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The time has entered September, and the door to the summer transfer market has been closed. Under the eager anticipation of countless fans, the Serie A league has finally ignited a raging war as scheduled. The Serie A powerhouses who have been fighting for a summer are gearing up and preparing to show off in the new season. Supernatural powers, to compete for a ranking that satisfies them.

In fact, as early as the day before the opening of the European Super Cup final, the Serie A teams had already completed the first round of competition, but at that time Zhuang Mingge was going to Monaco to participate in the Champions League grouping, so it was a pity that he missed the new season in Florence. Premiere on the league battlefield.

As the league champion last season, the task of the opening match naturally fell on Fiorentina, but people did not expect that the opponent arranged by the Italian Football Association for Viola in the opening match this time was actually last season Venice, which once caused a lot of trouble for Florence!Regarding this stupid decision of the Italian Football Association, Zhuang Mingge has sighed a lot recently.In his opinion, for an eye-catching game like the league opener, it is naturally better to arrange a strong confrontation. Picking two teams from the seven sisters of Serie A and putting them together is better than the duel between Florence and Venice. Much stronger.

It is true that Florence's revenge battle against Venice is also very hyped, but compared with the world-famous confrontation between the seven sisters of Serie A, such a gimmick is insignificant.What's more, the current Venice is no longer the team with the twin stars of Recoba and Mutu in the second half of last season. After the Uruguayan was recalled by the eager Inter Milan, this fish Only Mutu is struggling to support the belly team.Under such circumstances, it would be nice for Venice not to be slapped all over the face by Florence. How can they dare to talk about winning?

Therefore, a game like this that looks a bit interesting but actually has no suspense at all is the most unsuitable to be set as the opening game.The official of the Football Association who is in charge of arranging the league schedule is definitely having a brain twitch again. Can't you pick two teams from our seven sisters to play the opening match, and you have to throw Venice up?Zhuang Mingge thought in his heart when he got Fiorentina's league schedule for the new season.The result of the game was as expected by Zhuang Mingge. Fiorentina, who played with all the main players, made a killing in this opening game. The offensive trident composed of Vieri, Ronaldo and Shevchenko each scored a goal, and Effenberg scored in the Before the end of the game, he scored an icing on the cake long-range shot, helping Viola beat Venice [-]-[-] at home, avenging their away defeat last season.

With this big victory, Fiorentina was able to overwhelm Inter Milan with a three-goal win over newly promoted Verona at the Meazza Stadium after the first round of Serie A with more advantages in goal difference, ranking first in the league standings!

One more thing to explain about the schedule of the Serie A league here is that the schedule of the new Serie A season is still quite tight. From the opening of the league on August 8 to the end of May 29 next year, there will be a total of 5 rounds. All completed in eight and a half months.And this does not count the Champions League, Coppa Italia and national team games, nor does it exclude the half-month winter break.

It is normal for the schedule to be so tight. After all, next June is the day when the European Cup will be held. If the league ends earlier, then enough time can be left for the national team to prepare and run in.

After all, the characteristics of the Italian national team's "slow heat" in the competition are well known all over the world. Everyone knows that if they cannot successfully snipe Italy in the group stage, it will be difficult to stop the progress of the Apennines when they enter the knockout stage Difficulty.

Therefore, what the national team coach Maldini and the Italian Football Association need to do is to allow the international players as much time as possible to run in, so as to shorten the warm-up time for the team to enter the state.

Closer to home, after entering September, Fiorentina, who spent a national team match day, began to attack at the same time in the Champions League and the league battlefield!

As Capello's successor after he resigned from Fiorentina, Heynckes' goal is very clear, that is to lead Viola to sweep all the battlefields and make European football surrender under the light of Fiorentina again!

However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.After leading the team to defeat Parma and Venice without bloodshed, Heynckes, who felt good, soon ushered in the first cold winter of his coaching career in Fiorentina this September.

On September 9, in order to prepare for the first match of the Champions League group stage, Heynckes hid a large number of main players, resulting in a 11-70 draw between Fiorentina and the newly promoted Reggina, who were visiting at the Granillo Stadium.The newly joined Kaladze made continuous mistakes in defense, especially the return pass to Toldo in the [-]th minute of the game, which was intercepted by the Reggina striker and scored a goal, which not only greatly affected the morale of the team, It is also one of the main reasons why Viola was tied by the opponent in this game.

Three days later, the Fiorentina team went north to Sweden, where they fought against last season's Swedish league champion Solna Aik club for 10 and [-] minutes. After a goalless draw, they ended the Viola's championship this season with a score of [-]-[-]. Cup premiere.

Consecutive draws by little-known teams, although there are reasons for away games, this is really embarrassing for Fiorentina, who is aiming for the championship.So, as the team coach, Heynckes encountered the first crisis since he coached Fiorentina.

However, this crisis mainly comes from the media and fans. Fiorentina did not exert too much pressure on the German coach internally, saying that one or two draws are nothing, as long as the team can win a championship trophy at the end of the season. up.

Therefore, despite Fiorentina's unsatisfactory performance in the Champions League and the league in the past week, Zhuang Mingge did not jump out at this time to put pressure on the team.Because he knows that at this time, and the season has just started, there are still enough opportunities to regain the disadvantages brought about by these two draws!

What's more, this is the first time Heynckes has coached a Serie A team. No matter how strong his ability is, it will take some time to gradually adapt to the Italian football environment. The coach quickly integrated the team into combat effectiveness.

In fact, being able to defeat Parma in the Italian Super Cup is also thanks to the blessing of Veron's departure from the team, otherwise Fiorentina, which is still in the running-in period, is likely to be defeated by this opponent again.

Therefore, for the current Zhuang Mingge, remaining patient and being a bystander is the right choice.Rather than being like Moratti, as soon as he saw the team's poor performance, he hurriedly popped out to express his opinions to disturb the morale of the army.


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