"This is Xihe County"

That Niu Meng looked Yuan Luo up and down, and said angrily

"So, this master is also from Xihe County?"

"Exactly, what's the matter?" Niu Meng asked bluntly

"It's nothing, since the master is a local, it's easy to handle. You can see that the surrounding area is surrounded by fields in Xihe County. The place where there are people living should not be far from here."

Yuan Luo begged for help and said to Niu Meng, "Then master, can you show me a way for my family? I'm going to Xihe County to join my aunt, but I don't know the way here."

"Well, what's your aunt's name? I'll take you there"

As Niu Meng said, he looked at his dog. At this time, the dog was still eating shit with relish.

So he quickly pulled the hemp rope tied around the dog's neck, and reprimanded viciously: "Don't eat the beast, get up and follow me!"

"Ah, my lord, my aunt's name is Mrs. Zhang, and she married Wang Hu of Xihe County."

Yuan Luo seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and answered fluently

"What? Wang Hu's house? Oh, his house is far away from here! I have to lead you until it gets dark!"

Niu Meng said in embarrassment

"My lord, please do me a favor"

Seeing his difficulty, Yuan Luo added another sentence coquettishly: "My family will not let your hard work be in vain. When you arrive at my aunt's house, I will ask my aunt to give you five taels of silver as a thank you gift."


As soon as Niu Meng heard she said that there was five taels of thanks, he agreed, took his dog, and said to Na Yuan Luo, "Come with me."

"Brother Shangguan, is Yuan Luo really looking for her aunt?"

Seeing what Yuan Luo said about having a nose and eyes, Chaoyan couldn't help but believe it.

"Fool, where does she have any aunt in the world? It's just a visit beforehand to deceive that Niu Meng."

Shangguan De also walked in the direction Yuan Luo and the others were walking, motioning for her to follow

Chao Yan chased after Yuan Luo, because she was wrapped around Shangguan De's hair, so Niu Meng couldn't see her

Seeing that Yuan Luo looked left and right and saw no one around, she suddenly twisted her foot, and fell to the ground with an ouch, moaning, "Oh, my sprained foot hurts so much~"

"A sprained foot?"

Niu Meng had no choice but to stop, turned around and looked at her, "Can you still go?"

"My lord, you can help my servant to take a look."

Yuan Luo looked at him pitifully, and lifted her skirt up her calf, revealing her snow-white ankles

"Let me see"

The cow came back and squatted on the ground to hold her feet up. Her feet were small and cute. Wearing bright red embroidered shoes, they looked even smaller when held in her hands.

"Oh! It hurts my slave to death!"

Yuan Luo groaned softly again, she pretended to be in pain, threw herself into his arms, and said softly, "Master, rub it for me."


As if stung by a scorpion, Niu Meng dropped her feet and jumped up, pointing at Yuan Luo's nose and scolding: "I know you, you are actually a little prostitute who escaped from some family! You are trying to seduce me so that you can cheat the money in my purse, bah! Tell you there is no way!"

"Master, what are you talking about?"

Yuan Luo showed a timid look and asked, "I don't understand."

"Fuck you if you don't understand, I don't have time to serve such a shameless bastard like you!"

The cow pulled his dog fiercely, swearing and ignoring Yuan Luo, turned his head and walked back

"Ah! ah! sir, sir!"

Yuan Luo yelled a few times, and seeing him walking farther and farther away, she stopped yelling, stood up with a cold snort, and said to Shangguan De, who was hiding with his arms folded and silent, "Master, this person is a puzzled man." The coquettish reckless man can't come directly, it seems that we have to use the method used to deal with Wang Bengu, wait for the disciple to become a Xiaojiabiyu for a while, and then try him."

"Miss Yuanluo, you don't have to try again."

Chao Yan has no intention of watching, hurriedly came over to dissuade


Shangguande turned his head and asked, "Ms. Chaoyan, why don't you try again? Could it be that you figured it out?"

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