The Era of Emerald

Chapter 971 Rotterdam Night

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At 7:4 p.m. on July [-]th, the De Cuypp Stadium in Rotterdam, the Netherlands was full of people. Fans from France and Italy packed the stands on all sides to the brim. It can be said that it was overcrowded!In addition, according to the statistics of relevant organizations, more than [-] million viewers around the world are sitting in front of the TV to watch tonight's European Cup final, setting a new high since the European Cup was broadcast on TV!

For this situation, the Dutch Football Association and UEFA, as the organizers of the event, and the sponsors are very satisfied, because the more people who pay attention to the European Cup, the greater the benefits they will reap from it!

At the same time, in the De Cuyp Stadium, the Italian and French fans who were carefully separated by the organizers in different areas were provoking each other with words and actions, pushing the atmosphere of the game to a small climax in advance !

Although in the past few decades, Italy and France have had many confrontation records, the intensification of the conflict between the two sides was still in the two-year World Cup.At that time, Italy eliminated the host French team in the quarter-finals. Not only did the four years of hard work of the French coach Jacques go to waste overnight, but he also dismissed get out of class because of this defeat. The dream of holding a cup locally!

Therefore, although they don't say anything, French fans still have a lot of grudges against Italy in their hearts.In their view, if Italy had not used despicable means in the quarter-finals (referring to Materazzi to lure Zidane) to eliminate France in the quarter-finals, then France was getting better and better after qualifying in the group stage. , Perhaps it is really possible to win the first World Cup championship in the history of football at home!

It is precisely because of this that before the players from both sides walked out of the player tunnel, the smell of gunpowder in the stands has already made the TV broadcasters feel excited.Because only this kind of game can have enough highlights and attract more people's attention, and they can use this to get more advertising and sponsorship expenses-if the players and fans of both sides are on the field in a harmonious manner If there is nothing eye-catching about their appearance, then these sponsors will be the ones who will cry.

Out of interest considerations, UEFA, which turned a blind eye, allowed this kind of confrontation and provocation between players, and even fans, on the pitch.Of course, the speed of this is still to be grasped, otherwise one can get rid of it for fun, and then another Heysel tragedy comes out, it will be very joyful and tragic.

The most nervous thing now is the security personnel inside and outside the stadium. They not only have to carefully check whether there are any abnormalities in the hardware facilities in the stadium, but also shoulder the important task of supervising the discipline of fans entering the stadium from both sides, and avoiding negative incidents such as fights and fights!

The grievances and grievances between Italy and France will be mentioned here for the time being. Let's introduce the starting lineups of the two teams.

In France, as a head coach, Le Maire, who only knows Xiao Guicao, doesn't have the courage and arrogance of his teacher Jacquet to break the rules. Therefore, the starting 11 he sent is almost the same as that of two years ago. Not much difference.Goalkeepers Fabian Barthez, Thuram and Lizarazu served as the left and right full-backs, while the central defender position was still the old pair of Blanc and Desailly; after the transfer to Arsenal, it was very prosperous Vieira replaced his club teammate Pettit, and formed a double midfielder with Didier Deschamps, responsible for clearing obstacles for Zidane, and also the most solid barrier in front of the defense; It is still Zidane, the two red cards in the World Cup in France did not change his central position in the national team; Djorkaeff stands not far from Zidane's left, and his task is to distract the opponent's attention , to create enough room for Zidane to play, so as not to fall into the siege of opponents; on the forward line, Thierry Henry, who was depressed at Juventus, has become more and more stable in the national team. Gary formed a combination of one high and one fast, responsible for converting the passes of his teammates into goals one by one!

Compared with the French team in the 98 World Cup, Le Maire's French team only replaced Petit and Jivas with the more capable Vieira and Henry, and the others were exactly the same as before, only Just two years older in age.

Looking at Italy, it is different from the semi-finals. The old Maldini is obviously not as afraid of the offensive ability of the French team as he was against the Netherlands. Therefore, the Italian coach changed again in this European Cup final. Put out a four four two formation!

The goalkeeper is Toldo, who became famous in the last semi-final. On the defense line, the left back is the unshakable Maldini Jr., Zambrotta appeared on the right back, Nesta and Matt Lacy partnered with the central defender, while Cannavaro sat on the bench.Obviously, the old Maldini is still quite afraid of the height of the French team's frontcourt players, so he would rather put Cannavaro, who is more capable, on the bench, and use Matra, who is more dominant in height Let's strengthen our own anti-aircraft firepower!

After all, although Cannavaro's ability to bounce and predict the position can be said to be outstanding among today's defenders, it is also the guarantee that he can defend those high center forwards, but no one can be sure that he is still in Dugari this time. Under the repeated impact of Dane and others, will there be any mistakes?You know, when he represented Parma in the Serie A, Cannavaro made more than one mistake such as falling off the top. It is quite normal for the old Maldini to be wary of this.

In the midfield, Albertini and Di Biagio formed a double defensive midfielder, and the two have a clear division of labor when they attack and defend; Stefano Fiore, who has sprung up in this European Cup, appeared in the position of the right midfielder , but the old Maldini did not limit his range of activities to the narrow right, but gave him a considerable degree of freedom.Obviously, the old Maldini intends to use his excellent dribbling skills and the comprehensiveness of being able to play any position in the midfield to share part of the pressure on Totti, who is the core of the team's playmaker, so that Italy's offense and quick counterattack Can run more smoothly and efficiently.

On the forward line, Vieri, who is known as the world's most powerful center, and Philippe Inzaghi, who is currently tied for the top scorer list with Kluivert and Milosevic, will make their debut.This pair of forward partners with complementary characteristics and tacit cooperation is enough to tear any defense line that dares to block it to pieces!

When players from both sides stepped onto the field from the player tunnel, the cheers from the stands amplified several times in an instant. The fans who were provoking each other just now put aside their disputes for the time being. A way to directly express your emotions to cheer for the teams you support!

The game is about to start.

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