The Era of Emerald

Chapter 812 Italian Super Cup

ps1: New week, continue to ask for recommendation tickets here, I hope everyone can continue to support, thank you~ ps2: This is the first update of today, and the 21 recommended updates will be released in the evening, um, that's it.

ps3: In addition, I would like to thank the book friend "x852zy" for the reward.

"Antonio, you don't seem to care much about the result of this game." In a VIP box with an excellent view at the Tokyo National Stadium, Rebecca was honestly sitting on a leather sofa watching the game Groz was surprised to find that Zhuang Mingge who was sitting next to her abnormally did not show any attention to the upcoming finals, kept looking around without saying a word, and even yawned just now.

Could it be that he is tired of continuing to consume energy on Florence?impossible!If this is the case, then there is absolutely no need for him to make a special trip to Ukraine to introduce that player named Shevchenko.

Unknowingly, Groz Jr. frowned, and seriously thought about why Zhuang Mingge was not interested in this match.

"Rebecca, you think too much." Zhuang Mingge stretched out his hand helplessly, rubbed the other party's frown from thinking, and said, "I just think that this game requires me to spend too much time. Focus on caring. Because I don't think we Florence will lose this contest at all!" "Hey, what nonsense are you talking about?" Rebecca felt a little baffled by the confidence shown by Zhuang Mingge, "Don't you Forgot, it was this team that successfully defeated us Fiorentina in last season's Coppa Italia final! Although the departure of generals such as San Sini and Veron had a certain impact on their strength, Canna The backbone players like Varro and Buffon are still there, and the attack combination of Crespo and Chiesa is becoming more and more mature, how can you underestimate this opponent so much?"

"Well, Rebecca, what you said is indeed true, but there are two points that you have not considered." Zhuang Mingge nodded first, agreeing with Rebecca's point of view, and then said, "First of all, In those two games, the excellent state of Buffon and Crespo played a very important role in Parma's victory over us. If it weren't for them, I am afraid that after the first round, Fiorentina would have secured the final championship trophy gone."

"Secondly, Rebecca, you really underestimated the impact on Parma caused by the departure of San Sini and Veron, especially the player Veron." Parma players, "That's right, although judging from the cards, Parma's overall combat effectiveness has not been greatly affected by the departure of Veron and others, and the addition of Ortega seems to be able to make up for Veron's vacancy, but The actual situation is not the case." "Why?" At this time, Groz Jr. showed the qualities that a qualified listener should have, and asked curiously.

"Because they have completely different technical styles." Zhuang Mingge paused for a while, and after organizing his words, he continued, "Veron pays more attention to the control of the rhythm of the game. A metronome of the team's offensive rhythm exists, so he seldom rushes directly to fight, but uses the pass to direct his teammates and grasp the overall offensive direction of the team. But Ortega is completely different, he He is best at personal breakthroughs and has a strong scoring ability in front of the goal. He is a very good No. [-] and a half player, but he is by no means a good organizer. Therefore, it is definitely for Veron to take over Veron's position. A big mistake by Roncesca."

"Also, as for what the outside media publicized before the game, that Fiorentina would be afraid of Parma because of their previous loss in the Coppa Italia, that's even more nonsense." Having said that, Zhuang Mingge shrugged his shoulders and made a point. Disdainful expression on the face.

That's right, although in last season's Coppa Italia final, Fiorentina was successfully overturned by their opponents when they scored two away goals in the first leg and lost the championship trophy, but this does not mean that Fiorentina players will lose the championship trophy because of that. What kind of psychological shadow is caused by the loss of this game-what a joke, we have even seen big scenes like the Champions League final many times, how could it be possible to be afraid of Parma because of a mere loss? !

Even if the lost game was the final of the Coppa Italia, the level of the event and the tension of the game atmosphere are obviously far inferior to the final of the Champions League. Palma has no fear.

"Oh, I understand~" After listening to Zhuang Mingge's long speech, Little Groz seemed very satisfied. What she likes most is the serious expression when seeing the other party talking about the things he is good at, "That is to say , after losing Veron, Parma did not find a qualified midfielder, so it is difficult to compete with us in the midfield, which leads to the initiative of the game in our hands, is that right?"

"Yes, if Sansini hadn't left, it would be a good solution to choose to shrink the formation and play a defensive counterattack, but the transfer of the old central defender left Parma with no choice. The game continued to play at the level of God." Zhuang Mingge said with a smile, "Don't count on Crespo and Chiesa, they are both forwards who rely on their teammates to pass the ball. When the midfield is fully controlled by us , and Nesta and Stam marking the whole time, it is very difficult for them to get the ball, let alone score."

The process of the game was as expected by Zhuang Mingge. Although Parma's starting lineup did look star-studded, and the players did perform quite hard on the field, it always gave people a feeling of headless flies running around.

This is what Zhuang Mingge said. After the lack of Veron, the midfielder, Parma's fierce players in the midfield are all divided in Florence's defensive system, unable to form an effective connection in the offense. The threat of the goal is naturally greatly reduced.

Now that Parma's offense has stagnated, Florence's opportunity will naturally come quietly.

No. In the 304th minute, Ortega dribbled the ball in the middle and forcibly broke through and was intercepted by Redondo. He ran forward with the ball, and when he was 30 meters away from the bottom line on the opposite side, he directly crossed with his left foot!

Vieri, who was already standing in Parma's penalty area, leaped high to meet the flying ball, overwhelmed Thuram and Cannavaro who were trying to interfere with him receiving the ball, and headed the ball towards the goal with a lion swing. Scored Parma's goal!

Although Buffon has already judged the path of the ball through excellent prediction, he did not expect Vieri's goal kick to be too fast, and the shooting angle is also very tricky.Therefore, when Buffon made a save, the ball had already crossed the goal line and rubbed violently with the net behind him!

Florence, one to zero!


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