The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1269 Super Laco

PS1: This is an update on Monday, a little bit late, I hope readers don't pay too much attention to the update time, and I promise not to stop updating...

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

"Although we finally stabilized our position after conceding the second goal, judging from the situation in the first half of the game, it is really not an easy task to win La Coruña smoothly." Karin said Holding her chest with her hands, she was still terrified by Laco's desperate attitude in the first half, and complained about Merck's penalty scale, "Really, if that referee whistled the game like this earlier, we It won’t be forced to the present situation, and it won’t fall behind zero to two.”

"Hey, Karin, what you said is a bit unreasonable." Zhuang Mingge looked at Karin who was full of resentment, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. To replicate the reversal miracle created by AC Milan in the previous life today, "Although the loose penalty scale is indeed one of the reasons why we fell behind in the first half, we cannot deny the strength of Deportivo for this reason. To You know, it is not a team like Real Madrid and Barcelona that have great privileges in Spain and can enjoy special treatment from all aspects in the game."

Zhuang Mingge did not say this to belittle Real Madrid and Barcelona. In fact, most giant clubs will receive certain care in their respective leagues.However, these cares are generally not very obvious. After all, the Football Association must also consider the acceptance of fans and the feelings of other teams.If it is played too far, it will easily arouse the disgust of the fans, which will damage the influence and overall image of the league.

From this point of view, the Spanish Football Association can be said to have done quite poorly.Because in the past few seasons, the Spanish Football Association's favoritism towards Real Madrid can be seen by fools.The most typical example is that in order to take care of Real Madrid's [-]th birthday, regardless of Deportivo's opposition and the uproar in the Spanish football world, the Copa del Rey final was advanced.

Some people may think that this arrangement of the schedule is a manifestation of the human touch of the Spanish Football Association.Then again, why didn't the Spanish Football Association pop up to organize commemorative activities for the old clubs such as Barcelona, ​​Deportivo and Athletic Bilbao when they were established for a hundred years?

"Well, that's true." Karin nodded, agreeing with Zhuang Mingge's statement, "If Deportivo didn't have some skills, then they wouldn't have failed in the 02 Copa del Rey final. Real Madrid's stadium. Until now, I still remember the smelly face of Florentino at that time."

"Haha, you can't let others hear this." Zhuang Mingge smiled and rubbed Karin's hair, which drew dissatisfied eyes from the latter, "If it reaches Florentino's ears, it will affect the It's about our relationship with Real Madrid."

At the same time, in the locker room of the visiting team, Heynckes is trying to instill the tactical arrangements for the second half to the players every minute: "Daniele (De Rossi), don't patronize to help Crowder (Mark) Lele) defense, assisting Andre (Pirlo) to share part of the organizational work is also one of your tasks. If you don’t have a clue, then you might as well think more about how Michael (Barack) plays on the field, so maybe It's more helpful to you."

"Understood, boss." De Rossi nodded vigorously. He also knew that his performance in the first half was very average. Not only did he fail to help his teammates contain Deportivo's offense on the defensive end, but he also Failed to play its due role.For De Rossi, who has always worked hard, he certainly couldn't bear his poor performance.

"So, do you remember? Our tactical arrangement for the second half of the game." Heynckes glanced around at the players in the locker room, and emphasized again uneasy, "It takes a lot of running to drag Defeat your opponents, if they dare to foul you, then you must not be soft-footed, let alone let your opponents easily break through the defense zone like in the first half!"

Vieri, Inzaghi and others all nodded with serious expressions. The game was going so well, even if they have always been heartless, they know that now is not the time to joke.

After all, if Depor is really allowed to complete the reversal in this game, then Fiorentina is bound to become the talk of fans and the media as the background of Super Depor for a long time to come.No player wants to be remembered for a defeat, and neither did Vieri.

The 15-minute intermission time passed quickly, and the players from both sides returned to the court gearing up, preparing to make a final fight for the semi-finals of the Champions League!

After all, if this game is lost in the end, then one side's Champions League journey this season will also be over.So at this critical moment, naturally no one would choose to retain their strength.

Therefore, after the whistle sounded to announce the start of the second half, the players of both sides immediately started a fierce fight in the midfield. Often, one side just got the ball and before it had time to organize an offensive, it would be directly stopped by the other side who was actively counter-grabbing. And nip this offense in the bud, so that the two teams formed an endless loop.

In this way, the two teams of Fiorentina and Deportivo began to fight extremely tragic hand-to-hand combat in the midfield. Players on both sides were constantly running, stealing, falling to the ground, and counter-robbing. The fierce physical confrontation made everyone sitting on the TV The people who watched the game before were all excited, not to mention the fans who came to the scene.

Because the two teams have invested too much energy in the midfield, the players have no extra energy to organize the offense. Therefore, during the period after the start of the second half, although the players of both sides played brilliantly on the court Four shots, but the score did not change in any way, it remained at two to zero, with the home team at the front and the visiting team at the back.

At this time, the referee of the game, Merck, felt the most headache about this situation.Because the German found that the two teams were already angry, and no matter how he whistled, he could not calm down the players on both sides.Even in this short period of 10 minutes, Merck had shown three yellow cards, but it didn't have any effect.

Well, let's hope the game doesn't go awry.Seeing De Rossi and Sergio Gonzalez both fell to the ground in a fight, Merk sighed in his heart, thinking with some uncertainty.


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