The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1258 The Story of the Winter Break

PS1: This is today's update, it's a little late, I hope you guys don't pay too much attention to the update time, I promise I won't stop updating...

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

PS3: Thanks to the book friend "zzllss" for the reward.

After months of observation and actual combat tests, all Serie A teams have a clear understanding of their current lineup.Therefore, in order to better achieve the goals they set before the start of the season, each team needs to use the opportunity of this winter break to make final adjustments to the team lineup according to their actual situation, so that the team can play well during the winter break. Then launch a sprint to their goal!

For example, Inter Milan, since being reminded by Zhuang Mingge in the Serie A All-Star Game, Moratti gave up his plan to fire Cooper in the middle of the season, and began to think about how to update the Nerazzurri.

Indeed, as Zhuang Mingge said, the current Inter Milan team's main players are indeed a little too old.The main goalkeeper Toldo is already a 32-year-old veteran, and Zanetti, Cannavaro, Materazzi, Keely Gonzalez and others have also entered the 30-year-old threshold.Therefore, for Inter Milan, they should really put the introduction of fresh blood and the cultivation of reserve forces on the agenda.

Therefore, Moratti told Facchetti the names of several young players recommended to him by Zhuang Mingge, such as Ibrahimovic, Sneijder, and Carvalho, and asked the latter to arrange special personnel to deal with these players. transfer matters.

It seems that after experiencing countless painful lessons in the transfer market, Boss Mo finally understands what it means to specialize in the art industry, and knows that transfer operations should be handled by professionals, not by him who is easy to be passionate. The boss, who is more likely to be deceived and abducted by others, came out in person.

Originally, neither Facchetti nor Moratti paid much attention to these transfers.After all, the club where these players are now has a big gap with Inter Milan in terms of reputation and environment, and this gap is enough to make any player excited.And Terry, who is the only player in the four major leagues, is not very difficult to poach corners because Chelsea, where he plays, is facing an extremely serious financial crisis.

(Note: Due to Abramovich's entry into Lazio in this life, Chelsea, which used the financial resources of a Russian tycoon to become a wealthy club in the previous life, failed to get this life-saving money in the summer. Therefore, Chelsea, facing great financial pressure, had to sell the team Among the players, Terry, who is young and widely favored by the outside world, was naturally put on the shelves by Bates.)

Therefore, in the view of Facchetti and Moratti, these players will definitely not refuse the offer from the Nerazzurri.

However, what Facchetti and Boss Mo didn't expect was that they had just made offers to these clubs, and then hit a snag in the transfer of Ibrahimovic and Sneijder.Because the Ajax club gave a clear reply, saying that they are unwilling to sell Ibrahimovic and Sneijder this winter!

It is not surprising that Ajax would respond in such a way.You know, after the disastrous first half of the season, the value of Ajax players has shrunk significantly compared to the summer, and Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Van der Vaart, who are regarded as locker room bombs, are even more so. The value plummeted.At the same time, affected by the global economic downturn, it is difficult for players to sell at a high price as easily as in previous years.The combination of these two factors makes Ajax unwilling to sell the Swede at a low price at this time.

Although they made many mistakes in team management, Ajax's ability to evaluate young players is the top in Europe. Of course, they can see the huge potential in Ibrahimovic. How could they send him away at a low price?

Ibrahimovic is still the case, not to mention Sneijder.It is impossible for Ajax to send away a good seed early, because it will only make them lose a lot of income in vain.

Of course, the Ajax people are not fools. After rejecting the offer from Inter Milan, they immediately contacted Ibrahimovic and Sneijder by phone, and promised them a lot of promises and benefits, so that they can stay at home with peace of mind. Play for the team instead of being seduced by Inter Milan with a high salary.

Some people may think that since Ajax can offer a price that makes players willing to stay in the team, wouldn't Inter Milan, which is better than the opponent in every aspect, not be able to offer the same treatment?

To be honest, Inter Milan may not be able to drive it.Take Sneijder as an example. Ajax can promise him a stable playing time and main position. Is it possible for Inter Milan?Take Cooper's attitude towards technical midfielders such as Morfeo and Emre to know how Sneijder will be treated by the Argentine coach when he joins the Nerazzurri at this time.If one fails, it is possible for this talented midfielder to be wiped out.

In this way, Inter Milan's attempt to poach Ibrahimovic and Sneijder during the winter transfer period encountered Waterloo at the very beginning, and Facchetti had to temporarily postpone the implementation of this plan.See when Ajax intends to sell someone, and then find an opportunity to intervene.

Although the transfer of Sneijder and Ibrahimovic has hit a snag, but in the transaction of Terry and Carvalho, Inter Milan has not encountered many obstacles, and they won the deal easily with US dollars. Two players have found successors for Materazzi and the others.

However, since both Terry and Carvalho have played in the Champions League this season, it is impossible to represent the Nerazzurri in the Champions League, so Inter Milan decided to postpone these two transfers until next summer.In other words, Inter Milan has already booked Terry and Carvalho, just waiting to bring them to Pinettina next summer.

Compared with the extremely busy Palazzo Durini (Inter Milan's headquarters), the Florence headquarters is extremely calm at this time.After all, although Fiorentina has experienced ups and downs in multi-line combat this season, this is mainly due to the long-distance travel and overwork of the players, and has nothing to do with the team's own configuration.

What's more, Zhuang Mingge had promised Heynckes before, allowing him to give young players enough training opportunities while guaranteeing the Champions League and one of the league's results.Therefore, Zhuang Mingge does not intend to make any adjustments to the first team lineup during this winter transfer period.You must know that under normal circumstances, most giants teams will not operate on the team framework when it is running well, because it is likely to destroy the existing chemical reaction of the team, and then trigger a series of unpredictable events. s consequence.

In this way, in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, Florence bid farewell to 2003, which was full of commemorative significance, and came to 2004, which was full of unknowns.

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