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Moratti's love for Inter Milan comes from the bottom of his heart, and Facchetti knows this better than anyone else. Therefore, after assuring the big boss that the transfer will be completed, Facchetti immediately devoted himself to the club. Liaison work with Florence.

"Hello, is it Antonio? I'm Giacento Facchetti!" Due to the partnership between Inter Milan and Fiorentina, Facchetti is naturally quite familiar with the Fiorentina chairman, "I listen to Ma Seamus said that you intend to sell Francisco Toldo, whether it is true?"

"Well, that's true. Before the opening of the European Cup, Francisco and I had exchanges on this aspect, and I also agreed to his request to find a next home." On the other end of the phone, Zhuang Mingge flipped through the Looking at the quotations of Fiorentina players from various clubs and the progress of the team's signings, he talked with Facchetti, "However, judging from the current situation, he seems to intend to use this European Cup as a promotion. A platform for his own worth. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to release the news that he wants to transfer and leave until now...Why, could it be said that Inter Milan is also interested in Toldo's transfer?"

"Of course, for such an excellent goalkeeper as Toldo, no team can refuse his temptation." Regarding Zhuang Mingge's temptation, Facchetti generously admitted his intention, Said, "I don't know if you have time tomorrow, I plan to go to Rotterdam to discuss this transfer with you face to face? After all, if some things are not said face to face, I am afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble for both of us."

"Of course no problem, then I'll wait for you here." After speaking, Zhuang Mingge said goodbye to Facchetti and put down the microphone, then turned around and smiled at Karin and Li Becca said, "Okay, two beauties, now let's clean up and prepare for the coming guests!"

So, on the first day of the European summer transfer market opening, that is, on the morning of July 7, Facchetti and his two assistants rushed to Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and went to the high-end hotel where Zhuang Mingge stayed. Start preliminary negotiations on the introduction of Toldo!

"Mr. Facchetti, I am relieved to see that you look so good." After a short courteous manner, after the host and guest were seated one after another, Zhuang Mingge spoke first. Given the relationship between him and Facchetti, it was natural There is no need to add a slightly suffix like chairman to the opponent's name, "Masimo's love for Inter Milan is unquestionable, but he is a full-fledged leader in the management of the club and the team." Novice. Without your help, I'm really worried that he will be tricked to death by some people with ulterior motives."

This sentence is not Zhuang Mingge's nonsense. In his previous life, the reason why Moratti was repeatedly frustrated in the transfer market was largely because he did not have a reliable person to assist him.This makes him often fooled by others, and he is immediately fooled. The most typical example is that in the summer of 2004, Juventus traded the third goalkeeper Carlini from Moratti for Cannavaro!This transfer not only became the proud work of Moggi's career as general manager, but also made Moratti wear the hat of "unknown talent". He will appear as the laughing stock of European football for a long time in the future. in front of people.

Therefore, after seeing Facchetti becoming the chairman of Inter Milan several years earlier than in history, and Moratti retiring to the second line and only responsible for paying the money, Zhuang Mingge really felt the possibility of Inter Milan as a powerful ally of Fiorentina. .Before that, in Zhuang Minge's eyes, if the Nerazzurri were still under Moratti's control, then Inter Milan could only be a nominal ally of Florence at best, and beating the side drums was its limit. You can't expect much.

After all, the football circle speaks more about performance. Even if the Moratti family is powerful in Italy, if Inter Milan's performance is not strong, they still won't have enough voice.Why do people say a few words from Juventus and AC Milan more than Moratti?Isn't it because the results of these two teams at home and abroad are much better than Inter Milan!

"Haha, thank you for your concern for me and Massimo. I'm here to thank Antonio for Massimo." Like Moratti, Facchetti also likes this young junior very much. The honor achieved in the position of chairman of the club is enough to embarrass most of his peers, including himself, "So, how about we get to the point now?"

"What you're saying is, finish the business earlier so that I can go around the city of Rotterdam. After all, no matter what, I'm still on vacation~" Zhuang Mingge spread his hands pretending to be helpless, He smiled and said, "There is no way for this. Who made me the chairman of Florence? Whether I am paid overtime or not, I have to work hard... Oh, it's really hard work!"

Facchetti was embarrassed when he heard this, and quietly glanced at Karin and Groz Jr. who were sitting in another room watching TV, and said to himself that you are so thick-skinned that you left all the affairs of the club to your subordinates Let alone being a hands-off shopkeeper and bringing two beauties to watch the European Cup, now it’s just a waste of your time at most one morning to shout tired here?

In order to avoid having a cerebral hemorrhage from being angry by the other party, Facchetti decisively turned the topic on the right track.

"...Then let me say something first, our Inter Milan's preliminary offer for Toldo is ready." Unlike the boss Mo who is bold and almost regardless of cost, Facchetti is obviously concerned about the club's balance of payments and Mo Ratti's pockets are more important, so he is much more stingy when it comes to buying people, "1500 million US dollars, a one-time payment, what do you think of this price?"

"Hey, do you want to buy a main player of a Triple Crown team and a World Cup champion team for just 1500 million US dollars, and is also a first-class goalkeeper who is enough to rank among the top five in the world? Mr. Facchetti, you have some doubts." Isn’t it too whimsical?” Although he was prepared for Facchetti’s stinginess, Zhuang Mingge was caught off guard by the opponent’s move, “You know, the transfer fees of players have risen in the past two years. It’s amazing, a show like Denilson can be sold for a sky-high price of 3500 million U.S. dollars, let alone Toldo’s worth.”

Speaking of this, Zhuang Minge gestured to Facchetti, and said firmly: "At least 3000 million US dollars! Otherwise, no discussion!"

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