The Era of Emerald

Chapter 819 Final Supplement

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Although Berti had made some mental preparations for her job hunting trip before, the result made him very disappointed.Among the several clubs Berti has played for, Tottenham Hotspur and Parma immediately rejected his self-recommendation without hesitation. A low-funded glass man; and Inter Milan, which he has played for for a full decade, also said not long ago that he could not help, because Moratti has already filled the first team to the brim, and there is no extra place for this veteran.

Therefore, Berti had no choice but to find Florence with the last hope, thinking that if he is not accepted here, then he should honestly accept the invitation of the Qataris and go to West Asia to pan for gold.

Looking at Zhuang Mingge again, after a careful discussion with Antonioni, and then calling Thomas Carter for some professional consultation, he finally made a decision to sign Berti.After all, for the current Fiorentina, the manpower of the first team is actually enough to cope with the third-line operations, and it only needs to introduce one or two veterans who are willing to accept the position of the last substitute.

And Berti just meets the current needs of Florence. Although his strength has declined a lot compared to his peak period due to long-term injuries and increasing age, the former Italian international can make up for his lack of physical fitness with his rich game experience and increasingly proficient skills. Regression, not to mention that Florence doesn't need him to play too many games, as long as he can top up in time when there is a shortage of manpower.

Such a simple request can still be completed with quality and quantity at Berti's current level.

As for the injuries that have plagued Berti for many years, it is not a problem in the eyes of medical experts such as Carter.After all, the high standard of the Florence Physiotherapy Center is well-known throughout Europe. When Ronaldo first came here, he was found to have hidden dangers in his knees and was finally cured. Now it has been widely circulated with the name of the alien. Many players who are suffering from conservative injuries hope to come here for treatment.Therefore, it is not very difficult for Carter and others to keep Berti, who has limited playing time, in a healthy body.You know, in the nba where the game density is higher, they have seen and cured injuries that are more serious than this. People like Berti are simply a piece of cake.

August 1999, 8 was a very special day for Berti, who was 31 years old, because on this day, he returned to Florence, where he had been away for 32 years, and returned to the city that made him famous. The place.

Originally, he was already desperate to find a suitable job in the mainstream European leagues. He was about to accept the invitation of the Qatar Football Association, which came to him through the relationship of GM, to go to the distant West Asia to seek gold for two years, and then quietly announced his retirement. never mind.

It seems that I really can't keep up with the current football development trend, Berti, who has been rejected continuously, thought dejectedly.

However, just as Berti was about to pack his bags for Qatar, his former club, Fiorentina, gave him a big surprise at this time-his agent came to tell him at this time that Fiorentina was willing to sign with him. A two-year work contract.

After hearing the news, even Berti, who had become extremely calm after going through vicissitudes, couldn't help being so excited that he almost jumped out of his chair!

The reason why Berti is so excited is that on the one hand, Fiorentina is the place where he became famous. The three seasons he played there left him with quite good memories, and it is better to stay in the mainstream football circle than to go to West Asia. That kind of football desert is much better; on the other hand, Fiorentina is now one of the top teams in Europe, and there are only a handful of teams that can compete with it. At the end of his career, he won several championship trophies with the team to make up for his long-standing regrets.

To say that Berti is really unlucky. Although the most golden period of his career has caught up with the era of the troika of Inter Milan, the birth of the Milan dynasty and the sudden rise of Florence have left him with only a few honors. Several championship titles, even the league championship has only been won once, and that was ten years ago.

Therefore, Berti, who was satisfied with Fiorentina's invitation from the bottom of his heart, signed his name on the contract without hesitation-there are less than twelve hours before the transfer door closes, and he doesn't want to do it because of what The accident caused his signing to fail to be submitted to the Football Association for reporting in time, thus missing the great opportunity to join Fiorentina.

Zhuang Mingge is also very satisfied with this signing, because Berti played in Fiorentina for three years just before he turned 21, so according to the regulations, this local player can be counted as a Fiorentina youth training.

In this way, the number of youth training players in Fiorentina's first team has reached five, exceeding the lower limit set by the Italian Football Association, and it has also strengthened the proportion of local players in the first team.

Zhuang Mingge will never forget that the Inter Milan team that won the Triple Crown in his previous life still did not escape the fate of being criticized by the domestic media. One of the important reasons is that the number of local players in the Nerazzurri team is too scarce.Although part of the reason for this is that Mourinho is too capable of attracting hatred, which has caused many media to be unwilling to sing praises for the Nerazzurri.But this also shows a very important point, that is, the proportion of local players in the team must not be too low, otherwise it will be easy to be attacked by others, and the Football Association will often secretly card those with a high proportion of foreign players. team neck.

Teams like Chelsea, Arsenal, Inter Milan and other teams that wantonly introduce and use foreign aid have encountered difficulties from referees in many games. Part of the reason is that these clubs have not done enough in localization.

Therefore, although Zhuang Mingge has made a lot of moves in the transfer market this summer, and has successively introduced many strong players such as Sheva and Karadze, he still has not forgotten this. The arrival of Di Livio and Berti is the best evidence.

At the same time, after signing free agent Berti for free, the number of players in Fiorentina's first team has increased to 24, and only one player is short of reaching the upper limit stipulated by the Football Association.However, after consulting Heynckes, Zhuang Mingge gave up his plan to sign another player to make the first team full-stacked in the hours before the transfer door closed, because the German coach believed that the existing players It is enough for him to fight on the third front.

According to Heynckes, if something happens that causes the team to downsize, the remaining quota can also allow the team to carry out targeted reinforcements during the winter break, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles.


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