The Era of Emerald

Chapter 921 Team 2 Construction

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"...that's really great!" Hearing Mourinho's answer, Zhuang Mingge was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect the other party to reply so quickly, and then he said, "If this is the case, then we will Let’s first discuss which players should be promoted from the youth team to the second team, so that they can experience the atmosphere of the professional league. ↖,”

Therefore, in the following time, Zhuang Minge and Mourinho conducted a detailed discussion on which youth team players to enter the newly formed Fiorentina second team.

In the end, the two reached a consensus on this issue and decided to transfer De Rossi and Aquilani (you should not have forgotten that in order to complete the transfer of Di Biagio and Tomasi, Rome sent them The two were sold to Fiorentina as part of this transfer), Palombo, Gamberini, Barzagli and Bonera have performed well in the youth team, and the youth league has been unable to support their growth. The young players who provided nourishment were transferred to the soon-to-be-established Fiorentina second team, allowing them to start from the low-level leagues, gradually accumulate experience in professional games, and further temper their strengths.

After they adapt to the intensity of the professional league and grow up, Fiorentina can get a lot of youth training players who can provide the team with immediate combat power!

As a very assertive head coach, it is naturally impossible for Mourinho to fully follow Zhuang Mingge's arrangements.Regarding the personnel construction of the second team, Mourinho also has his own ideas and plans.For example, he fell in love with Vincent and Sun Jihai, who have been loaned to Ajax by the team for game training, and Marco Motta, who has few chances to play in Benfica!

After thinking about Mourinho's request for a while, Zhuang Mingge finally agreed.After all, Mourinho's ideas also have merits. It's not a problem for Fiorentina to always loan these players out even if they don't recall them.Over time, it will not only reduce the sense of belonging of these loaned players to Fiorentina, but also easily cause some unnecessary conflicts.

If this opportunity is taken to recall some of these players to the second team, it will to a large extent be an inspiration to other loaned players, allowing them to have more motivation to pursue progress during the loan period .

As for whether Vincent and the others will agree to leave the Eredivisie and the Portuguese Super League and switch to the C[-] League, Zhuang Mingge thinks this is not a problem.Because for these players who are not yet well-known and can't get much playing time in the team they play for, returning to Fiorentina is a good thing, better than sitting on the bench half-dead in Ajax and Benfica Watching teammates perform is much better.

And the development of things later did not exceed Zhuang Mingge's expectations. After receiving the call from Fiorentina, Vincent and Sun Jihai, who were not valued at Ajax, readily accepted the club's arrangement-in their view, Instead of being suppressed on the bench by those Dutch players in the Ajax team, it is better to return to play in Fiorentina. At least the C[-] League will definitely have room for them to display their talents.

It would be perfect if he could take this opportunity to shine in the second team and then be promoted to the first team to compete.

As for Marco Motta, Benfica did not set up many obstacles for the Brazilian midfielder with Italian nationality. They already have two giants Senna and Assuncao in the midfielder position. They don't pay much attention to Motta. , nor optimistic about his future.Therefore, thinking that this was a rare mistake by Fiorentina's scouts, the Portuguese giants sold Motta to Fiorentina for $100 million.

At the same time, in order to make up for the young Mourinho's lack of coaching experience, Zhuang Mingge, after obtaining the consent of the Portuguese, sent an invitation to Liedholm, who is retiring at home, to hire this highly respected football star Served as the assistant coach of Fiorentina's second team.He intends to ask this experienced old coach to watch Mourinho more by the side, so that the young and inexperienced Portuguese will take less detours in the post of head coach.

After receiving the invitation from Florence, the 78-year-old Liedholm thought about it for a while, and signed his name on the work contract provided by Viola-for the Swedes who have nothing to do at home after retirement , Going to Florence to be an assistant coach who usually has nothing to do and only needs to mention the young man named Mourinho at critical moments seems to be a good job.

Although the work of forming the second team seemed to be smooth sailing, in fact, some unpleasant things happened that Zhuang Mingge didn't know about.

For example, some young players headed by De Rossi have strong objections to the promotion of players from the youth team to the second team to participate in the competition!

When they first learned that they would go to the newly formed second team and start playing in the lowest level of the third and second leagues, De Rossi, Gamberini and others still complained about the club's arrangement in their hearts. The team is simply overqualified for doing so!De Rossi believes that with the strength they have shown in the youth league, they can have their place even in Serie A.That being the case, why do they have to play in the C[-] League?

It's fine if it's the second division. After all, there are many players in the second division who have the strength of Serie A. Playing against them is good for improving yourself, but what the hell is the second division?What good players are there that deserve to play in such a low league?

So, after feeling wronged, De Rossi and Aquilani gathered together to discuss and decided to go to the head of the youth team, that is, Mullensten to complain, hoping that the club can listen to them The opinion was withdrawn into order.

And the result of De Rossi's picking and picking was that before they ran to complain to Mullensten, they were suppressed by the big brother Effenberg from the first team!

"You bastards don't know your blessings!" This is the demented roar of the German tiger after De Rossi and Gamberini, who were about to take action, were caught by Effenberg halfway, "No What’s the big deal if you just go to the second team and start from the lowest level of the C[-] League? I’ve never seen you young players who are so difficult to serve, and you really regard yourself as a superstar, so you can do whatever you want?”

After learning of De Rossi's intentions, Effenberg was a little crazy. He felt that he really couldn't understand the thoughts of these young people now-they are not very capable, but their temper is not small, and they are picky and picky. He is better than the other, and he doesn't think about whether he really has the capital to bargain with the club.

Is this the so-called generation gap?The German thought gloomily.

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