The Era of Emerald

Chapter 912 Fighting Real Madrid Again

ps1: Those who continue to ask for recommendation tickets here say that free books do not require everyone to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets?We are here thank you~

ps2: Here I would like to thank the book friend "zzllss" for the reward. ,

If Zhuang Mingge is a god-given crow mouth like Bailey, then the next plot should be that Raul, Morientes and others collectively enter the killing mode after the start of the second half, and they are followed by Di Stefano and Puskas killed and killed like a possessor, leading Real Madrid to beat Fiorentina with six or seven goals in a row in 45 minutes, and finally led the Spanish giants to complete a shocking reversal and return to the Champions League after nearly 20 years finals!

However, it turns out that Zhuang Mingge is not Bailey, or that he has not practiced the crow mouth magic of Bailey. Raul and Morientes are not time-travelers, and there is no so-called system wizard assistance, let alone anything The unscientific scoring card is close by, so the result just mentioned is completely nonsense.

Therefore, the final result was that the score of [-] to [-] was maintained until the end of the game. Fiorentina, who played at home, defeated the La Liga giants Real Madrid at the Frankie Stadium, and defeated the Spanish giants with a total score of [-] to [-] in the two rounds. Once blocked the gate of the Champions League final!

Looking at the score displayed on the big screen in the stadium, Raul, who was sitting on the turf of the stadium, pulled up the hem of his jersey and cried bitterly—it’s no wonder that since his debut, the Golden Boy of Real Madrid has won the championship twice with the team Cup semi-finals, were eliminated by Fiorentina.Such an experience is somewhat too cruel for a young player under the age of 23.

As a friend of Raul in Real Madrid, although Morientes was also grieving for the team's defeat at the gate of the final, he still tried his best to comfort his friend and share the sadness of the team's exit with Raul.On the other side, although Guti also had red eyes, the golden wolf did not cry, but gave Seedorf a hard look not far away when no one noticed, and returned without waiting for Bosque to speak. To the visiting team locker room.

Manuel Sanchez, wearing a yellow vest representing a substitute, stared at the night sky above Frankie Stadium for a long time without saying a word.The only surviving veteran of the Real Madrid Five Eagles era has long since faded out of the main lineup. In this game, he sat on the bench for a full 10 minutes, witnessing the team being eliminated by Fiorentina.

"Really, I thought I could enter the Champions League final with the team this time and experience the atmosphere of the Champions League final. It seems that this can only become a dream of mine that will never come true." In his twilight years, little Sanchez has taken a lot of light on many things, and the past of grudges with Florence has become a thing of the past. Therefore, this old courtier who has played for Real Madrid all his life just feels a little regretful and sorry for this defeat. Not as childish as young people like Raúl and Morientes.

Meanwhile, Fiorentina's players were on the pitch celebrating another run to the Champions League final.After being eliminated by Bayern in the semi-finals last season, Pirlo and Zanetti can better understand the hard-won tickets for the final, and naturally they will cherish this opportunity for the final even more.

At the press conference after the game, Real Madrid coach Bosque made a very high evaluation of Shevchenko when he was questioned by reporters. The strength on par with Ronaldo and Vieri and others!

I have to say that although he looks honest and honest on the outside, Bosque is still very scheming.If Shevchenko agrees with Bosque's point of view, and then asks for game time, then the four major strikers of Fiorentina will inevitably stage a scene of parting ways this summer.

However, Shevchenko is not a fool, of course he can hear the meaning of sowing dissension in Bosque's words.Therefore, when the reporter continued to ask questions on this issue, the Ukrainian immediately made it clear that he was just a rookie who had just stepped into the top league. It is normal to perform well in one or two games occasionally, and it is not worth making a fuss about it. .

"Ronnie, Philippe (Inzaghi) and Christian (Vieri) are all much stronger than me. The reason why I was able to perform so well in the first season of joining Fiorentina is that they There is a direct relationship between his generosity and selflessness. Otherwise, I would never have achieved the current results." At the press conference, Sheva said with a straight face.At the same time, Shevchenko also politely expressed his gratitude to Bosque, thinking that the other party is a very good head coach who can lead the Real Madrid club to a new glory.

Of course, whether he is grateful or scolding the Real Madrid coach in his heart, only God can know.

Hearing Shevchenko's remarks, Bosk rolled his eyes in his heart, secretly thinking that this Ukrainian is really not a fuel-efficient lamp, and his efforts to sow dissension are all in vain. He has already seen through his purpose, and he will not fall into this villain at all. when!

Looking at Shevchenko, who has a keen mind and a flexible wrist, and thinking about the brain-dead child Anelka in his team, Bosque couldn't help sighing: They are both talented and talented forwards, so why is there such a big gap in how they behave? Woolen cloth?

What Del Bosque didn't expect was that his idea of ​​sowing discord against Shevchenko and trying to cause some trouble in the Fiorentina dressing room not only failed to achieve the expected results, but also after returning to Madrid, the Real Madrid coach was stunned. My own backyard actually entered a state of internal strife earlier than Viola!

As a young talent cultivated by the Real Madrid youth training camp in recent years, Jose Guti publicly attacked Seedorf through the "Aspen" after returning to Spain, bombarding the Dutch midfielder who is well-known in European football. On the field, I think he is not qualified to put on the Real Madrid jersey, representing this giant with a glorious history will appear on the field!

Guti's remarks were quickly reprinted and widely spread by those media who feared the world would not be chaotic. They didn't care whether it would cause civil strife in Real Madrid.For these people, the sales volume of the newspaper and the benefits it can bring are what they care most about.As for whether the newly stabilized Real Madrid locker room will cause another disturbance because of Guti's unexpected bombardment under Bosque's comfort, that's not what they want to pay attention to.

Of course, if this is an opportunity to spread any big news in the dressing room of Real Madrid, then these media are still willing to add fuel to the flames and make the fire even more intense.

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