The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1257 The Story of the Winter Break

PS1: This is today's update, it's a little late, I hope you guys don't pay too much attention to the update time, I promise I won't stop updating...

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

After being declined by Baggio, Al Thani, who realized that there was nothing to do, immediately changed his goal, and successively sent invitations to Batistuta, Albertini and others, hoping that they would consider the Qatar League. Playing football, contributing to Qatar's football development...

As for the result... Although everyone present did not make any rude moves in front of Al Thani **** out of politeness, it can be seen from the impatient eyes of these players that Qatar People's poaching operation obviously did not receive the effect they expected.Compared with Zhuang Mingge's previous life, the attitude of these veterans towards the recruitment of Qataris has obviously taken a 180-degree turn.

The reason why the attitudes of these veterans have changed so much is that, on the one hand, with the deepening of the commercialization of Serie A, the financial situation of the Serie A teams has improved significantly compared to the previous life, allowing them to pay more for their players. The high salary makes many veterans more willing to stay in the team rather than go to West Asia for gold. In addition, the Italian Football Association has issued various policies, requiring Serie A clubs to pay attention to their own players and youth training. Many clubs have begun to focus on These veterans with rich experience and certain combat power are willing to keep them in the team. (Because most of the veterans have obtained Italian citizenship, which meets the Italian Football Association's definition of "national players")

In the end, Zhuang Mingge, who really couldn't stand it anymore, came forward and took the indomitable Al Thani from the court, which ended the Qatari's unsuccessful poaching operation.

In the interviews and surveys after the game, the vast majority of fans expressed their satisfaction with the first Serie A All-Star Game.After all, it is possible to see those stars who usually belong to each other gather together to fight side by side, and it is such an exciting goal battle, especially Roberto Baggio, who is extremely popular among the fans, is still playing after the game. Won the title of MVP of the first Serie A All-Star Game.All this made the fans very excited.

In such an atmosphere, it is naturally impossible for the Italian media to openly disagree with the fans.Therefore, in the past few days after the All-Star Game, the Italian media all praised the decision of the Italian Football Association to hold the Serie A All-Star Game. In this way, let Serie A All-Stars become a big festival for football fans all over the world!

In fact, without these media making suggestions, the Italian Football Association has long had this intention.Because hosting the All-Star Game not only brought a high degree of attention to Italian football and Serie A, but also brought a lot of financial revenue to the Italian Football Association. Countless companies took the initiative to come to their door to send a large amount of sponsorship contracts. , I just hope to get a chance to advertise in the All-Star Game.

No one would ever struggle with unsolicited money, would they?Not to mention that these incomes are legitimate income, and the Football Association has no reason to voluntarily refuse to quit.

However, although the Italian media overwhelmingly sang praises for the Serie A All-Star Game, the media in other countries obviously did not fully agree with this.For example, the Germans, who have always been known for their rigor and seriousness, believe that the All-Star Game is certainly a feast for fans, but this kind of game does not have much real meaning, it can only be regarded as a game with a strong commercial atmosphere It's just an exhibition match.Therefore, the German Football Association was not very keen on following the example of the Italian Football Association to hold a so-called "Bundesliga All-Star", and rejected the proposal at the meeting.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the rapid decline in the influence of the Bundesliga in recent years and the scarcity of big-name players.After all, the key to hosting the All-Star Game is to have a large enough number of big-name stars. The Bundesliga has few stars, and Bayern Munich is still the only one in Germany. Clubs such as Leverkusen and Dortmund are capable of causing trouble for it. The past few seasons have also fallen.Therefore, under such circumstances, the German Football Association really does not have the conditions to host the All-Star Game.

At this time, the French and Spanish media were full of envy and hatred. They wrote articles complaining about their national football associations, asking them to learn from the Italian Football Association and hold the All-Star Game next season. But he couldn't even drink the soup.

But having said that, the Spanish Football Association has the capital to hold the All-Star Game, because La Liga has top giants like Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​as well as powerful teams like Valencia and Deportivo, and there are also many stars. The style of play can also attract a large number of fans.But the French Football Association is more sad, because the situation of the Ligue [-] is not as good as the Bundesliga, not to mention the big-name players, even the top giants do not have one...

Compared with the objectivity of the Germans and the envy and hatred of the French and Spaniards, the English media, as always, showed their arrogance and ignorance.On the second day after the successful holding of the Serie A All-Star Game, the FA announced that it will hold the Premier League All-Star Game in February next year, and expressed confidence in the interview that this event is definitely more exciting than the Serie A All-Star Game Much more!

I really don't know where the FA's confidence comes from. They dare to hold the All-Star Game at this delicate time in February next year. Are they not afraid of affecting the performance of the Premier League team in the Champions League?

You must know that England has always been famous in Europe for its intensive schedule, not to mention that by the end of February, not only the Premier League will enter a critical period of the championship, but the Champions League will also reignite the battle.At that time, it is really unknown how many stars and clubs will be willing to support the FA who made this stupid decision.

After all, the FA does not have the power to operate the Premier League. If they really don't come to support them, the FA will have nothing to do with them.

With the much-anticipated Serie A All-Star Game slowly coming to an end under the watchful eyes of the fans, Italian football has officially entered the annual winter break.The players who participated in the All-Star game packed their bags and went to all over the world in the first place to spend a late Christmas holiday with their families or girlfriends.

Compared with the players who went to enjoy the holidays, the management of various Serie A clubs seem to be quite hardworking.Because they will appear in their respective jobs immediately after spending Christmas, actively making final preparations for the upcoming winter transfer period.

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