The Era of Emerald

Chapter 63 Sad Baggio

This is the first time in the history of the World Cup that a penalty shootout will be used to decide the winner!

The players from Brazil and Italy were divided into two groups, standing in the center of the stadium, their eyes were all closely watching the penalty area where the final battle was about to take place!

On the penalty spot 12 yards from the goal, the first player to appear was the captain of the Italian national team - Franco Baresi!

Baresi carefully placed the football on the penalty spot, stepped back-run-up-shot!The Italian fans watched the ball fly off the crossbar, and the Brazilian fans cheered in their ears. Baresi, this strong man, fell to his knees on the turf in pain...

The Brazilian team also failed to seize this opportunity. Facing Pagliuca, who is known as the "goalkeeper most capable of saving penalty kicks", the penalty kick of Marcio Santos, who was the first to play, was bravely saved by Pagliuca;

The following players from both sides, Albertini and Evani, Blanco and Romario all unceremoniously sent the ball into the goal-the score is now 2:2!

Exactly the same as in Zhuang Mingge's "memory", the fourth appearance of the Italian team was the "coolie striker" Daniele Massaro who scored twice in the Champions League final. In his memory, he was another Italian missed penalty point As a player of the ball, as an Italian fan, Zhuang Mingge now extremely hopes that Massaro can break free from the historical track this time and change the fate of Italy and Baggio...

Zhuang Mingge closed his eyes nervously and prayed silently. After a long wait, the cheers of the fans came from the TV, but Zhuang Mingge, who heard the laments of the Italian commentator, knew that the cheers of these people did not belong to Italy.

Opening his eyes, Zhuang Mingge saw the fourth Brazilian player to take a penalty kick. That's right, it was Pereira, the new Brazilian national team captain and core on the field who defied the crowd's support—Dunga, run-up—started ——Shoot the door!

In!The ball went in!Dunga's powerful shot penetrated Pagliuca's ten fingers!Before the fifth round of the penalty shoot-out final, the Brazilian team took the lead!The next Italian player to play must score a penalty to keep the team's hope of continuing to compete for the World Cup championship!

Zhuang Mingge's brain was extremely tense at this time. He thought of Robert Baggio, the fifth player in "history". This time, will he shoot this penalty?

Now that Brazil has a three-to-two lead, some Brazilian fans are still celebrating their team's lead in the stands and trying to boo the next Italian kicker.

Zhuang Minge cast his eyes near the center circle, and he waited for the Italian player who walked out of the center circle and walked towards the penalty spot.

Come out, come out!It's Roberto Baggio!

Baggio walked to the penalty spot, kissed the ball lightly, put the football carefully, stood up, and walked back slowly a few steps.He lowered his head, as if thinking about something, his charming ponytail swaying in the wind...

It's over. Zhuang Mingge is very familiar with such a scene. It was Baggio's last memory before he became the "Prince of Melancholy"...

Looking forward to his charming smile, looking forward to his intoxicating kisses, however, all this has become out of reach, because Baggio's penalty kick flew into the air...

Looking back, Lu Yin Lu Man!The picture of Baggio bowing his head silently and standing for a long time has flowed into the long river of history. Even if it is just a wave, it will always remain in the hearts of the fans.A look is enough to interpret the beauty of melancholy that cannot be escaped, and a tear is enough to move people who love football.

Zhuang Mingge, who is an Italian fan, looked at Baggio standing silently in front of 12 yards, Massaro and Baresi covering their faces and crying, and Maldini and Donadoni...

The TV director was obviously stingy with giving too much time to the "loser". The screen switched to Tafarel who was cheering, the Brazilian players hugging each other on the court and wantonly celebrating their victory. There was a figure of an "alien" who flashed by in the camera, and was still young at this time.

When Dunga took over the Hercules Cup from Rosenberg, the chairman of the World Cup Organizing Committee, and then held it up high, it became the last picture of this World Cup.

The cheers sounded, and the victory belonged to Brazil. They became the first team in history to win four World Cup titles.

After turning off the TV, in this room that was designated by Groz Jr. to watch the World Cup, no one counted how much profit they had made from this betting. Everyone in the room was upset at 12 Italy on the yard line was filled with sadness, and the girls such as Alisa and Groz Jr. were even more immersed in the melancholy style that Baggio revealed at that moment.

Few veteran fans of Tianchao didn't like Baggio, and Zhuang Minge did the same. He knew very well that this World Cup final became a watershed in Roberto Baggio's career.

Fans often look at a group of failed heroes with the mentality of "pain and happiness". Italy after the penalty kick brought the deepest memory to the fans who love it.The tortuous history of the Italian team in the World Cup has long remained in the minds of the fans. This is indeed a team to be proud of, and every part of its pride has been melted into the boiling blood.However, after the World Cup in the United States, Baggio, no matter how hard he tried, could not erase the deep imprint on him by thousands of people, which flaunted the existence of "incomplete beauty".

Zhuang Mingge always believes that such a mark is very unfair to the heroic Baggio.Although this objectively achieved a different kind of "glory", he couldn't forget how a "national hero" Baggio became a sinner of history overnight.

Romario said that the 1994 World Cup was a performance by him and Baggio.And many years later, an autobiography of Sacchi said: In that World Cup, Brazil without Romario was still Brazil; Italy without Baggio was nothing...

Thinking about it carefully, this World Cup should belong to Baggio, what exactly did he gain?Nothing but a code name of "Prince Melancholy".Although Baggio will still be Baggio in the future, the regret and pain of that missed penalty will accompany him all his life. No matter how he resists and struggles, fans and the media will immediately associate this code name with him.

Before the 94 World Cup, Baggio was the darling of Italy. Because of his transfer, Fiorentina fans held a city-wide parade; he led Juventus to win a championship trophy again after many years; in 1993 The European Footballer of the Year is the best reward for him.

With five goals in the World Cup, Baggio almost single-handedly brought Italy to the World Cup final stage, which also made Baggio's reputation reach the pinnacle of his career.

Historically, after this "Rose Bowl decisive battle", what everyone did not expect was that this turned out to be a turning point in Baggio's career:

First, the Juventus coach Trapattoni, who admired Baggio, went away. The newcomer Lippi vigorously supported the team's rising star Piero, and rebuilt the team with him as the core. Joe was "defeated" in the competition with Pierrot, and was then sold by Moggi to his "ally" AC Milan.

Although the old Berlusconi spent huge sums of money to win the first Italian star at the time, but it was Capello and Sacchi who served as the coach of Milan successively. One disliked Baggio just like Lippi, and the other After the 94 World Cup, because public opinion abandoned Baggio and became "enmity" with him, Baggio continued his tragic career during his two years in Milan.

Baggio, who joined Inter Milan after the 98 World Cup, originally hoped to fight for more championship trophies with Ronaldo and others, but unexpectedly, Moratti invited Baggio's first "enemy" Lippi a year later As the team's head coach, Lippi pushed out players he didn't like in Inter Milan, the old captain Bergomi retired, and Baggio was forced to transfer to the newly promoted Brescia, and entered the twilight of his career ...

ps1: Coming soon to the next volume!Florence and the protagonist will make their debut in the world's first league!

ps2: Since the author has an exam with a lot of tasks this afternoon, the addition of 2100 votes can only be written tonight, and it is expected to be added tomorrow... Sorry everyone.

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