The Era of Emerald

Chapter 922 Team 2 Construction

ps1: Those who continue to ask for recommendation tickets here say that free books do not require everyone to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets?We are here thank you~

ps2: I was notified that I will be working overtime at work tonight, so tomorrow's update will be postponed until the evening. I hope everyone can understand...

ps3: Thanks to the book friend "alston–king" for the reward. ,

"Captain, we just feel that with our current strength, even participating in Serie A is not a problem." Although De Rossi and Effenberg in the youth team did not have much overlap, he still respectfully called this A big brother from the first team said "captain", and then honestly stated his opinion, "It's fine if the higher-ups arrange us to play in Serie B, but it's a bit too much for us to go to the second league..."

"Huh? Just like you guys, you still want to play in Serie A?" Effenberg interrupted De Rossi rudely, looked at the two unconvinced young men in front of him with some amusement, and said disdainfully, "Don't forget, you are still under 20 years old. Not only are your skills immature, but your body is not yet fully grown. You will only be abused if you participate in the Serie A league rashly!"

Looking at De Rossi who thought he could play in Serie A, Effenberg was a little speechless, thinking that I was not so crazy when I was your age.After all, when Effenberg dared to compete with the club and the fans, he had already made a name for himself in the Bundesliga. Even if the results are not yet available, he dares to ask the team for this or that.

To be honest, Effenberg feels that he is doing a great thing. After all, if this matter gets to the ears of Heynckes and Mourinho, these little guys will definitely be overwhelmed. .Don't look at Heynckes and Mourinho, they usually seem very easy-going when interacting with the players, but Effenberg, who is experienced and extremely accurate, knows that these few are absolute in terms of team management With an iron fist, they will never allow people like De Rossi who dare to sing against themselves to exist!

Therefore, if De Rossi and others are committed by these few because of this incident, Effenberg believes that Heynckes and Mourinho will definitely leave an unforgettable memory for these ignorant little ghosts. lesson!

In other words, De Rossi and the others are just young players with a little reputation in Italy, and they have no foundation at all.If he really refused to obey the assignment, wouldn't it be a matter of minutes before Heynckes and Mourinho killed them?

Out of the protection of the juniors and the sense of responsibility as the captain of the team, Effenberg, who discovered the abnormality of De Rossi and others, would intervene in this matter, and decided to come forward to discipline these juniors and let them know what is meant. no Zuo no Die.

If the current Effenberg is still the super bad boy in the World Cup in the United States, then he will definitely not make such a move, but there is a high possibility that he will give another kick behind De Rossi and the others. Then I hid aside and had fun...

It can be seen that Zhuang Mingge's time travel in this life had an extremely significant impact on Effenberg's character.At least, after becoming the public enemy of the fans, he was not abandoned by the club as in history, and instead received support from the top management of the team. The Effenberg in this world is much more mature and stable than the German Tiger in another world many!

"How is it possible!" Hearing Effenberg's evaluation, De Rossi was naturally a little unconvinced, and retorted, "Didn't Pirlo play in Serie A before he was 20 years old, and he played in Vicenza on loan? During the period, he even won the Cup Winners Cup as the core of the team? If he can do this, why can't we?"

"Hmph! Just you kid, do you still want to be compared with him?" Effenberg gave De Rossi a stern look with contemptuous eyes, and he took two steps back in fright, "Look at you You are timid, just stare at you and then retreat. That kid Andre (Pirlo) is not as cowardly as you. Although he is a skilled player, he faced Ince and Tacchinardi back then. The flying shovels are not at all afraid, and they dare to dribble the ball and confront the opponent head-on. If it were you, would you dare to do this?"

"Uh..." Hearing Effenberg's rhetorical question, De Rossi was at a loss for words.In terms of technology and overall outlook, he is indeed far behind Pirlo back then. The only thing better than him is his physical fitness.

Moreover, after hearing Effenberg's narration, De Rossi, Gamberini and others also felt a little ashamed. They never thought that the seemingly weak Pirlo would be so tough!

If it were for him to face that situation... De Rossi felt that he really didn't have the courage to fight those villains.

"Speaking of which, why are you in such a hurry? Look at the current first team members, most of them have been honed in the lower leagues. Vieri and Inzaghi were still playing in the second division when they were 20 years old. Di Livio didn't even play his first Serie A game until he was 27 years old!" Seeing that De Rossi and the others showed some signs of softening, Effenberg also slowed down his tone and persuaded him in a friendly voice. "So, you'd better listen to my advice and go to the C[-] League first to experience the world. If you can perform at a superhuman level there, then the club will definitely consider transferring you to the first team."

In this way, after being severely taught by Effenberg, De Rossi and others had no choice but to give up their original plan, obediently obeyed the tiger's advice, and ran to Mourinho in desperation. Check in.

As for these things that happened in private, Heynckes and Mourinho were naturally kept in the dark by Effenberg, and Zhuang Mingge, who was busy recruiting players for the upcoming second team, didn't even know about it.

Now let’s talk about Zhuang Mingge’s gains in player trading during this period. Except for the players from the youth team, and Vincent, Sun Jihai and Mota who have already confirmed that they will join the second team next season, in the Champions League final In the days before his arrival, Zhuang Mingge finalized several deals non-stop.

Franck Ribery transferred from the Bugne Club, the future world-class winger is currently in the French National League (Note: the lowest level of the French professional league, similar to the Italian second league), And it was quite unsatisfactory-in the past season, the French winger didn't get even a minute of playing!Therefore, after receiving the contract offered by Fiorentina, the ecstatic Ribery signed his name without thinking!

Bugne didn't pay much attention to Ribery's transfer. After all, the young man didn't show any superior football talent in training, and the high price of [-] US dollars offered by Florence also put the family in a low position. The clubs in the first-level league are very excited, so naturally they will not set up any obstacles in Ribery's transfer.

Therefore, Zhuang Mingge only spent [-] US dollars to bring the leader of French football after Zidane retired to Florence!

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