The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1290 Deadlock

PS1: This is an update on Monday, a little bit late, I hope readers don't pay too much attention to the update time, and I promise not to stop updating...

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

PS3: Here I would like to thank the book friend "One Sword Zhan Qingsi V" for the reward.

"Tsk, Scolari's coaching style has not changed at all. He uses ubiquitous small moves and fouls to disrupt the opponent's offensive rhythm and strengthen the defense, and then relies on the free play of the frontcourt stars and flashes of inspiration to complete the offense. ..." After the players from both sides left the field one after another and the game entered the intermission, Zhuang Mingge, who was watching the game in the VIP box, couldn't bear the loneliness, and began to comment on the tactics used by Portugal in the first half, "Although Scolari's This style of play has largely destroyed the enjoyment and fluency of the game, but it has to be said that this set of tactics is indeed quite suitable for Portugal now. If Portugal still pursues the gorgeous scenes as before, then they may have already Being beaten by Italy's quick counterattack, how can we still be in a stalemate with us on the court like this?"

Although due to Romario's relationship, Zhuang Mingge is not very cold about Scolari, but it has to be admitted that after taking office, Big Phil has brought many positive changes to Portugal, such as a tough defense and a more efficient team. Offense, and more emphasis on tactical discipline and so on.These changes brought by Scolari to Portuguese football have made Portugal, which often loses the chain at critical moments, stronger, and officially become a force that cannot be ignored in European football!

You know, before Scolari coached, the achievements of the Portuguese national team with the golden generation as the main team in international competitions can be said to be extremely bleak.Except for reaching the semi-finals in the 2000 European Cup, which was really amazing, the rest of the time was basically playing soy sauce (the 02 World Cup group stage failed to qualify, and the 96 European Cup fell at the feet of the Czechs and stopped the quarter-finals , the 94 and 98 World Cups did not even enter the finals), basically did not leave a deep impression on the fans.After his arrival, Portugal won the European Cup runner-up and the World Cup No.4.

Even in the era of Eusebio, Portugal did not achieve so many honors in international competitions.Scolari's ability can be seen from this.

Despite this, the fans' evaluation of Scolari is still mixed.The reason is simple, because many people feel disgusted by the many unconventional methods used by the head coach in the game.For example, in the first World Cup match in 02, Turkey was sent off because of Rivaldo's wonderful performance, which directly led to the Xingyue Army being successfully overturned by Brazil with a goal ahead; The battle of red and yellow cards made Basten's young and energetic Oranje team fail in the round of 06...

Generally speaking, at the national team level, Scolari is indeed a very good head coach. His coaching methods and team management methods are also very suitable for a team like Portugal that is more than gorgeous but not tough enough.But in contrast, Scolari is really not suitable to coach those big-name clubs, because there are more stars there, and the tolerance for the head coach is much lower than when he was in the national team.

After all, the contact time between players and coaches in the national team is quite limited. Even if some players are dissatisfied with the way the head coach manages the team, any conflicts will be tolerated and passed. For many months, most players will not fall out with the head coach under the temptation of the big game.But it is different in the club. Except for the offseason and the national team match day, players and coaches meet almost every day. They usually look down and see each other. The probability of conflicts is naturally much higher than when they are in the national team.

This is like when you are in school, most people will have conflicts or conflicts when getting along with classmates on weekdays, and occasionally get into fights on impulse, but when you attend class reunions after graduation, you generally don’t think of these unpleasant things. Things, even if someone makes an occasional slip of the tongue at a party it doesn't affect the atmosphere.In my opinion, the status of players in the national team and in the club is basically the same. In the national team, they tend to be more tolerant, but in the club, they are a bit vengeful.

Closer to home now, after the 15-minute intermission time passed, the players on both sides returned to the court and started a fierce offensive and defensive battle again.The Italian players, who had recovered some of their physical strength, launched several offensives after the start of the second half. However, due to the endless small movements and targeted fouls of the Portuguese players, these Italian offensives were brutally attacked by their opponents just after they became a threat. Interrupted, failed to pose enough threat to Portugal's gate.

Although relying on compressed backcourt space and foul tactics to resist Italy's offensive, Portugal's offense also did not face the dilemma of being unable to open the situation.As Portugal's first choice on the front line, Pauletta wasted almost half a dozen scoring opportunities in the first half, and this situation did not improve in the second half.

Despite this, Scolari has no intention of replacing Pauletta.Because the Brazilian coach knows in his heart that Gomez and Postiga on the bench will only get worse.Pauletta just wasted these opportunities because of his technical characteristics. If they were replaced by these two, they would probably have to play stealth on the court.

The reason why Scolari did not achieve as great a success as he did in the Korea-Japan World Cup during the six years of coaching Portugal in the previous life is mainly because Portugal has never had a strong offensive combination like 3R, which makes Scolari's There is no way for tactical routines to exert their maximum power.

It should be said that Scolari was also quite unlucky. Although he caught up with the tail of the golden generation when he first coached Portugal, the front line was full of second-rate guys like Pauleta Gomez Postiga who were not good at fighting tough battles. Portugal failed in the European Cup in 04 and the World Cup in 06; in the European Cup in 08, it was hard to wait until Ronaldo grew up, but the midfielder regressed seriously due to the retirement of the golden generation and the aging of other key players in the team. The current Anderson and Nani are both hourly masters, leading to a further decline in Portugal's overall strength and completely falling out of the ranks of Europe's top teams.

The European Cup semi-final against Italy can be said to be the best proof of Portugal's lack of power.Although Italy's defense is tight enough, Pauleta still got a lot of opportunities under the needle-threading of the Portuguese midfielder composed of Ronaldo, Costa and Figo, but unfortunately, the marking of Nesta and others However, he was incapable of turning those chances into the goals the hosts desperately needed.

In this way, as the time passed by every minute and every second, the game began to enter a fierce stage, but the score still did not change. The score of zero to zero was still shining on the big screen of the Alvalade Stadium. Waiting quietly for someone to step up and rewrite the number.

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