The Era of Emerald

Chapter 985 The Noisy and Sturdy July

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There are so many wealthy giants in Europe, how can Lazio be the best!This is the thought in the hearts of many wealthy clubs who also hold a lot of money after Crespo's transfer news was announced.

It has to be said that Lazio's introduction of Crespo from Parma at a record cost of more than 400 million U.S. dollars has had a profound impact on football.Because of Craniotti's move, many teams who were unwilling to be robbed of the limelight by Lazio also started to play money-burning games, which also caused many clubs that had been investing rationally before to have headaches and had to follow the crowd; At the same time, Crespo's high net worth has also caused many players to have a comparison mentality, and they are unwilling to lose face on it.

After all, no matter how polite they say, for these stars who have been famous in football for many years, personal treatment is only one of the factors they need to consider when joining other teams, a quality that matches their own status. The worth is also what they hope for.

To give the simplest example, if Real Madrid only paid a very small transfer fee when poaching Figo from Barcelona in history, instead of joining with a record-setting $5610 million worth, how many fans would still think Is he regarded as a top superstar, or even the world's number one right midfielder?

Thus, starting with Crespo's transfer, the summer transfer market in European football began to enter the climax stage!

The first thing that broke the news was that it was still the Lazio club that had just introduced Crespo with the world's first net worth, but this time, the Blue Eagles became the seller: with the strong support of the Russian giant Berezovsky Under the circumstances, Sampdoria, which returned to Serie A, appeared aggressive in the transfer market this summer, and got Nuno Gomez's Aquamarine to buy his compatriot from Lazio for $2000 million. Sergio Consicao who shined in the European Cup!

After completing the deal, both clubs are very happy with it.Sampdoria is naturally delighted that the team's strength has been further enhanced, and Craniotti is also satisfied with the large transfer fee received.After all, most of Craniotti's money comes from the stock market. After spending a lot of ammunition on Crespo, it is inevitable that he will be overwhelmed. Selling Consicao can just return part of the funds and ease the club's huge loss after the introduction of Crespo. financial pressure.

Immediately afterwards, Sampdoria, who was spending a lot of dollars everywhere in order to strengthen the team, made two more deals.Antonioli, who was suppressed by Pagliuca in Bologna for a whole year, was unwilling to sink on the bench like this, and transferred to Sampdoria at a price of 300 million US dollars. He was determined to find a second spring in his career in the city of lighthouses. .In addition, French international Laurent Blanc, who announced his retirement from the national team after the European Cup final, rejected the olive branch offered by Ferguson and chose to join the Navy.Sampdoria's personal treatment far surpassing that of Manchester United and the familiar league environment are the main reasons why Blanc, who has entered the late stage of his career, chose this newly promoted league.

It is foreseeable that with the support of Berezovsky, Sampdoria's return this time is bound to cause waves in Italy and even the whole of Europe!

Seeing that the hot scene in the Italian transfer market has almost attracted everyone's attention, Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​which have finally ended the quadrennial presidential election, can no longer sit still. Gaspart, who just took office, shouted He rushed into the transfer market with a roar, ready to show his ambitions to the fans with one or two blockbuster acquisitions!

However, just as Gaspart and his team began to contact the target players one by one, ready to do a big job, Floren, who claimed in the Real Madrid presidential election that "successful election will definitely bring Figo" Tino made a move!

"What did you say?" Gaspart's eyes widened, as if he wanted to eat people, "Tell me again, who asked for a transfer to leave the team?!"

"Yes, it's Luis Figo, Chairman Gaspart." The secretary in charge of reporting the news was stunned by Gaspart's expression, and said in a trembling voice, while quietly looking at the other party, for fear The chairman's rampage brought harm to his innocent pond fish, "Both Rexach and Mr. Ferrer have contacted Figo by phone, but judging from the current situation, the other party's attitude towards leaving the team is very firm. There is no room for maneuver at all.”

For Figo's resolute statement, Gaspart was shocked and felt a little helpless. He didn't expect that he would face the situation of selling his own captain just after taking office: "Tell me, which team does Luis want to play for? ? It can’t be Real Madrid, can it?”

"No, Mr. Chairman." The secretary's embarrassing answer immediately gave Gaspart a heavy slap in the face, "The team Figo wants to join is the Real Madrid club!"

"What?" Gaspart didn't expect his casual joke to come true, and asked in surprise, "Real Madrid is our sworn enemy of Barcelona, ​​and Figo is an old player who has played for Barcelona for many years. Now, he should be clear about this, right? Why do you want to do this?"

"Uh, he won't say about Figo, but according to Mr. Rexach, there should be something unspeakable about his transfer application." The secretary replied honestly, it was related to the relationship between Barcelona and Real Madrid. He didn't dare to hide anything about the time.

"Go! Call Carlos (Rexach) to the office immediately, and connect me to Luis when he comes back. I want to ask this matter face to face!" Te realized that this was his first major test after being elected as the Barcelona chairman!

After all, although Figo is a foreign player, he was not as famous as Rivaldo and Kluivert in the team before he became famous in the European Cup, but his status and role in the team are other players. Foreign aid is incomparable.On the one hand, it is because Figo is one of the current captains of Barcelona (the others are Guardiola and Enrique), and their identities are naturally different; A player who is organically combined in the midfield, this is something that neither Rivaldo nor Enrique can do!

Therefore, if it is handled properly, Gaspart, who has demonstrated his ability through this crisis, has great hope of gaining a firm foothold as the chairman of Barcelona; but if it is not handled properly, it is very likely that Gaspart Te is facing the first crisis of confidence after taking office, and Barcelona, ​​which has lost Figo, will also suffer an extremely heavy blow!

Soon, Rexach rushed to Gaspart's office, and the phone was connected at the same time, which also indicated that a conversation that determined Figo's future development was about to begin!

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