The Era of Emerald

Chapter 995 Mendez

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There is no need for Zhuang Mingge to worry too much about the partnership business. After all, his assets mainly come from various investments and stocks, and there are few things related to industry.Even in enterprises such as Adidas, which controls most of the shares, Zhuang Mingge has always taken the general development direction, and completely let his subordinates handle the specific operation and management. Unless there is a major event, he will generally not ask.

Therefore, as long as Zhuang Mingge transfers a loyal enough person from the family to watch over the stocks and investments under his and Rebecca's names, then there will be no problems.

Compared with a successful partnership that only needs to hold on to the existing investment, it is much more difficult to find a successor for GM.After all, it is not so easy to find a manager who is capable of managing many of his agents and signing stars, keeping them from causing any trouble, and at the same time continuously adding fresh blood to the company.

Valentini, the former general manager of GM Company, is a good choice. It can be said that this gentleman was seconded from the Groz family. The general manager was recalled by the old Groz this summer because of his outstanding work performance over the years. It is said that he is going to serve as a representative of the Groz family at UniCredit Bank, which has just been established for two years.Under such circumstances, it was naturally difficult for Zhuang Mingge to bring back Valentini, who had already been confirmed to be promoted.

So, after digging and screening the memories of his previous life, Zhuang Mingge, who had thought hard for a while, finally found a very suitable candidate for the vacant general manager position of GM Company!

On August 8, in Porto, Portugal, Jorge Mendez was sitting in his office at the headquarters of the Restiforte company, quietly waiting for the visit of a big man.

Jorge Mendes, now he is just a broker who has just started his career two years ago, is well-known in the Iberian Peninsula, and at the same time runs a small-scale brokerage company.With his current fame and star resources in his hands, not to mention compared with GM, which can almost be said to be a giant in the brokerage business, even compared with Vega, which is affiliated with GM, is far away. far less.After all, Vega has brokerage contracts with members of Portugal's golden generation such as Figo, Pinto, Fernando Couto, etc. Mendes, who is just a rookie, naturally cannot be on an equal footing with this big guy.

Let me explain here that there are two types of agents under the GM company. One is an agent who has signed a work contract with the company. One contract also charges a certain percentage of commission in the transfer; the other is that, like Vega, who has certain resources in his hands and "affiliates" with the name of GM for some reason or purpose, this kind of broker's freedom The degree is relatively large, and they can operate the players under their name on their own. GM only collects commissions and so-called "management" fees from the contracts reached through the company's channels, and there are not many restrictions on these agents.

Of course, although the second type of broker has more freedom and room for maneuver, don’t forget that rights and obligations are relative. When you get something, you are doomed to give up something. No one can be an exception .

Take Figo's forced transfer to Real Madrid due to huge debts as an example. If Vega and GM signed the first type of brokerage contract, then when this happened, GM would rely on Figo himself. willingness to act accordingly.If Figo wants to join Real Madrid, then everything is easy to say, just follow the normal transfer procedure to get the Portuguese to the Bernabeu; but if Figo himself does not want to leave Barcelona, ​​then GM will directly submit the contract to Barcelona according to the signed brokerage contract. Florentino paid the total value of 3000 million US dollars, thereby relieving Figo's worries.

It's a pity that Vega, who was unwilling to give away Figo, the cash cow, signed only a second-class brokerage contract with GM, so the huge debt in the end could only be borne by Figo and Vega , forcing Figo to bear the infamy of "Judas" and transfer to Real Madrid this summer with the world's most valuable.

However, even if the first type of agency contract was signed at that time, it does not mean that these players and agents can do whatever they want without scruples.For things like Figo's private betting with people and resulting in huge debts, the company will wipe their butts only once or twice, but if it exceeds three times, then I'm sorry, please ask someone else to be smart, our small temple can I can't afford a Buddha like you...

"Chairman Corleone, welcome to your presence." At this time, Mendes, who was notified by his subordinates, had already walked to the gate, and welcomed Zhuang Mingge into the headquarters of Restift with a feeling of uneasiness. It is a great honor for you to take the time to visit our company, and I would like to express my sincere thanks for your visit..."

Although Zhuang Minge is younger than Mendes, this does not prevent Mendes from using a cautious attitude to face this big man whose energy is far beyond his own.The identities and status of the two parties can be said to be very different, and Mendes dare not be negligent and sloppy.If he accidentally offended the other party, Mendes would be absolutely unable to bear the consequences.

"Okay, Mr. Mendes, there is no need to say these clichés anymore." Zhuang Mingge, who followed Mendes into the office, interrupted the other party's politeness with a smile, and said, "Time is running out, I think we should get to the topic as soon as possible , Mr. Mendes, you must also want to know the purpose of my trip, right?"

"That's right, I'm really curious about this." Mendes nodded, first called the secretary to bring in two cups of coffee, and then sat across from Zhuang Mingge and asked, "Since Chairman Corleone, you are always like this Having said that, then I will take the liberty to ask, I don’t know if you condescend to come to me today, do you have anything to ask me to do? If it is something within my ability, I will definitely go through fire and water!”

"Mr. Mendez, the thing is like this..." Zhuang Mingge was very satisfied seeing Mendez's straightforward statement. He likes to talk to this kind of self-aware person, because it can save him a lot spit, "I hope you can bring the hotstift brokerage company you created and merge it into gm company. After the completion, you will own 5% of gm company's shares, and you will also serve as the company's general manager and CEO! "

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