The Era of Emerald

Chapter 920 Team 2 Construction

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Regarding Zhuang Mingge's arrangement, it is impossible for Mourinho not to be moved. After all, from the moment he served as the old Robson's translator, he had the idea of ​​becoming a head coach. From a mere translation, he became an assistant coach in Florence.

After becoming Fiorentina's assistant coach, Mourinho did not stop struggling because of this.Having learned theoretical knowledge and coaching experience from Capello and Heynckes, two tactical masters, he has been accumulating capital for becoming a bishop!

Now, an opportunity to become the head coach is in front of him without warning!

Mourinho was naturally very surprised by this. He always thought that the club would recruit a coach from outside to serve as the coach of the second team.After all, with Fiorentina's current fame and strength, even serving as the coach of the second team is a valuable experience for many coaches. If it is used properly, it is very likely that it can jump into the top league stage.

"...Boss." After being silent for a while, Mourinho asked, he planned to listen to what this person who has been kind to him thinks before deciding whether to accept this appointment, " Why did you choose me for this position? Even if the club does not find a suitable candidate outside, Ricardo (Moniz) and Rene (Müllensten) can also be employed!"

"Uh, actually, there are really a few candidates with good abilities in all aspects." Zhuang Mingge scratched his head and decided to tell the truth, "But in the end, I don't think they are as suitable as you to lead this team. So we rejected them all.”

Before deciding to let Mourinho be the coach of Fiorentina's second team, Zhuang Mingge did openly recruit the coach of the second team through the club's official website, and the response was really good, including Benitez and Prandelli. Shuaidu extended an olive branch to Fiorentina, but Zhuang Mingge finally chose Mourinho, his "own man", after hesitating for a long time.

First of all, Mourinho's series of achievements in his previous life proved his ability to lead a team well, so Zhuang Mingge chose him; secondly, Mourinho successively studied under Robson Sr. The three tactical masters of Sri Lanka have greatly improved their tactical level compared with their previous lives. They need such a stage without too much pressure for them to transform these theories. After all, as the saying goes, true knowledge comes from practice; the third point is also The most important point is that Mourinho, who has been in Fiorentina for more than two years, is very familiar with the current tactical system of the team. Therefore, if he is selected to coach the second team, he can well follow the tactical style of the first team and facilitate the second team. seamless connection between them.In order to prevent players from having to re-adapt to the tactics of the first team after they are promoted from the second team, they cannot provide the necessary combat power for the first team.

After listening to Zhuang Mingge's explanation, Mourinho thought about it briefly, and quickly made a decision: "Okay, boss, your reason is indeed very convincing, I agree, and serve as the host of the second team of Florence." coach."

By the way here, the reason why Mourinho agreed to the invitation was that apart from accumulating experience as a head coach and repaying Zhuang Mingge's trust in him, he also had his own little calculation, which was to take advantage of this opportunity. A rare opportunity to prove your coaching ability to the outside world!

Although Mourinho was able to climb to the position of Fiorentina assistant coach as a mere translator, this is already a very heaven-defying achievement in the eyes of many colleagues.However, in the heart of the Portuguese, the position of a wealthy assistant coach is not his end, the throne of the head coach is the goal he hopes to achieve!

However, it is not easy to become a head coach from an assistant coach. After all, in the current European football, most head coaches are transformed directly after players retire.This also means that if they did not accumulate enough network resources and glamorous resumes in the player era, many clubs would not pay attention to these fledgling head coaches at all.This is especially fatal for Mourinho, who was a mediocre player and whose highest level was only at the level of the Portuguese C-League!

Think about it, Vialli and Gullit could have easily become Chelsea's head coaches without obtaining a coaching certificate by virtue of their glory in the player era.And people like Lippi, Benitez and Mourinho, who have not had a good career, have to take a long detour to reach the height of the former when they started.I have to say, there are so many unfair things in this world...

Therefore, it is undoubtedly an unprecedented opportunity for Mourinho to serve as the head coach of the Fiorentina second team this time!As long as he can lead the second team to achieve impressive results and attract the attention of those top league teams, then he will be able to take his place in Italy, which is an extremely competitive arena, and naturally it will be just around the corner!

Some people may say that Mourinho, who regards Fiorentina as a springboard for his coaching career, is a bit too disrespectful, and he would treat Viola who has worked so hard to cultivate him in this way, but in fact, this is very important for Fiorentina and Mourinho. For both parties, it is the best choice!

After all, as an inexperienced rookie, Mourinho now needs a space to grow and accumulate experience.After all, there are very few people like Guardiola who have both strength and luck. Most of the head coaches with a very high start are getting worse year after year. The best example is Chelsea's two-man coach Gullit and Vialli.

Moreover, even if Mourinho really leaves Fiorentina at the invitation of other teams, when Fiorentina needs him to contribute, the Portuguese coach will definitely step forward without hesitation and contribute to Viola. Do his part!

Just like Capello and Maldini in the previous life, although they all knew that AC Milan was an out-and-out fire pit, they still devoted themselves to it without hesitation because they had special feelings for the Rossoneri. The power to save the team in the water and fire!

Therefore, for Mourinho, starting from the Fiorentina second team, traveling outside to accumulate experience, and finally returning to Fiorentina to coach is a relatively safe growth trajectory. (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~ click on the official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter dd), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, and now follow dd WeChat immediately No public!)

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