it will basically be recruited.”

"It seems that you two have been spoofed by him." Looking at the two former teammates with sad faces, Nesta patted their shoulders with emotion, "Can you survive in this environment?" , it’s really not easy for you.”

"Why don't you talk to Coach Capello and invite Roberto (Baggio) to join the Roma coaching staff after he retires, and keep an eye on Cassano every day?" Tomasi's words directly expressed all the players present. The voice of the Roma players.It seems that Cassano's ability to cause trouble has reached the point where everyone has a headache.

In fact, if Cassano's ability and talent were not outstanding and made it difficult for the Club of Rome to give up, I am afraid that this bad boy would have been driven out of the Eternal City by Capello.

"Our environment in Florence is better. If there is such a treasure as Cassano, I'm afraid I will lose at least ten years of life." Seeing the expression on Tomasi's expression after saying this, and the expressions on the faces of Totti and others It was the first time that Nesta was so glad that he was playing in Florence.

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