The Era of Emerald

Chapter 998 2 Years

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Relying on the league title he won in Rome, coupled with his outstanding performance in coaching AC Milan and Fiorentina a few years ago, Capello finally established his position in Italian football and became the well-deserved No. .1!

Some people may feel very unconvinced about this, why would Capello be called No.1 among active Italian coaches?Obviously there are Trapattoni and old Maldini, two famous coaches who are not inferior to Capello in terms of honor and popularity. Why does Capello, who debuted later than them, come from behind? To catch up with these two seniors?

In fact, the reason for this situation is mainly because Capello has won too many championship trophies. Among other things, just three Champions League champions are enough for most coaches ashamed.Coupled with the achievement of leading the team to win the league championship seven times, Capello can be said to be the head coach who has received the most honors at the club level in the past ten years, not one of them!

Compared with Capello, although the old Maldini has two heavyweight trophies in the World Cup and the European Cup in his hands, he is not inferior to Capello in terms of the quality of the championship trophies, but he is still inferior to him in terms of quantity. More than one chip.After all, apart from these two heavyweight trophies, the old Maldini's honor book is lackluster, that is, leading the Italian youth team to complete the three consecutive European Youth Championships is worth mentioning.

As for Trapattoni, let alone, although he made remarkable achievements in the 80s, since he resigned from the post of Juventus head coach in the summer of 94, the former The gold medal coach has not won a heavyweight championship trophy for seven full years.It can be said that although Trapp still has a huge reputation in European football, but in terms of coaching level, this old coach who is over sixty years old can no longer compete with Capello, Lippi, Ancelotti and other rising stars. compared.

This is also the main reason why Mo Laohu, who failed to invite Lippi to enter the palace for the second time, chose Trapattoni, and the Italian media generally did not like Moggi's signing. Compared with Capello and others who are rich enough, Trapp seems somewhat lacking in vitality, and the team he brings out is also old-fashioned and lifeless.

The old Maldini is slightly inferior in honor, Trapattoni's coaching performance in recent years has been lacklustre, and Ranieri, the representative of the new generation of coaches, has been worse than a year after leaving Florence, so Capello became the active Italian coach. No.1 among the coaches can be said to be well-deserved.

By the way, after the old Maldini, who led his team to win the World Cup and the European Cup, decided to retreat after the European Cup final and return to Milan to take up the Rossoneri coach, the Italian Football Association voted for the coach candidate Unexpectedly, Dino Zoff, who has the least coaching experience, was chosen as the new coach of the Italian national team!

For the Football Association's selection of coaches, the media and fans in Italy are full of doubts. After all, although Zoff has the reputation of "steel gate" in the player era and has won many championships, he also has quite a lot in the position of general manager of Lazio. A lot of achievements, but only a complete novice in the position of head coach!Therefore, in people's eyes, the Football Association's move is undoubtedly a gamble. The bet is that Zoff can complete a gorgeous transformation in the coaching position and become the next Bearzot or the old Maldini!

That's a long way off, now let's get down to business.If Fiorentina's performance in the first year after Zhuang Mingge retired was quite good, then in the following 2001-02 season, it can be said to be the worst season since Viola returned to Serie A!

This season, the 32-year-old Redondo and the 33-year-old Effenberg have declined significantly. They have been completely replaced by Pirlo and Deco, and they have faded out of the main lineup.Old Redondos can no longer carry Fiorentina to win most of the games as before. Under the arrangement of Heynckes, they have to obey their old age and have to use more and more limited energy Concentrated in a few games, play their residual heat for Fiorentina.

However, it is obviously impossible for Pirlo and Deco, who have been trained as the successors of Redondo and Effenberg, to adapt to the position of the absolute main force immediately. They are used to playing in rotation with the two seniors. The performance under pressure was a bit erratic, and they often played one or two good games before they played abnormally. As a result, Fiorentina, whose overall strength is still among the top in Europe, lost a lot of points aggrievedly.

Looking at the performance of these two young core players, Heynckes can be said to be both happy and worried.The good news is that these two young people do have the potential to take over the mantle of Redondo and Effenberg, and they will become great weapons in time; the worry is that Fiorentina, under the leadership of the new dual-core this season, has set a record since its return to Serie A. The worst record, if those people in the management lose confidence in Pirlo and the others because of this, and don't have the patience to give them time to continue to grow, then things will be bad...

If Heynckes can read minds, then he will find that his worries are actually unnecessary, because the Fiorentina management headed by Antonioni has no intention of giving up the new dual-core pair of Pirlo and Deco at all.Everyone understands in their hearts that the team's performance on all fronts this season is not satisfactory. On the one hand, it is because of the sudden decline in the state of the old dual-core Redondo and Effenberg, which caused Florence to control the rhythm of the game. There has been a considerable decline in ability. Pirlo and Deco, who have finally secured their positions as the main force, still need room for growth and time to get in touch with their teammates; on the other hand, Vieri, Inzaghi, Shevchenko The four top strikers, Ronaldo and Ronaldo, have all suffered injuries this season, and the aliens and nuclear warheads have missed as many as half of the games!The shortage of forward manpower forced Heynckes to use the single striker formation that he is still struggling with most of the time. This is also an important reason for the decline in Viola's record.

When these factors work together, if Florence's grades can be as good as usual, it will be a hell, after all, none of them is the protagonist of the novel, with their own sky-defying system and various auxiliary bonuses , being able to lead a team full of wounded soldiers and a disorganized lineup to kill a wolf-like enemy and win the final championship trophy!

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