The Era of Emerald

Chapter 64 The transfer market in the summer of 94

The heat of the World Cup has not completely passed, and fans all over the world are still reminiscing about the bits and pieces brought to them by the summer of America.

But the managers of Serie A clubs have no time to relive those classic scenes at this time, because it is already July, the door of the European transfer market has opened, and all the general managers who want to strengthen the team have devoted themselves to this in the market.

Fiorentina may be the only exception, because most of their transfer work has been reported to the Italian Football Association for filing and completed all relevant procedures before the arrival of July 7. On the first day of the transfer market opening, The Florentines have already achieved their goal first, and now they are just watching the crowd unscrupulously on the sidelines.

Because Berlusconi, who had just been elected Prime Minister of Italy, was deeply involved in the bribery scandal at this time, he had no time to take care of his own AC Milan club.Therefore, since Lao Bei took over, Milan, which has been spending a lot of money on signings, has rarely tightened its pockets this summer. It just bought from Juventus and played well in Naples (on loan) last season. The striker Di Canio, and bought back the midfielder Gullit, who was transferred to Sampdoria last season, to replace Lentini, who suffered a serious car accident last season (Lentini’s car accident, in Italy can be Said to be a household name) and Van Basten, who is still holding the exemption card.

After Moggi became the general manager of Juventus, they changed their previous style of big signings and began to make careful calculations.They first poached Marcelo Lippi, the head coach who led Naples to sixth in the league last season, and then signed two of Fiorentina's defensive players-Pesotto and Iuliano, although Moggi was Zhuang Mingge failed to bring Ferrara to the Alpi Stadium, but the arrival of Portuguese midfielder Paulo Sousa and French star Didier Deschamps made Juventus fans see the prototype of a super midfielder.

As the third runner-up in the league last season, Sampdoria's new chairman Mantovani Jr. seems to think that the team's existing staffing does not meet his "genius" idea, and sold Verjoward to Zhuang Minge's Fiorentina , At the same time, he also let go of the two foreign aids Gullit and Pratt of last season. Although he later bought Yugoslav central defender Mikhailovich from Rome, he then made another deal that made many people The dumbfounded deal: Pagliuca, the number one goalkeeper of the Italian national team in this World Cup, who is at the peak of his career, was exchanged for Zenga, who was old and dizzy.

Since Craniotti is still busy with the resource integration of the Cirio Group at this time, Lazio, who has no spare money, just hired the Czech Zeman, who has led the small club Foggia to perform well in recent years, to replace the legendary Italian goalkeeper. Dino Zoff served as the head coach of the team. After Zeman came to Lazio, he hired the young central defender Adani (who later played for Fiorentina and Inter Milan) from the second-tier team Modena as a substitute. Jia's men, Argentine defender Chamotte.The Czechs are full of ambition and ready to show their talents in Lazio.

The defending Cup Winners' team, Parma, continues to seek opportunities to strengthen its strength in the transfer market with the financial support of dairy giant Parmalat.They bought the old Italian international footballer Moussi from the Turin team, Fernando Couto, one of the representatives of Portugal's golden generation, also came to Parma from Porto, and at the same time introduced the main goalkeeper of the Brazilian national team, Taffarel, to strengthen the team. The strength of the line of defense.

The old Tanzi, who still thinks the team is not strong enough, continues to poach people everywhere, unable to stand up to Parma's "offensive". Juventus sent the star midfielder Dino Baggio to Tanzi. At the same time, in order to make up for the departure of the main shooter Meli In the vacancy, the old Tanzi dug their main shooter Branca (the one who is now the general manager of Inter Milan) from the relegated Udinese.

Inter Milan, which was almost relegated from Serie A last season, has not welcomed the generous "big boss" at this time, and Pellegrini, who is going to sell the shares to the Moratti family, will not continue to inject funds into the team, so Throughout the summer, Inter Milan's action was only to recall the young striker Delvecchio who was on loan at Udinese.

Generally speaking, the Italian transfer market in 1994 has shown a certain decline as a whole. The emergence of this situation is inseparable from the economic situation in Italy.

Since 94, Italy's domestic economy has begun to show signs of a downturn, so many team owners have begun to tighten their pockets, without the financial support of backstage bosses, coupled with insufficient income from normal operations (Especially the TV broadcast fee), many small teams have lost the courage of the early 90s since then, and began to guard their own one-acre three-point land to live their lives. Serie A also started to slow down from this time Slowly slipping from the throne of the world's first league...

It’s too far away, and the topic is brought back to the transfer market. Although the Italian teams have not made any major moves except Parma, this does not mean that teams from other countries will also learn from Serie A, especially It is Real Madrid and Barcelona with a huge number of members.

In Barcelona, ​​​​which suffered a disastrous defeat in the Champions League final, the differences between coach Cruyff and chairman Nunez are well known. Therefore, in terms of introducing players, the Dutch, who once held the transfer power, was constrained by the management. , Danish star Michel Laudrup moved to arch-rival Real Madrid, replaced by the Romanian national team captain Haji.

And Real Madrid, who successfully poached Laudrup from Barcelona, ​​​​is obviously not satisfied. The former Real Madrid star, Valdano, who served as the head coach of Tenerife last season, moved to Madrid. He also brought his favorite general , Argentine midfielder Fernando? Redondo, while Real Madrid also introduced the local young midfielder Amaviska.

This year is the last year of the tenure of Real Madrid chairman Mendoza. He has no intention of continuing to run for the position of chairman after witnessing his arch-rival Barcelona's four consecutive league titles. Menacing look.

Although the Premier League, which has been established for two years, is very prosperous in the British Isles, there are still few foreign players willing to play there.

Due to the unsatisfactory performance of the German national team in the World Cup in the United States and the ineffectiveness of the German team in the European competition in recent years, the German Football Association called on domestic players to return to play domestically and revive the Bundesliga, which is in a trough.

It has to be said that the German players during this period were really a group of people who were extremely obedient to the command of the team. Many of them played for overseas giants overcame many obstacles and returned to their homeland: Andres Müller transfer Dortmund, Rudy Völler returned to Leverkusen, Hassler joined Karlsruhe...except Klinsmann, who had already decided to transfer to the Premier League club Tottenham before the World Cup, because of the "middle finger incident" Apart from Effenberg, who is unwilling to return to China, and Koller who is "stranded" in Juventus, almost all well-known German stars have returned to the Bundesliga.

However, matters in the European transfer market have little to do with Fiorentina now. After all, Fiorentina's signing goals this summer have been completed, and what Zhuang Mingge is concerned about now is that the team can get out of the negotiations with sponsors this year." Circle "to how many dollars.

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