The Era of Emerald

Chapter 972 Pre-match Conflict

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"Hehe, I didn't expect us to meet again." When the starting players of both sides shook hands with each other on the field, Zidane stopped in front of an Italian player and said with a sneer, "Look, this time I will definitely make you regret being born in this world!"

"Huh? Don't tell me you kid still wants to play iron kungfu in the European Cup final? I'm so scared~" Materazzi is a character who is not afraid of anything. Zidane dared to say harsh words in front of himself, and immediately responded not to be outdone, "If you have the ability, do it again and see if your head coach will be like Jacques two years ago this time, rather Resign yourself to quell public anger, but also to keep your core position?"

"!" Hearing Materazzi's sarcasm, Zidane's eyes widened when his scar was hurt. In the last World Cup finals, because of his two red cards, the host French team He went home in the quarter-finals.At that time, Zidane, who was the core of the team but did not perform much (in the five games of the French team in that World Cup, Zidane only participated in three of them, and two of them were not finished before being judged by the referee. sent off with a red card) and head coach Jacquet, who resolutely rejected Cantona, Ginola and other stars, have all received criticism and criticism from all walks of life in France.In order to keep Zidane's status in the national team, Jacquet had no choice but to resign and take the blame himself. At the same time, he arranged for his assistant Le Maire to continue to adhere to the policies he left behind.

Therefore, for Zidane, if Materazzi is the player he hates most, then Jacquet is the person he is most sorry for.Because it was his impulsiveness and irritability, the coach who single-handedly promoted him as the core of the national team had to resign sadly!

Therefore, after hearing Materazzi's mockery of himself, Zidane can't wait to punch this face full of fake smiles now, and let this bastard defender know how powerful he is!

In fact, Zidane originally wanted to do this.But this time, Didier Deschamps and Djorkaeff standing on both sides of him were already prepared for this. Before Zidane could raise his clenched fist, he was pressed down by the two who arrived in time!

"Materazzi, you boy, pay attention to me, wash your stinky mouth well!" As Zidane's teammate and the big brother of the national team, Deschamps, who has a tough personality, naturally wants to stand up for the younger generation, coldly Staring at Materazzi, while pulling Zidane hard to prevent the team from non-combat attrition before the game, "This is the Netherlands, not Italy, if you want to play wild, go back to your own Go to one-third of an acre."

"Yo, isn't this the former Juventus midfielder Didier Deschamps? How does it feel to be at Chelsea this year?" After mocking Zidane, Materazzi looked at him again. On Didier Deschamps who took the initiative to fire at himself, he shook his head pretending to sigh, with a heavy expression on his face, "I really don't know what criteria your head coach uses to select players? I would rather choose you Guys like Kalumbu who have not been in their prime for a long time are selected for the national team, and they are unwilling to give the younger and better Makelele a chance."

"What did you say!" This time, it was Zidane's turn to pull Didier Deschamps and dare not let go.They all know that there have always been considerable opinions on Makelele's defeat in France. They think that the reason why Didier Deschamps and Karenbu, who are not as good as Makelele in ability and state, can be selected for the French team's squad for the European Cup is that To a large extent, it is because they all went through the "back door" relationship of Le Maire, which squeezed out Makelele, who is more capable but less experienced.

Therefore, Materazzi's words can be said to have just hit the Achilles heel of Deschamps, making him unable to get angry.

Seeing that Materazzi had successfully provoked the anger of the French players, Maldini and Nesta hurried over to block Materazzi, lest the latter have any accidents under the siege of the French: "Oh, what are you guys doing? We are all professional players, and we should know that quarrels on the court are normal, calm down, don't do anything..."

Deschamps was almost hurt internally by Maldini's words: I just got ridiculed by Materazzi of your team, and then you jumped out to be a peacemaker. You took all the good things. What kind of reason is this? ?

"Paul (Maldini), you should take care of these players of yours. Some of them are really uneducated." Zidane with a serious face selectively forgot. How could Trazi satirize them to this extent?

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Di Biagio, who is also not afraid of big things, interjected at this time. He and Materazzi have worked together in Florence and Inter Milan. Naturally, he wants to speak for his friends. , "Your ass is not clean, how dare you criticize others? Don't think we don't know about the shitty things you did, okay?"

"I'm sorry, after the game is over, you can find time to catch up on the past." At this time, the referee of this game, Frisk from Sweden, noticed the abnormality here, and hurried forward, playing After breaking the confrontation between Materazzi and Zidane, who were staring at each other, he said with a bad face, "Remember, tonight's game is the final of the European Cup. I hope you can all put your energy into it." Use it in the game, don't play any tricks under my nose, or make any violent incidents. If this really happened in front of me, then I will definitely send you off the stadium with a red card... all heard that!"

So, under Frisk's stern gaze, the players on both sides immediately dispersed. Zidane gave Materazzi a hard look, and then followed his teammates to his own half - although he wanted to give Materazzi a He was ruthless, but he still didn't dare to commit crimes under the nose of the referee.

After all, Zidane took the opportunity of this European Championship to regain his reputation in France. If he received a red card because of a conflict with Materazzi before the final, the team Faced with the situation of one less player in the game (and still lacking the most critical midfield organizer), then he will never want to put on the jersey of the French team and represent the motherland in the battlefield!

Soon, players from both sides took their positions in the half-court chosen by their respective captains, and then, with Frisk's whistle, the game officially began!

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