The Era of Emerald

Chapter 923 Before the Finals

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In terms of local players, Zhuang Mingge has also made some progress. , Cristian Rigano, who played for the Taranto club, switched to the Fiorentina second team for $1.9.The Italian center with a height of [-] meters can effectively play the role of wing assaulters such as Vincent and Ribery, and can also use his height advantage and strength to create shooting opportunities for teammates around him.

Zhuang Mingge has heard of the player Ligano.In his previous life, after Fiorentina went bankrupt, shoe tycoon De La Valle rebuilt Viola, and spent a lot of money trying to get the team back to the top league as quickly as possible, and introduced many powerful players for this purpose.And in this process, one of the players who made great contributions to the revival of Florence was Rigano!

In Zhuang Mingge's view, although Rigano is at best the main force of the Serie A relegation team, with his ability, it is not a problem to deal with the Italian low-level league, especially when he is accompanied by excellent wingers such as Vincent and Ribery. , Enough to bring out the strength and air superiority of this local center!

In addition, Sergio Pelissier has transferred from Varese in the third league.The grassroots striker who later made a name for himself in Chievo is also not well-known at this time. He has played 26 times in Varese this season but only scored five goals. He plans to change his environment. s Choice.

Just when Zhuang Mingge focused on the formation of the Fiorentina second team, more than a week had passed before he knew it.In the past week or so, Fiorentina ushered in two Italian Cup finals with Lazio!

Facing the Blue Eagles who destroyed their dream of six consecutive Serie A championships, the Fiorentina players who lost the league championship trophy at the last moment shared the same hatred, and vented all the resentment and sadness they had accumulated in their hearts to the culprit!

The Lazio players obviously didn't realize that Fiorentina would have such a strong desire to win and revenge. They were immersed in the joy of winning the league championship, and they even said in an interview before the game that they planned to play in the next Italian match. Once again defeated Fiorentina in the Cup final, helped the Blue Eagles achieve the great cause of the double crown, and brought this championship trophy to Rome for exhibition!

There is a good saying, if you don't die, you won't die.After the extremely confident speeches of the Lazio players reached the ears of the Fiorentina players, almost everyone's eyes lit up—they stole a league championship from us by chance, but they dared to be so arrogant, if we If I don't teach you a lesson this time, if the Lazio people get their wish just like this, the tails of these guys won't be up to the sky?

Fiorentina fans are also very dissatisfied with Lazio's arrogant attitude. In their eyes, Lazio just took advantage of Fiorentina's poor state to steal a league championship. What is there to be proud of?It is precisely because of this that although the game has not yet started, Fiorentina has already regarded Lazio as an opponent that must be defeated!

Therefore, in the first round of the match between the two sides, when the confident Lazio players stepped on the turf of the Frankie Stadium, they immediately noticed something was wrong-Nima, when did the atmosphere at Florence's home court change? so scary?This atmosphere is almost the same as the atmosphere of Galatasaray's home court in the news reports!

Facing the menacing Fiorentina players who seemed to want to kill, the Lazio players who were obviously not prepared enough before the game panicked.After all, they have just won the league championship after a hard fight, and this is the time to relax and relax the muscles and bones that have been tense for a season.As a result, what the Lazio players did not expect was that Fiorentina did not appear to be sluggish because of losing the league championship at the last moment, but they were more motivated than ever because of this!

Damn it, are these guys all monsters?Why can't you see even a little bit of frustration and discouragement?This is what the Lazio players felt when they shook hands with the Fiorentina players after walking out of the player tunnel.

Grandoni, the captain of Lazio, and Veron, the core of the Blue Eagles, obviously have more thoughts in their hearts.After noticing the momentum of the Fiorentina players, their first reaction was that this game was definitely not as good as they imagined before the game...

Of course, the Lazio people who lack the temperament and self-consciousness of a wealthy family cannot imagine that when they said that they would beat Fiorentina again in the final, they had actually pushed themselves into a dead end!

If Lazio does not say this publicly, then the Fiorentina players may still stay in these two contests because of concerns about the upcoming Champions League final, and the Blue Eagles will also have a higher chance of winning in the final to fight for the Coppa Italia championship. title; and now, after they announced that they would defeat Fiorentina in the final and win the domestic league and cup doubles, with the temperament of Effenberg and others, it is naturally impossible to let this opponent continue to be so arrogant!

It has to be said that Grandoni's premonition really came true.After the start of the game, Fiorentina players launched a frenzied press on the field, almost reaching the point where every goal must be fought, without any consideration that they will have a Champions League final to play in the near future!

Facing Fiorentina's frenzied full-court press, the unprepared Lazio players couldn't help panicking. They were repeatedly intercepted by Fiorentina players when passing the ball and breaking through with the ball, and then they were counterattacked by the opponent. Looks extremely passive!

After a long time, although Fiorentina hadn't scored a goal to break the deadlock, the Lazio players couldn't stand it anymore-they originally planned to use the remaining prestige of winning the league to win the final, and by the way, use a double crown for the club. Celebrating the [-]th birthday of , but never expected that the resistance from Florence would be so fierce!

With the passage of time, I saw that the Fiorentina players still showed no signs of relaxing. On the contrary, because of the soft enforcement style of the referee, they further strengthened the fighting, which caused many Lazio players to shrink back when fighting!

After all, in the eyes of these Lazio players, being able to win a league title at the end of the season is already a very good achievement. Winning the Coppa Italia title is just icing on the cake. What do they have to lose, there is no need to fight desperately for this with Florence, who is already red-eyed.

Under the influence of this kind of thinking, many Lazio players began to play soy sauce on the court. When facing some chance balls, they often choose to give way instead of fighting with their opponents.And this behavior of the Blue Eagles players just verified the old saying: the brave wins when they meet in a narrow road!

Although Lazio still has an extremely tenacious predator like Nedved in the Lazio team, under the general trend of most teammates starting to drift away in the game, the resistance of a few people seems insignificant.

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