The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1289 Weak Portugal

PS1: This is an update on Sunday, a little bit late, I hope readers don’t pay too much attention to the update time, and I promise not to stop updating...

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

PS3: Here I would like to thank the book friend "De De De De De" for the reward.

PS4: Not long after Cruyff left, Mr. Maldini Sr. also passed away. I would like to express my deep condolences here... I will always miss the day of [-]-[-].

"Boys, I know you are very tired now. After all, our schedule has been very difficult during this period, especially the last game against the Netherlands, which consumed a lot of our energy, and our The opponents can rely on their advantage of playing at home and recharge their batteries for a full six days in Lisbon.” In the dressing room of the visiting team at the Alvalade Stadium, Trapattoni is doing the final pre-match Mobilization, "However, despite this, I still hope that everyone can overcome these difficulties and get tickets to the European Cup final. We must let those Portuguese realize that the difficulties in the schedule will not stop us from defending the German championship. In the footsteps of the Launet Cup!"

As Trapattoni said, although judging from the final score, Italy, which defeated the Netherlands [-]-[-] in the quarter-finals, should have won relatively easily, but the actual situation is not the case.Although the Oranje has a serious aging phenomenon in the midfield and backcourt players, and Edvocaat, a guy who sells his teammates, is desperately dragging his feet, but Italy is still very exhausted in this game, including Vieri and Grosso Many players, including the team, were diagnosed by the team doctor after the game as needing a truce before continuing to participate in the game.Otherwise, even if they are forced to play, it will be difficult for these players to perform at their best.

All in all, before the start of this game, Italy's attrition situation can be said to be quite serious.

Now here is a brief introduction to Italy's starting lineup for this game.Buffon undoubtedly appeared as the starting goalkeeper. With him sitting in front of the goal, it may not be easy for Portugal's second-rate forwards to break through Italy's goal.In front of Buffon, Zambrotta, Nesta, Materazzi and Panucci lined up, forming a steel line of defense that could give any team a headache!

In the midfield, Totti, who was suspended for three games due to the saliva incident, finally returned, Pirlo continued to sit in the rear as a commander, and Ambrosini and Perrotta played the role of bodyguards, responsible for Totti And Pirlo cleared the obstacles, while providing the necessary hardness for Italy's defense in midfield.On the forward line, it is a combination of Antonio Cassano and Diego Milito.Obviously, Trapattoni is determined to play the Portuguese counterattack in this game.

Virtually every manager who has studied Portugal's first game against Greece has done so.It’s just that Portugal’s luck is really good. Among the few opponents they met afterwards, Russia did not have such strength. Spain destroyed the Great Wall because of Seth’s stupidity. Let the host go all the way through and break into the semi-finals.

But now, in the face of Italy, which has a whole world-class defense line, it is absolutely extremely difficult for Portugal, which has a stubborn weakness in front, to score goals.Otherwise, Trapattoni would not dare to give up easily and compete with the opponent for control of the midfield with all his strength to defend, leaving the frontcourt completely to the attacking trident of Totti, Cassano and Milito.

You know, the Italian national team in this life was formed with the Fiorentina team as the team, and it has similarities with Fiorentina in many tactics.Therefore, when Trapattoni arranges tactics, he tends to take more care of the habits of Fiorentina players.And it is such a change in detail that makes Italy's defensive counterattack more threatening!

Looking at Portugal, Scolari, who doesn't have to worry about the physical fitness of the players, is naturally the main force in this game.Goalkeeper Ricardo, the four defenders from left to right are Valente, Carvalho, Andrade and Miguel, and Maniche and Costinha form a double midfielder. Rui Costa, who died on the beach after the wave, continued to play the role of midfield commander. Figo and Ronaldo were separated on the two wings of the midfield, and together with Costa, they delivered shells to Pauletta, who was alone on the front line.

By the way, I would like to add here that after losing to Greece in the first game of the group stage, Scolari, who originally planned to dislike Ronaldo, gave up Simao, who had been reused before, under the pressure of reality, and turned to use this under-staffed player. 20-year-old teenager.With the deepening of the European Cup, Ronaldo's performance is getting better and better. At this stage, many people have regarded him as the new leader of Portuguese football after the golden generation is old, not just a potential player. young players.

After the start of the game, both teams acted more cautiously. They mostly focused on probing in the offense, and did not dare to invest too much force. They were afraid that if they were not careful, their own gate would be directly penetrated by the opponent, which would make them attack in the next round. Fall into a passive situation in the next time.

As the game progressed, Italy's physical disadvantages began to become apparent.Affected by this, the players' running and defense on the field are no longer as active as they were at the beginning of the game, giving people a feeling of being powerless.

However, despite this, Portugal, which has gradually mastered the initiative in the midfield, still failed to turn the advantage on the scene into a lead in the score.Italy's goal remained solid under the siege of the hosts. Most of Portugal's offenses were either destroyed in advance by Nesta or directly blocked by Buffon, which did not pose much threat to the goal at all.

Pauletta is indeed a good striker, otherwise he would not be able to flourish in Ligue [-].It's just that in Portugal, which lacks excellent forwards, he, who is good at playing second forwards, is forced to serve as a single arrow on the front line, which greatly reduces his scoring efficiency.This is why Pauleta's scoring ability becomes horrible every time he comes to an international competition, because Portugal doesn't have a teammate who can cover him at all!

As a result, a scene that made all Portuguese fans feel extremely depressed happened on the lawn of the Alvalade Stadium: the super midfielder composed of Figo, Rui Costa and Ronaldo constantly delivered a lot of shells to Pauletta , but the latter has never been able to convert these wonderful passes into goals, and can only return empty-handed amidst the sighs of the fans again and again.

In this way, when the referee blew the whistle for the end of the first half, Portugal, which had the upper hand, failed to break through Italy's goal and ended the first half with a score of zero to zero.

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