The Era of Emerald

Chapter 993 Team Trends

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As Zhuang Minge expected, for the third Serie A championship trophy in the history of the Roma Club, Franco Sensi took out all the wealth he had accumulated in the past few years, and at the same time gritted his teeth and handed over half of the funds circled in the stock market. It was given to Capello, so that the gold medal coach can have sufficient funds to transform the team according to his ideas.

Rosella Sensi, the eldest daughter, expressed some dissatisfaction with this move of old Sensi.She is the number two person in Rome. She is in charge of many important affairs in the club. She originally planned to use this part of the funds to make some capital investment with Zhuang Mingge, so that the club can have a stronger financial reserve, so as to avoid any accidents in the future. The capital chain was broken, which triggered a series of unpredictable consequences.

But now, before the plan of using money to generate money can be implemented, this part of the principal has already been sent to Capello by the old Sensi.Judging from the head coach's lavish performance in the transfer market, it is estimated that there will not be much money left, let alone making money from investment.

Although he felt a little dissatisfied with this, but because this was what old Sensi meant, Rosella had no way to say anything about it, and could only silently accept this reality.

In this way, with the financial support of the old Sensi who tried his best, Capello began his drastic reform in Rome, updating the team lineup, cleaning the players he didn't need, and waving money to dig around. People, so that the Red Wolf can become a team of tigers and wolves who can wrestle with top teams such as Fiorentina and Lazio in the shortest time!

With Capello bringing a large sum of money to join the big purchasing team led by Sampdoria, the Italian transfer market in August once again attracted the attention of fans all over the world!

Assuncao joined Roma from Benfica for 1000 million US dollars. Capello took a fancy to his unique free kick and thought he had the ability to help the team break the deadlock, so he made a decisive move and brought the Brazilian from Portugal to Rome. Eternal City.

Japanese star Hidetoshi Nakata transferred from Parma. Of course, Capello didn't spend $1500 million to lure him from Parma because of the Japanese market behind him, but because of Totti, who is the core of the team. A qualified substitute is needed, and Hidetoshi Nakata just meets Capello's requirement.

At the same time, in response to the shortcomings of the team's emphasis on offense and light defense during the Zemans period, and the players' defensive awareness and personal defensive ability were generally insufficient, Capello spent 1750 million euros to introduce Walter Samuel from Boca Juniors.After all, Aldair, the backbone of the team's defense for the past ten years, is already a 35-year-old veteran. It is really unknown how long the current seemingly good competitive state can be maintained. Prepare early.

Spending huge sums of money to poach a defender from distant Argentina, Capello's move has been questioned by many people.After all, although Argentine football has also emerged new stars such as Zanetti and Ayala in terms of defenders in recent years, compared with the offensive players that have sprung up like mushrooms, Argentina has always given people an unreliable defense. Feel.And this naturally affects people's evaluation of Samuel, who has not yet proved his ability in the European League with practical actions.

What's more, Italy is known for its abundance of excellent defenders. Capello can find good seedlings from home to strengthen the team's defense. Therefore, in people's eyes, Capello brought Samuel all the way from Argentina. Not so necessary anymore.

For the doubts from the fans and the media, Capello, who has always shown himself as aloof, is too lazy to explain this. The gold medal coach knows clearly that as long as he can lead the team to achieve results that meet or even exceed people's expectations, then he will be able to win in the future. There will be little criticism for this summer's actions.After all, for professional football, performance is the most basic element to measure everything.

Because this world has won a lot of championship trophies in Florence early, and even gained a lot of personal honors, Batistuta's desire for honor is far less strong than in his previous life. His personal treatment also belongs to the top level of today's football, so Barty himself is not very interested in Rome's solicitation, and finally declined Capello's invitation after some consideration, announcing that he will stay at the San Siro.

Capello felt a little regretful about Barty's refusal. After all, although Roma now has three generals on the front line, Toni, Delvecchio and Montella, the configuration is considered high-end in Serie A teams, but this was once at its peak. In the eyes of Capello, who has worked in AC Milan and Fiorentina, such a striker combination is obviously not enough.

"At least we need to introduce a super killer, otherwise it will be very difficult for us to compete with those top teams only by relying on the existing three forwards." This was what Capello proposed to Sensi in an internal meeting in Rome suggestion.

In the case of Batty's refusal to transfer, Roma's most important acquisition this summer has become Leverkusen's midfielder Emerson.Although this deal was finalized before Capello took office, it can be regarded as a "legacy" left by the resigned Zeman to the Red Wolves, but Capello did not treat the Brazilians coldly because of this. , On the contrary, he expressed his appreciation for Emerson in public, thinking that he has the ability to become an indispensable person in Rome's starting lineup for the new season.

Originally, Capello wanted to bring in the German genius Sebastian Deisler, whom he had always been obsessed with, from Hertha Berlin. Unfortunately, facing Hertha Berlin's asking price of up to 3000 million US dollars, the wallet is far inferior to that of Zhuang Mingge's thick old Sensi. Can only stay away, and Capello can only regret to pass by Deisler again.

It's not that Sensi really can't afford the money, but unlike Lazio and Fiorentina, which have a strong family, it is impossible for Rome to pay such a high price for Deisler, who can only be regarded as a little famous.

Looking at these actions of Roma in the transfer market, Zhuang Minge knew that from now on, Fiorentina would have another strong enemy in the league.After all, although Roma had a good record during Zeman's period, their extreme emphasis on offense and light defense made them only a strong team that could affect the league championship situation, but they could not really join the championship group; and now, With Capello's series of operations in the transfer market, Roma, whose midfield has been greatly strengthened, already has the capital to compete with Fiorentina for the league title.

Considering Capello's powerful ability to knead the team, it is foreseeable that Roma will definitely cause huge troubles for Fiorentina in the domestic arena in the new season!

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