The Era of Emerald

Chapter 913 After the game

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After learning of Guti's bombardment, Seedorf did not immediately respond. The Dutchman was a little puzzled at this time, thinking that Guti, this kid, had a wrong nerve, why did he suddenly Are you keeping an eye on him?

Of course, Seedorf would not know that the reason why Guti targeted him in this way was entirely because of a sentence he said inadvertently during the just-concluded game. ¢, it was this sentence that angered the golden wolf who was surprised by Nesta's defensive skills!

Now, let us turn the camera back to the second round of the match between Fiorentina and Real Madrid.Minutes before Andriy Shevchenko scored his first goal of the game, Guti sent a reckless through ball when his team had the ball, causing the ball to be conceded by Ness. Tower steals halfway and gives Fiorentina an excellent chance to counterattack.At this time, Seedorf, who realized something was wrong, was annoyed, and casually scolded Guti, "This idiot"!

It stands to reason that this was just an angry statement from Seedorf that could not be taken seriously, but unexpectedly, this statement happened to be heard by the golden wolf.You all know how arrogant Jinlang is, not to mention that he is a native of Real Madrid, so he naturally feels psychologically superior to outsiders like Seedorf.

Considering that Guti has always been quite fiery and troublesome, when Guti heard Seedorf's angry words, the golden wolf almost couldn't hold back his desire to fight with the Dutchman. A real person PK plan is planned.

Although Guti managed to suppress his anger in the end and did not turn against Seedorf on the spot, after the game ended, Guti, who was full of anger, couldn't wait to find local gangsters such as Sanchez Jr. and Hierro, Reported the situation to them.

By the way, although Real Madrid is a giant with a long history and there are too many foreign stars who have played here, factional disputes still inevitably exist in the locker room.Especially after the Bosman Act, with the influx of foreign players, the friction between Real Madrid's local gangs and foreign forces has become more intense.

Foreign players believe that local forces are bullying others, while local gangs believe that the arrival of a large number of foreign players has squeezed out the living space and playing opportunities that should belong to them.Davor Suker, Mijatovic and others also chose to transfer and leave last summer under such circumstances, because they felt that it would be difficult to stay in Real Madrid to play in this environment. The pressure is too great. Without enough strength and no club to support them, the aged Mijatovics can only choose to fly away.

Therefore, after Guti publicly bombarded Seedorf, the Real Madrid team quickly divided into two factions. Naturally, the local gang headed by Sanchez Jr. and Hierro fully supported Guti, his own family, thinking that Seedorf could not bear the burden. Assuming the task of reviving Real Madrid, the club should choose another person to replace Seedorf; while foreign players such as Savio and McManaman stood on Seedorf's side, defending the Dutch, and believed that Guti's accusation It just doesn't make sense.

However, given the status of Savio and others in the Real Madrid team, their influence is obviously not comparable to that of Hierro and Sanchez Jr. in the locker room. Therefore, it seems that in this confrontation between local and foreign forces Among them, the possibility of Real Madrid's management falling to the local gang headed by Hierro is very high.

In this way, Seedorf is likely to follow in the footsteps of Dave Suker and other predecessors because of his unintentional mistake, and will have to find a new owner in the upcoming summer transfer market.

Let’s stop here for the turmoil in Real Madrid, let’s get down to business and continue to talk about what happened to Fiorentina next.

After knocking out Real Madrid and successfully securing a ticket to the final, Fiorentina soon learned of their opponents in this season's Champions League final on the evening of the second day after the game-Argentine coach Cooper led the La Liga team. Valencia defeated the Bundesliga overlord Bayern Munich led by Rui Costa and Matthaus with a total score of [-] to [-] in the two knockout rounds, and entered the Champions League final for the first time in history!

In this way, starting from the quarter-finals of this season's Champions League, Fiorentina met Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid and Valencia in the knockout stage of the Champions League, three clubs from La Liga. This has to be said to be an extremely unexpected coincidence!

Even UEFA, which was responsible for holding the knockout draw ceremony at the time, was a little dumbfounded. Although they have always followed the principle of setting as many obstacles in front of Fiorentina as possible, they did not expect Fiorentina's Champions League trip this time. It will be so weird, starting from the quarterfinals, all La Liga teams will be encountered!

If Fiorentina beats Valencia in the final and wins the championship trophy, then the face of Spanish football will be completely lost!

Since the date of this season's Champions League final is set for May 5, during the period before the final, Fiorentina can take the opportunity to solve the last few games in the domestic arena, so that the players can play lightly. A good mentality to prepare for the Champions League final against Valencia.

Therefore, the Fiorentina players turned their attention back to Italy. While admiring the internal strife in the Real Madrid team, they were conducting various trainings under the supervision of the coaching staff, preparing for the upcoming match that will be staged this weekend. , the final match of Serie A with Bari!

For this game, Florence can be said to attach great importance to it.There is no other reason, naturally because the result of this game will directly determine the final ownership of the Serie A champion this season!

So far, Fiorentina, which ranks at the top of the standings, is only three points ahead of Lazio. In the two clashes between the two teams this season, Fiorentina had a draw and a loss against Lazio without a win.This also means that if all 34 rounds are over and the two teams have the same score, Lazio will take advantage of each other's slight advantage and beat Florence to win the league championship!

Therefore, for the Fiorentina players who want to defend the Serie A title and create an unprecedented six consecutive league titles, the final league match against Bari must not be missed!

As for the expectation that Lazio would not be able to withstand the pressure at the last minute and take the initiative to make mistakes and hand over the championship to Viola, Fiorentina did not expect this at all.After being overtaken by AC Milan in the final stage of last season, and being taught by Valencia in the Champions League this season, the psychological quality of these Lazio players has obviously improved greatly.

Therefore, instead of expecting them to take the initiative to make mistakes, it is better to take the initiative and get points from Barry, completely cutting off the Blue Eagles' hope of a comeback!

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