The Era of Emerald

Chapter 992 Team Trends

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At the press conference announcing the inauguration of Roma coach, Capello continued his unsmiling style very well.In front of many media reporters who came to interview, the gold medal coach said that the reason why he chose to coach Roma was because Sensi's ambition moved him.

"At that time, the team that invited me to coach was not only Roma, but also many well-known giants in European football, but in the end Mr. Franco (Sensi)'s sincerity and ambition were deeply moved. It is the most critical factor for me to agree to coach Roma." At the press conference, Capello talked to the reporters in the audience, "So I believe that under the leadership of Chairman Franco Sensi, Roma will return to Rome. The peak is only a matter of time! My arrival only speeds up the rise of Rome."

In the end, Capello wisely gave the credit to old Sensi, instead of taking all the credit for these shadowless credits to himself.After all, at this time, many teams have the strength to compete for the league championship. The strongest among them is Capello's old club Fiorentina. It is very difficult to hold the cup and return.Therefore, the cautious Capello didn't dare to speak too much. If he didn't do it in the end, his reputation would be greatly affected.

The old Sensi is also very excited about the arrival of Capello. The biggest wish of the 74-year-old old man at this time is to hope that he can see the day when Rome wins the championship in his lifetime.And this time the gold medal coach Fabio Capello joined the team, let him see the hope that his dream will come true.

It is understandable that the old Sensi can't wait for the team's rise. Lazio's successful victory in the Serie A last season greatly stimulated this stubborn and stubborn old man.In order not to let the rivals in the same city overwhelm Roma, the old Sensi gave up his plan to let the team gradually mature under the leadership of Zeman, and replaced it with Capello, who is more utilitarian but also easier to achieve results. Complete the catch-up to Lazio as quickly as possible, and become the top existence in Serie A and even the entire European club!

And Zeman, who chose to break up peacefully with Rome (actually fired by the old Sensi, but out of face, the two parties declared that the contract was terminated), felt very upset at this time.In the view of the Czech coach, he has laid a good foundation for Roma in the past few years, and the team's tactical system has also fully matured, but he was handed over by Capello when he was about to achieve a positive result. Picked peaches!

Therefore, when interviewed by reporters later, although the Czechs who had this idea did not make any abuse of Sensi, they implicitly stated in the interview that Rome is now a typical example of "the predecessors plant trees and the descendants grow up." Enjoy the cool".As for who is the predecessor who worked hard to plant the tree and who is the descendant who enjoyed the fruit, although Zeman did not say it clearly, but as long as he has a little brain, people will find the hidden meaning in the Czech words.

Capello is not a weak and easy to bully master. After learning about Zeman's comments on himself, the gold medal coach laughed and said that everything must be based on facts. He did not follow Zeman's lead to win the championship. Looking for the reason, do you have to blame the club for not giving him enough time to build the team?You know, the Czech has been coaching in Rome for more than three years, and it took him such a long time to build the team. It can be seen that his level is really very limited...

Zeman resigned, and the gold medal coach Fabio Capello took over the Red Wolves.This is one of the focus topics that fans and the media pay the most attention to after the arrival of the first August of the new century!

The reason why people are so concerned about the news of Capello coaching Rome is that, on the one hand, the teams coached by Capello can win the heavyweight championship. On the other hand, whether Capello can lead Roma to complete the revenge against the two old clubs of AC Milan and Fiorentina, after all, the gold medal coach had a difficult time in the last period of coaching of these two teams. It's a pleasure, so this has naturally become a hot spot that people pay attention to.

"Unexpectedly, old Sensi was able to invite Capello to Rome." Seeing Capello picking up the pointer of Rome like his previous life, Zhuang Mingge lamented the incredible inertia of the wheel of history in his heart , the only thing left is to be vigilant about the red wolf right now, "I have to say, Sensi really did a good deal this time. Although Capello has high requirements for signings and capital investment, he does It can bring the championship trophy to the team, and the title of gold medal coach is not just a sign."

"However, Tony, I remember that the Sensi family's industries are mainly distributed in the oil and real estate industries. Although the profits of these industries are high, the scale of the Sensi family's operations cannot be compared with the big families such as Moratti and Berlusconi. They Can you really come up with enough transfer funds?" Although she has a clear understanding of Capello's coaching ability, Karin is concerned about whether the Sensi family can provide enough money for Capello in the transfer market. Spend money with misgivings.

"About this issue, I don't think you should worry too much. Roma has done well in the past two years, and their salary structure is relatively reasonable. They didn't burn a lot of money in the transfer market, so those income should be able to meet Capello's needs. Yes. Even if it’s not enough, the stock market has been doing well in the past two years, and Sensi can get enough money from it with a little bit of thinking,” Zhuang Mingge said relaxedly, unlike in history, the current Serie A league has far surpassed its previous life. The ability to absorb money, so the financial situation of the Serie A clubs is much better than in the previous life, and the profitability has also been greatly improved.

According to data released by Deloitte Accounting Firm, among the [-] Serie A clubs last season, more than two-thirds of them were financially profitable. The teams that wantonly burned a lot of money in the transfer market are in a state of loss, and other teams, including relegated teams, have no financial deficits. This shows the profitability of Serie A.

Therefore, Zhuang Mingge is not too worried that Roma will be unable to make ends meet like in his previous life, and will have to rely on selling off the main players and the Sensi family to sell assets to make ends meet.Because even if the red wolf has a financial crisis at that time, as long as the old Sensi can cut the player's wages in time, the red wolf will be able to recover from the huge TV broadcast fee alone, and in a few years it will be a good man again.

Of course, if it is changed to Lazio, I am afraid that it will be difficult to escape, because the situation of the Blue Eagles is completely different from that of Rome, and it owes too much debt.For example, this summer, Craniotti borrowed 1.5 million euros from the Cirio Group to buy people for Lazio. After two years, Cirio had a financial crisis, and Craniotti was in trouble because of tax issues. After being imprisoned, these accumulated debts are enough to crush Blue Eagle!

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