The Era of Emerald

Chapter 915 The League Ends

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Seeing his teammate's clearance ball flying towards him, Cassano unhurriedly raised his right foot, lightly unloaded the slightly oversized ball from mid-air, and then firmly moved the ball Take control under your own feet!

Although Cassano's unloading and stopping seemed unremarkable, the experienced Di Livio played very carefully after seeing Cassano's actions. , as an old saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the way.As a defender who has played against those top forwards all the year round, Di Livio can certainly see that Cassano's two moves were not due to good luck, but that the opponent really has this ability!

It can be seen from this action of unloading and protecting the ball that this young striker named Cassano definitely has excellent skills and football talent!If you don't deal with it carefully, even with Di Livio's sophistication, you will definitely suffer a big loss.

After realizing the extraordinaryness of the opponent, Di Livio carefully kept the distance between him and Cassano to prevent the opponent from successfully breaking through from his side.However, despite being cautious enough, Di Livio still underestimated Cassano's energy.

Facing Di Livio's defense, Cassano, who made his debut in Serie A, did not flinch in the slightest. He first made a feint with his right foot to break through the middle, then kicked the ball along the sideline of the court, and then slammed With an acceleration, he forcibly broke through Di Livio's frontal defense with the purest speed!

"Fuck me! How did I forget that this guy came from Barry!" Seeing the youthful figure wearing the No. 18 Barry jersey on the court, he tricked Di Livio into a breakthrough with an extremely realistic fake move. Afterwards, Zhuang Minge couldn't help being startled. As a die-hard Italian fan, he naturally recognized the player who had passed Di Livio at the first sight.

It can't be blamed that Zhuang Mingge didn't think of Cassano in time. You must know that although this Barry boy became famous in his hometown, it was during the days when he played for Rome that his reputation spread throughout Europe and the world.As a native of the Celestial Dynasty in the previous life, Zhuang Mingge learned about Cassano, a character player, at the stage when he was playing for the Red Wolves. It is understandable that he is not clear about his deeds when he played for Bari. things.

If Zhuang Mingge can understand that during the three years of playing for Bari in his previous life, Cassano led this small team to defeat Inter Milan in five consecutive league matches in Serie A, then He must have a deeper understanding of this bad boy.

After all, for all the fans who only got to know Cassano in Rome, Cassano in Rome was, in fact, more of a trouble maker, despite his virtuosity and genius of inspiration. , Adding more trouble to the team than his contribution.

Although Cassano broke through his defense, Di Livio did not completely lose his position. He was chasing after Cassano very smartly and chose to block the opponent's inside line and prevent him from taking the ball. Cut into the box.Having been famous in Serie A for many years, Di Livio naturally has real skills. Otherwise, Di Livio, who is not very talented, would have been blown away by those talented assaulters. How could he still occupy the main force of Juventus? The full-back's throne for so many years?

Just when Di Livio was full of confidence and was about to escort the young striker in front of him to the baseline, Cassano made an unexpected move: he sprinted at high speed and made an emergency stop, forcing Di Livio Vio had to do the same, and with a rub on the instep of his right foot, the ball passed between Di Livio's legs separated by the emergency stop, and the last one accelerated, passing Di Livio's right hand Go around!The ball is divided!

Tens of thousands of Bari fans in the stands at the San Nicola stadium cheered resoundingly after Cassano passed Di Livio with a crotch-piercing pass.For these Bari fans, Antonio Cassano, a native of Bari, is undoubtedly their favorite star, and it is also the biggest reason why they are willing to watch the team's games live!

And now, Cassano's man-to-ball score made these Barry fans who were depressed for most of the game feel that their tickets this time are already worth the fare!

Next, Cassano's performance made these already somewhat satisfied Barry fans even more excited!After passing Di Livio, Cassano first used his excellent dribbling skills to protect the ball against Nesta, who came up from the supplementary defense. The opportunity to steal with his foot, and then suddenly accelerate and change direction under the condition of high-speed movement, directly hit Nesta by surprise!

Nesta did not expect that Cassano would be so tricky, and he could complete the acceleration and change of direction while sprinting at high speed. Therefore, he was unprepared and naturally showed a flaw, and Cassano seized the opportunity and left him behind !

When Nesta adjusted and rushed towards Cassano again, there was already a distance of several body positions between the two.Although Nesta's speed is not slow, Cassano is not free. Even if his speed is not as good as Ronaldo and Shevchenko, he is still outstanding among forwards.

Therefore, Cassano, who completed the feat of passing two people in a row, did not give Nesta any chance to make up for it. After dribbling into the penalty area of ​​Florence, he slammed and dunked with his right foot and passed Toldo who was trying to intercept. , Send the ball into the goal in front of you!

One to zero!Relying on Cassano's wonderful solo ride, the Bari team, which was in a passive situation most of the time, took a goal lead over Fiorentina, which was considered to have a great advantage before the game, in the No. 806 minute of the game!

Compared with the Bari fans who were cheering for Cassano's wonderful individual performance, the more than 2 Fiorentina fans in the stands fell into a dead silence.Because they couldn't, and didn't want to believe, that the team would be broken by this little-known young player at the last minute!

At the same time, I don't know if it's Barry's bad taste, or someone wants to deliberately disgust Florence at this time, the big screen at the San Nicola Stadium shows the real-time of another game very "timely". Score: At the Stadio Olimpico in Rome, Lazio are already three goals ahead of Reggina at home!

This also means that if the score of [-] to [-] is maintained until the end of the game, then Fiorentina, which has the same points as Lazio, will lose the league championship trophy that is about to be obtained due to the disadvantage of each other's record! (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~ click on the official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter dd), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, and now follow dd WeChat immediately No public!)

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