The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1268 Super Laco

PS1: This is an update on Sunday, a little bit late, I hope readers don’t pay too much attention to the update time, and I promise not to stop updating...

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

PS3: Here I would like to thank the book friend "Qilian Kunlun" for the reward.

The Fiorentina players were very dissatisfied with Merck signaling that Valeron's goal was valid.The closest Makelele and De Rossi ran to the German at the first time and signaled to him that Belleron was already in an offside position before the shot. Deportivo's goal was actually invalid. .

No wonder Makelele and the others were so excited.After all, if this goal is confirmed to be valid, the total score of the two rounds of the two rounds will become four to three, and Fiorentina's lead in the first round will also be wiped out-if Depco is on the receiving end. Another goal in the down time, then Fiorentina will be completely at a disadvantage in this round of knockout due to fewer away goals!

Merk did not choose to ignore the doubts raised by the Fiorentina players, but asked the linesman immediately.After all, Deporto's counterattack just now was too fast. Merck hadn't arrived at the position when Belleron shot, so at this time, he needed to refer to the opinion of the line referee who was closer to the incident.

To the surprise of the Fiorentina players, the lineman actually signaled to Merck with a serious face that Belleron was not offside when receiving the ball. This is a good ball without a problem!

"WTF!" Seeing that the linesman said that Belleron was not offside, Nesta, who has always been gentle and gentle, couldn't help cursing, "That Deport No. 21 (Beleron) was definitely offside before receiving the ball, otherwise how could I It may give him a chance to hit an empty goal!"

At the same time, there was no slow-motion replay of the goal on the big screen of the stadium, but it began to continuously display-in any case, the Riazor Stadium is the territory of Deportivo, and of course they This kind of controversial picture will not be brought to the public for analysis.

So, with the support of the linesman and no TV replays for his further analysis, Merck decided to declare the goal of Valeron valid.After all, this is Deportivo's home court, so it is necessary to give the home team some face.Therefore, although there are still some doubts about this goal, Florence can only be wronged.The decision of the Germans, while cheering the Depor fans in the Riazor Stadium, naturally caused strong dissatisfaction among the Fiorentina players.

"What are you bastards doing!" Just as the Fiorentina players were excited, led by Nesta and Pirlo, they surrounded Merck and tried to ask the referee for an explanation, an angry voice came out. The news suddenly reached their ears, and everyone present couldn't help shivering, "Hurry up and go back and prepare to continue the game. What's the matter if you all gather here!"

Seeing Heynckes go crazy, Pirlo and others had no choice but to give up their plan to continue entanglement, and returned to their respective positions with depressed faces, waiting for the game to restart.

With the help of Heynckes, Merkle, who managed to escape from the encirclement of Fiorentina players, was going to express his gratitude to his German compatriot, but found that the other party was also staring at him, and the eyes full of resentment made this The "dentist" referee couldn't help but get goosebumps.

"Uh... Is my whistle a bit too loose in this game? Look at the expressions of the Fiorentina players. If the game continues like this, there will be a full blown fight." Until then, Merck realized It seems that his law enforcement standards in this game seem to be too loose.Otherwise, with the temper of the Fiorentina players, they would never express their dissatisfaction to him publicly, let alone stare at the Deportivo players with eyes like enemies.

Due to his professional relationship, Merck often officiated Fiorentina games in European arenas, so he has a fairly full understanding of the professionalism of Fiorentina players.The famous German post knew that if the opponent hadn't gone too far, these players would never get mad easily.

It is precisely because of such an understanding of Florence that after noticing the emotional ups and downs of Pirlo and others, Merck reflected in his heart, wondering if he had been too indulgent with Laco before?

Although the referees are used to giving more care to the home team when they call off the game, this does not mean that they will ignore all the actions of the home team.And now, Merck believes that Deportivo have benefited too much in the previous time, and they can no longer take care of them when whistling.Otherwise, Fiorentina will definitely have opinions, and this will have a considerable negative impact on his reputation in European football.

Therefore, when Vieri kicked the ball from the center circle for the third time, the Deportivo player who planned to repeat the same trick suddenly found that the referee's whistle-blowing scale suddenly became much stricter. Defensive actions of common fouls will be severely punished by Merck during this period.

Everyone who has watched a football game should know that when the referee's whistle is tightened, the playing style is more iron-blooded, or the side with more defensive moves will be quite tragic.For Deportivo players who have adapted to the loose law enforcement environment before Merck, this change is even more fatal.

When Deportivo realized that the situation was wrong, four of their eleven starting players had been shown yellow cards by Merck.And the reasons for their yellow cards are without exception, they were all obtained by direct fouls against Fiorentina players in defense.

The sudden change in whistleblowing scale made Depor players feel very uncomfortable.After all, in the past few 10 minutes, they have become accustomed to directly using tactical fouls and small moves to stop Fiorentina's offense, and now they suddenly find that these tricks are not working, which will naturally make them hesitate in executing tactics.

Irueta on the sidelines naturally hated this change. He personally arranged the team's tactics. He didn't think it was the referee's intention to favor Fiorentina, but it was a pity. If Merck was more than ten minutes late Only by tightening the law enforcement, maybe Deportivo can even the total score...

However, despite this, the Depor players still stubbornly maintained the score of [-]-[-] until the end of the first half, and did not allow Fiorentina to take the opportunity to score and re-establish their shaky lead in the total score.

It can be said that it is already remarkable that the Deportivo players did not mess up because of this change by Merck.If it was replaced by a team with poor self-regulation ability, it might have been defeated by Fiorentina long ago.

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