The Era of Emerald

Chapter 916 The League Ends

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When the news that Barry led Fiorentina by one goal at home was broadcast over the Stadio Olimpico in Rome, the Lazio players who had only hoped to work hard were full of enthusiasm. Nedved, Veron and others They put out their last bit of strength to deal with their opponents, vowing to win the opponent Regina at home!

At the same time, at the San Nicola Stadium, Barry used a quick counterattack to succeed in a sneak attack when he had the upper hand, which can be said to be a big blow to the morale of the Fiorentina team. ∷, Nesta and Di Livio watched in disbelief at Cassano, who was celebrating his goal on the sidelines. Breaking through the defense of the two of them and Toldo, he completed a feat of scoring three goals in a row!

You know, among the three people Cassano passed, including Di Livio, a quasi-first-class full-back, Toldo, the second goal of the Italian national team, and Nesta, who is known as the world's number one central defender, And this young Barry striker was able to break through their defense continuously in the game, and finally successfully sent the ball into the goal. It has to be said that it is a surprising thing.

Although Cassano played against Inter Milan in the league at the end of last year, he scored past Panucci and Blanc, and his name is known to Italian fans; but this time, the young talent The performance was obviously even more astonishing. After all, there are only a few players who have the ability to break through half of Fiorentina's defense on their own. Cassano's ability to do this is enough to prove that he has the football talent and potential to become a top superstar!

It is conceivable that after tonight, Antonio Cassano's name will be known by more people with this goal, and will definitely become one of the hottest figures in the transfer market!

Looking at Viola, who was behind in the score, this unexpected goal of the Barry team not only successfully disrupted the position of the Fiorentina players, but also changed the situation of the league championship in an instant. Violet, who had always held the initiative to compete for the championship, became the disadvantaged party after this moment!

When the Fiorentina players realized that the team was likely to lose the game because of this conceded goal, thus ruining their efforts for the whole season, no matter how strong their psychological quality was, the players were There will still be a little panic in the game.

Although Barry did not seize the opportunity of the Fiorentina players' confusion on the court to further expand the score due to the gap in overall strength, but because of such chaos, Viola completely lost hope of equalizing the score and regaining the upper hand!

In the end, when the 10-minute game time was exhausted and the referee blew the whistle for the end of the game, Fiorentina encountered Waterloo at the St. The score of zero to one lost this key battle that determined the ownership of the Serie A championship this season!

Of course, Fiorentina also lost the Serie A championship trophy in the 1999-2000 season!

After hearing the final whistle, Nesta and Di Livio hung their heads and felt sad. They unanimously took all the responsibility for the team's loss of the league championship at the last minute in their hearts, thinking that it was because I failed to stop Cassano's attack in the first place, which made the team lose in this game.

"It would have been nice if he had directly fouled him tactically..." Looking at the Barry players who were celebrating the victory on the sidelines, and his teammates who were immersed in the grief of losing the league championship trophy, Nesta clenched his fists tightly and tried his best. To calm down his increasingly depressed mood.He really feels now that he should have been more decisive at the time, and it would have been fine to stop Cassano for the last foul. He should not have tackled the ball at the first time in order to pursue a clean defense, and the result gave the opponent an advantage. machine.

"Okay, Alessandro (Nesta), the game is over, and it is meaningless for us to discuss these now." Although the time in Florence is still short, the reputation is far less than Ness Tower and Toldo, etc., but as an experienced veteran, Di Livio played his due role very well at this time, saying, "Instead of regretting the choice made at that time, it is better to put this Take one experience as a lesson, so as to avoid such things from happening again in the future."

"Well, Angelo (Di Livio's name), thank you for your advice, I will remember this lesson." Nesta still agrees with Di Livio's words.Although Di Livio's qualifications cannot be compared with many players in the Fiorentina team, almost everyone respects this veteran who started from a low-level league and eventually became famous in Serie A from the bottom of his heart. .Among other things, just his fighting spirit and indomitable fighting spirit are enough to make people admire him.

Therefore, for most of the Fiorentina players (such as Nesta, Toldo, Ronaldo, etc.) who have had a lot of smooth sailing since their debut, the existence of Di Livio is particularly important, because with his rich Experience, his words are enough to convince these players!

Although he can't become the most shining star on the field like Ronaldo, he can also make his own contribution like the green leaves next to the red flowers, and silently provide support behind them. This is a grassroots that has grown up through hardships What a star can do.

It is precisely because of Di Livio's words that Nesta did not have some negative emotions because of this loss, nor did he doubt his ability and belief, or was so discouraged that he wanted to stay away from football.Because he has already realized that there is no general victorious in the football field, and there are accidents in everything, and it is impossible for everything to be satisfactory.

Having said that, if the team loses a championship due to a mistake, they will grit their teeth or even seek death, or simply choose to retire, and the talents who can do such a thing are really amazing.

Nesta knows that what he can do now is to further improve his strength, minimize the probability of making mistakes, and find ground on his opponent in the next confrontation, instead of hiding in a corner and complaining about himself.In his opinion, a person who would do this would definitely not become an outstanding player. Even if he became famous in the football world for a while, he would at most be a shooting star and would not be a great player.

Maybe people with strong hearts are not necessarily strong, but without exception, the strong are far superior to others at the inner level. (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~ click on the official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter dd), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, and now follow dd WeChat immediately No public!)

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