ps1: This is the first update today, the 28 recommended updates will be posted after get off work in the evening, um, that's it.

ps2: The person who asked for a recommendation ticket here said that free books do not require you to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets, right?We are here thank you~

ps3: Let me talk about the book friend group here, the group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine, and the verified answer is ntr knight, um, that's it.

ps4: Here I would like to thank the book friend "Datang Talent" for the reward.

"3000 million US dollars?!" Hearing Zhuang Mingge's asking price, Facchetti couldn't help being startled by the opponent's lion's mouth, and quickly retorted, "Antonio, isn't this price too high? Even if Toldo is here His performance in the European Cup was indeed very good. He was also the main goalkeeper of the Fiorentina League for five consecutive championships and four Champions Cups. Famous goalkeepers must be much cheaper than those offensive players in terms of price!"

As for Zhuang Mingge's words of "otherwise no discussion", Facchetti didn't take it seriously at all. In his view, it was just a way for the other party to ask for a high price... Transfer negotiations are always necessary. It is no big deal if the price is raised and the money is paid back on the spot.

"A good goalkeeper can top half a team. I believe you have heard the saying, Facchetti. And I also believe that you, who are also Italians, should know what a good goalkeeper can do to a team. It’s the effect.” Zhuang Mingge replied unhurriedly to Facchetti’s rebuttal, “So, since Toldo is one of the best goalkeepers in today’s football, the price is high. Some are normal, right?"

Tsk, that is to say, most of the rich teams still have a reliable person guarding the goal in front of the goal.If in another ten years, a goalkeeper of Toldo's level enters the transfer market, you guys still have to fight for it?Zhuang Mingge, who has a considerable understanding of the future international football trends, thought with some regret in his heart.

Zhuang Mingge, who is a diehard fm fan, clearly remembers that when Neuer transferred from Schalke 2011 to Bayern Munich in the summer of 04, his worth reached 2400 million U.S. dollars; De Gea has not yet proved it in international competitions When the goalkeeper who surpassed his ability joined Manchester United, Ferguson even paid 1780 million pounds for him!

Looking at the current transfer market, when Peruzzi transferred to Inter Milan last year, the 1900 million euros was already the highest transfer fee record for a goalkeeper. Juventus only spent 1000 million to buy Van der Sar EUR.Compared with the tens of millions of transfer fees for strikers, the goalkeeper's worth can be described as shabby.

"Antonio, I admit that what you said is indeed very reasonable, but please pay attention to one thing. The current situation is that Toldo is planning to leave Fiorentina, and there is no shortage of excellent goalkeepers in our team. So, if you ask for too much If we are scared away, there may not be a team more generous than us willing to take Toldo by then."

"Hehe, if you Inter Milan really think that Peruzzi can play the same role as Toldo, then Facchetti, you will not appear in front of me now." Hearing Facchetti's implied Threatened, Zhuang Mingge chuckled, and then said, "By the way, I remember that teams like Manchester United, Sampdoria, and Lazio are also short of goalkeepers, and those owners are not short of money. Since Inter Milan thinks Toldo's worth is too expensive, so I can just talk to the representatives of these companies, and I believe I will get a good result."

"Tsk!" Finding that Zhuang Mingge was unmoved at all, Facchetti smacked his lips in dissatisfaction.He has realized that if he wants to win Toldo before other teams do it, he must pay enough transfer fees to impress the young chairman in front of him.After all, Ferguson, Berezovsky, and Craniotti are all the kind of people who like to spend a lot of money for the players they are looking for. Facchetti, whose goal is to break even, dare not compare the speed of burning money with these local tyrants.

As a result, Facchetti, who knew that his weakness had been captured by Fiorentina, had to sit down again and negotiate with Zhuang Mingge on the transfer fee.But this time, after losing the initiative to negotiate, Inter Milan is bound to bleed again this summer.

By the way, don't look at the two people's refusal to give in to each other during the negotiation. The argument was so fierce, but this will not affect their personal relationship.Because Zhuang Mingge and Facchetti both know that it is their job and responsibility to strive for more benefits for the club, which belongs to the category of official business and will not affect their personal relationship.Of course, it is also impossible for the two of them to make the other party betray the interests of their own club through private friendship.

In the end, after a lot of verbal confrontation, Facchetti and Zhuang Minge finally reached an agreement on Toldo's transfer fee: Inter Milan will introduce its main goalkeeper Francisco Toldo from Fiorentina in the form of cash + player exchange. Aldo, with a total value of up to 3000 million US dollars!

Among them, Christian Panucci, who is the player part, will offset the transfer fee of about 400 million U.S. dollars, and the cash part of 2600 million U.S. dollars will be paid by Inter Milan in one lump sum when the transfer is completed.Of course, if Panucci himself is unwilling to join Fiorentina, then the offset of 400 million US dollars, Inter Milan must pay this amount within the next year!

Zhuang Mingge was quite satisfied with this result.As Facchetti said before, the goalkeeper is indeed a position that is difficult to sell at a high price, unless it is those teams that urgently need to strengthen the goalkeeper position, or those local tyrants who do not regard money as money will spend a lot of money. The price to buy a goalkeeper.Therefore, being able to withdraw so much money from Toldo's transfer can already be said to be a surprise.

Facchetti is also quite satisfied with this result. Although the cost of spending 3000 million US dollars to buy a goalkeeper is a bit expensive, it is not unaffordable.After all, if everything goes well, using Lippi’s tense Panucci to offset part of Toldo’s transfer fee, and then selling Peruzzi can allow the team to return a large amount of money, and the former’s departure can also be effective. Easing the tension in the locker room, so that the head coach Lippi can better control the team, can be said to be a good thing that kills multiple birds!

As for Toldo's own wishes, Facchetti said that this is not a problem at all.Because he had already learned from Zhuang Mingge that Zhuang Mingge had greeted Toldo before the transfer negotiations started. Very excited - no matter what the status quo is, Inter Milan has always been a member of Italy's traditional top three, has the strength to compete for the championship trophy, and is not short of money. It can be said that it is the best choice in Toldo's mind one!

Therefore, in this way, as long as the European Cup final is over and Inter Milan sends someone to negotiate with Toldo about personal treatment, then the transfer can basically be declared complete!

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