The Era of Emerald

Chapter 986 The Noisy and Sturdy July

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Not long after the conversation started, Gasparte figured out from Figo's stuttering narration and Rexach's additions why his captain intends to transfer to Real Madrid-when Real Madrid's presidential election is in full swing , Florentino and Figo himself had a bet, to the effect that if Florentino was elected as the chairman of Real Madrid, then Figo would pay the other party a huge sum of up to 3000 million US dollars!

It should be said that this was also urged by Figo himself. Whoever made him covet the 30 U.S. dollars that Florentino offered to hand over, ended up falling into the trap set by the other party, and now he can only be at the mercy of others. No power left to fight back.

After learning the truth of the matter, Gaspart felt a headache. He didn't expect that Figo's seeking a transfer would be such a reason for people to complain!

"John (Gaspart), what should we do now? Do we choose to keep Luiz, or do we follow his wishes and send him to the bloody Madrid people?" This is the end of the call with Figo. After that, Rexach raised a question. From an emotional point of view, he very much does not want to send his captain to the hands of his sworn enemy.

"Accordingly speaking, Figo contacted senior officials of other clubs without the club's permission. This has violated the relevant regulations of the team. In addition, he has made such a big mess this time. , I think we should reject his request and punish him with an in-team suspension." Gaspart took a deep breath and said such a bunch of nonsense.

That's right, don't look at the harsh words, in fact Gaspart only dared to talk about it, and absolutely didn't intend to put it into action.After all, if Barcelona really dared to punish Figo with an indefinite suspension within the team, then Barcelona's reputation in the player community would be completely ruined-just a player who wants to leave the team will be suspended within the team , who would choose to join such a club, not afraid of becoming the second Figo?

Rexach was obviously aware of this, so he tacitly did not continue this topic, but changed the subject and said: "Now is not the time to talk about these things, if we still want to keep Figo, then we will We should think about a way to solve this problem.”

"What way? Do you want the club to pay Luis a huge sum of 3000 million U.S. dollars?" Gaspart said self-deprecatingly, obviously he didn't have much hope for this idea, "That's even more unfeasible. Let alone Figo and Florentino's private betting is wrong in itself, we have no reason to wipe the ass of this greedy Portuguese. Moreover, even if we fill this hole for him this time , then this is equivalent to Figo owed us a huge debt of up to 3000 million U.S. dollars... Think about it, with Figo's current income level, how many years will he have to work for us in vain to pay back the money ?”

What Gaspart said is not wrong. After all, 3000 million US dollars is a huge sum of money anyway. Although Barcelona is one of the best giants in Spain, it is impossible to give Figo so much money for nothing.You know, when Platini joined Juventus back then, the transfer was delayed due to the Bianconeri and Saint-Etienne's disagreement on the transfer fee. Only the difference made my Serie A dream come true.

Even Juventus, with the support of the Agnelli family, will argue with Saint-Etienne for more than 100 million francs, and want to let the membership-based Barcelona unconditionally support Figo for 3000 million US dollars?This is a bit too whimsical...

Therefore, judging from the current situation, when it is impossible for Barcelona to advance the liquidated damages for Figo, and it is impossible for Figo and his agent friend to go to jail because of breach of contract, it is obviously reasonable to let the Portuguese leave. The only path they could choose!

"Since we can't keep Luiz, we have no choice but to sell him to Real Madrid." Having said that, Rexach angrily thumped the table in front of him, making a loud noise, "We all underestimated Freddie. Lorentino! This guy is really cunning! He actually used such a despicable method to poach Luis, but we can only hand over his favorite player. I am really not reconciled! John, you must Let Real Madrid pay enough for this!"

"That's right, even if we can't keep Figo, we must let the damned Real Madrid pay off all the liquidated damages on Figo's contract in one lump sum, not even a penny!" Gaspart told Rexach He agreed. After accepting the fact that Figo left the team, now he has begun to think about how to use the transfer fee obtained from selling Figo to introduce some strong support to make up for the vacuum left by the Portuguese. .

Of course, for Florentino, who just sold Real Madrid's Sports City to the Madrid City Government for US$4.33 million, the liquidated damages are really nothing.In other words, the high penalty of 100 billion pesetas in Figo's contract is also part of his plan!

Therefore, before the smoke of Crespo's transfer to Lazio has not completely cleared, Real Madrid held a press conference on July 7, which once again triggered a magnitude 24 earthquake in European football!

At the press conference, the new president of Real Madrid, Florentino, announced with a smile on his face in the crowd of news media that in the just-concluded European Cup, Luis Figo, who led the Portuguese national team all the way to the semi-finals, From now on, you are a part of Real Madrid!

The reporters present were all shocked by the news announced by Florentino. Their first reaction was not to ask about Figo's worth, but to turn on their mobile phones to see if today is April Fool's Day?Is the chairman of Real Madrid in front of him lost his mind? How could Figo, the captain of Barcelona, ​​join Real Madrid? Isn't this an international joke!

However, when these reporters discovered that what Florentino said was indeed the truth, and that Real Madrid paid the Catalan giants as much as 100 billion pesetas in order to introduce the double captain of Portugal and Barcelona. (approximately 5610 million U.S. dollars) after the transfer fee, there were bursts of exclamation at the press conference-no one could have imagined that Crespo had kept the transfer fee record for less than half a month, and he was so easily transferred. It was broken by Figo!

Real Madrid fans cheered after hearing the news and flooded the streets to cheer for Florentino, who fulfilled his campaign promise.Real Madrid fans don't care that Figo was a Barcelona player before. For them, with a top player like Figo joining, the team's strength will inevitably rise to a higher level, suppressing the greatly weakened rival Barcelona. Back to the top is just around the corner!

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