The Era of Emerald

Chapter 994 Winning the Bid

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In the first summer after the arrival of the new century, the Serie A teams showed very high enthusiasm, waving checkbooks and attacking the transfer market. The fans were hooked.

With the support of Berezovsky, Sampdoria recruited troops, intending to reproduce the glory of the club in the early 90s; the Roman duo who had made a lot of money in the stock market were also burning a lot of money, and Clay Spoelstra, Claudio Lopez, Emerson, and Samuel are the achievements of Craniotti and Capello since this period of time.

Facing the menacing duo of Sampdoria and Roma, the top three in the north were not willing to be lonely. After sending Henry away, Mo Laohu bought Billindelli and Trezeguet. While strengthening the depth of the bench, he also gave back Zebra Prince found a striker partner who looked pretty good; Galliani took the initiative to introduce Georgian star Karadze, youth training Komandini, Brazilian central defender Roque Junior and others, making Milan fans Looking forward to the team's performance in the new season; Boss Mo Da, as always, was bold and bought a lot of stars such as Toldo, Frey, Farinos, Seedorf, Mutu, etc., and continued to chase his important team. Realize the dream of "Great International Era".

Even Parma, which was held back by the parent company Parmalat, and Vicenza, which adhered to a small business strategy, also introduced powerful stars such as Robert Pires, E. Filippini and Lerothale in the summer.Although due to various reasons, Parma and Vicenza are unable to compete with the top teams in the league for the Serie A championship, but they are still doing their best to find opportunities to strengthen their strength.

That's right, everyone read that right, after the European Cup ended, Robert Pires did not join the Arsenal club coached by his fellow Frenchman Arsene Wenger as he did in his previous life, but defected to the Arsenal club that lost Ke Respo and Buffon are the two absolute main players, under the banner of Parma, whose strength has been greatly damaged.

Although Wenger offered Pires a very superior contract, and privately promised the fellow the main position, but in the eyes of the French midfielder, Wenger's promises were of no use at all-professional Football has always been a world where strength speaks. If Pires thinks that he can succeed in the position by relying on the so-called fellowship and some verbal promises, then he is really stupid.

The reason why Pires refused to join Arsenal was mainly due to his ability to adapt to the Premier League's style of play that pays great attention to physical confrontation.Although Serie A puts more emphasis on defense and tactical discipline, Pires may not adapt to Parma, but in the eyes of the French, this is much better than the Premier League full of brutal collisions and hand-to-hand combat.

Therefore, in the case of similar personal treatment, after some hesitation, Pires finally agreed to Parma's invitation and chose to land in Serie A, which is known as the world's first league, instead of Wenger's Arsenal.

The other teams in Serie A are rushing to strengthen the team. At this time, what will Zhuang Mingge do in Florence?

"Wait, Antonio, do you mean that I, Kenyon, and Hercule will be responsible for all matters related to the management of the club this year?" Antonioni asked in surprise, apparently He didn't expect Zhuang Mingge to make such a decision.

"That's right, unless it's the big issues that I can't solve without my presence, the three of you can have a small meeting to discuss the other issues. By the way, if it's about the players, don't forget to mention Heynckes as well. Call. After all, he is the head coach of the team, so it’s impossible not to listen to his opinion.” Zhuang Mingge nodded, and said to the astonished Antonioni, “Giancarlo, you know. A few days ago I The two in the family were found to be pregnant, so I, who is about to become a father, must temporarily stop the work at hand and focus most of my energy on my family."

It took so many years of hard work after time travel to have the crystallization of love with Karin and Little Groz, and Zhuang Mingge, who is about to become a father, naturally feels very cherished.Therefore, Zhuang Mingge made the decision to completely let go of Fiorentina and hand over the decision-making power of most of the club's affairs to Antonioni and the others for the time being.

"Well, Antonio, you don't need to explain it to me so clearly." Antonioni smiled easily, patted Zhuang Mingge's shoulder, and said, "I'm also a father, so I can understand your current mood... …Don’t worry, with us here, when you come back, Fiorentina will still be the best team in Europe!”

"Then I'll leave everything to you." Zhuang Mingge turned around and hugged Antonioni before leaving the Florence headquarters by car.Next, he has to deal with some other tasks. After all these things are arranged, he can go to reunite with his family in peace.

Zhuang Mingge doesn't want to see his hard-earned career being divided up secretly by others after he retreats behind the scenes to concentrate on being with his family. Therefore, it is the safest choice to arrange some capable and loyal people to manage it on his behalf.

I have to say that Karin and Rebecca won the bid at the same time. On the one hand, it did make Zhuang Mingge feel the tension and joy of becoming a father for the first time. The talent who comes to succeed must be a conservative person even if he cannot build on the existing foundation.

For example, for the Fiorentina club, Zhuang Mingge handed over all affairs to the three general managers including Antonioni and the head coach Heynckes.Of course, in order to avoid a two-on-two stalemate when dealing with affairs, Zhuang Mingge strictly stipulated the scope of affairs and corresponding authority of the clubs that Heynckes could participate in.For example, like most Serie A coaches, Heynckes only has the right to make suggestions on transfer transactions, and the final decision-making power is reserved in the hands of the three general managers headed by Antonioni; Heynckes has the absolute right to speak in terms of formation and other aspects, and Antonioni and the others have no right to intervene.

In addition, for the gm company and the partner company that Groz Jr. has been in charge of overseeing the operation, Zhuang Mingge needed to find a suitable candidate to take over as soon as possible when Rebecca had to step back behind the scenes due to her pregnancy.Otherwise, if you find an idiot, sell off the shares of companies such as Google and Microsoft under your own name, or sell the GM company that has signed brokerage contracts with more than half of the well-known stars in the five major leagues. Get dirty, then Zhuang Mingge won't have a place to cry.

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