The Era of Emerald

Chapter 999 2 Years

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The state of the core players has declined, the strikers have been plagued by injuries, and Pirlo and Deco, who have finally become the main players, have difficulty maintaining a stable competitive state in the face of heavy game tasks... These problems broke out in the same season. Like Inter Milan, which ended the troika era, and AC Milan, which bid farewell to Capello's rule, the team's performance plummeted like a free fall, which is already quite a good performance.

It is precisely for these reasons that although the outside world calls for Heynckes to dismiss get out of class, there are still many people in Florence who support the retention of the German coach.Because those who know the inside story know that without Heynckes' command, Fiorentina, whose current offensive level is greatly reduced, wants the team to still have the hope of winning the championship in the final round of the league. In fool's dream!

The three general managers including Antonioni also expressed their support for Heynckes. They are not stupid. Naturally, it can be seen that after the aging of Effenberg and Redondo, Sheva and Ronaldo, etc. After the injury, although the team is still sharp on the offensive end, the threat to the opponent has actually been greatly reduced.

After all, without the powerful threat of Ronaldo, the opponent can devote more energy to the offense, and Fiorentina's defensive pressure in the game will naturally become greater, and the difficulty of winning the game will increase accordingly. big.This is the main reason why Fiorentina actually got [-] draws in the league this season-after spending a lot of energy on the defensive end, the players naturally put a lot less energy into the offense, plus Many main shooters are absent in turn, and it is normal to have more draws.

However, in view of the fact that the team's performance this season is really unsatisfactory, it is naturally inevitable to hold a high-level meeting within the club.

At this time, the 2001 rounds of the 02-34 Serie A season have all ended.Before the start of the final round, Fiorentina, which was still on the same score as Inter Milan, was placed second only because of the goal difference. In the final game of the league, it was defeated by its "own" Vicenza [-]-[-] and lost the league title at the last minute. !

Juventus and Roma both won the final match, and with this crucial three-pointer successfully overtook Fiorentina, making Viola, who was still second in the standings before the game, not even a runner-up in Serie A.However, despite this, the team that successfully won the league title this season did not overtake Fiorentina's Bianconeri at the last minute.Instead, Lippi was fired last summer and Argentine coach Cooper's Inter Milan was invited from Valencia!

The wheel of history has undergone unknown changes again. In the last round of the match against Lazio, Inter Milan did not lose a good game when they only needed to win to win the championship as in history. Gresco also Under Zhuang Mingge's prior care, the GM company managed to move to the Premier League club Blackburn early, and did not appear at this critical moment to trick Moratti.Therefore, under the leadership of the 33-year-old old god of war Batistuta and Romanian striker Adrian Mutu, Inter Milan, which is in great shape, managed to sell Nedved and Veron at the Olympic Stadium. Afterwards, the Blue Eagles, whose strength was greatly reduced, won the league championship again after 13 years!

As for Fiorentina, which has a disorganized lineup and an increasingly aging team, it ended the season with No. 4 in the league and the quarter-finals of the Champions League. This is also the worst record since Fiorentina returned to Serie A in 94. Zhuang Mingge's first season with no big four after taking charge of Fiorentina!

"Giancarlo, do you think we should do something in the summer transfer market to enhance the depth of the team?" Due to Fiorentina's poor performance this season, Kenyon, who is mainly in charge of the club's commercial operations, was a little worried , He is worried that if this continues, it will affect the club's next round of contract negotiations with various sponsors.Therefore, after the start of this meeting, he was the first person to speak up, "If there are still many main players absent due to various reasons next season, which will have an adverse impact on the team's record, then next year For the new round of sponsorship contracts, I can't ask those sponsors for a high price..."

"Kenyon, we all understand what you said. It is indeed time for the team to be renewed." At this time, Poirot expressed a different opinion, "However, in terms of specific operations, I have some personal opinions. ..."

As one of the three general managers of Fiorentina, Poirot is mainly responsible for negotiations and various administrative work within the club, and has little connection with football itself, but neither Antonioni nor Kenyon dare to ignore his exist.Because it was different from Zhuang Mingge who only got to know each other after he entered Florence, Poirot was a close friend brought by his boss from the family, and his professional level was quite good. Therefore, when Poirot proposed that this matter should be reported to Zhuang Mingge, Kenyon, who couldn't find a better reason for a while, had to fall into silence when he got the boss's reply, and he didn't dare to fight hard with the other party.

"By the way, Giancarlo, what do you think we should do? Should we report to the boss about the team's current situation and seek his advice, or should we just take action on our own?" Seeing Poirot's firm attitude, Kai Nin had no choice but to seek support from Antonioni.After all, although Poirot is the boss's confidant, Zhuang Mingge made it very clear when he retired that most of the club's decisions will be made by the three of them together, and no one can go beyond this limit to act on their own.

So if Kenyon succeeded in bringing Antonioni to his side, even Poirot's objections to it were of no avail.

Under Kenyon's gaze, Antonioni, who had been silent since the beginning of the meeting, raised his head, smiled slightly, and said something that made Kenyon feel relieved: "I think there is no need to discuss this issue any longer. Discussed. I just got a message that starting tomorrow, the boss will come back to preside over the overall situation!"

Hearing what Antonioni said, Kenyon suddenly felt relieved.In his opinion, the return of Zhuang Mingge can be said to be the most important event in Florence. As long as there is this boss who seems to be omnipotent, all difficulties will be solved!

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