A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 99: It's Disgusting

Shangguande took Chaoyan back to the carriage, and asked her to continue to choose the person in the marriage fruit book

Chaoyan held the Marriage Fruit booklet in her hand, still a little unwilling to give up, her fingers flicked back and forth on the pages of the book hesitantly, and finally put the booklet on the table and said: "Brother Shangguan, since you said that those poor people can't pay Concubine, then you can help me find a rich family here, who is not afraid of a wife, but who doesn’t accept a concubine, and doesn’t look for flowers outside.”

"Okay" Shangguande nodded and took it, flipped through a few pages, and pointed at one of them casually; a golden light flew out, forming a line of big characters in the air: Xihe County Niu Meng, married wife Hou's monogamous He has been together for 50 years as the rich man of Xihe, and now lives in his home in Xihe County. He has no concubines and no slaves in his home.

"Well, that's it. He is rich and has only one wife. Thinking about it, he should be a good man who is infatuated!"

Asagao asserted

"Miss Chao Yan is really decisive."

Shangguande smiled strangely and nodded, "Then, let's go and have a look."

Shangguande's carriage roared through the night, heading for Xihe County

When Dongfang showed his fish belly, Shangguan Decai stopped the carriage and landed on a riverside open space in Xihe County together with Chaoyan.

At this time, the sky is full of morning glow, and the red sun casts golden light on the clouds in the east, reflecting the earth red.

By the gradually clear river, the autumn wind gently blows the water waves and willow branches. Surrounded by endless field ridges, Chaoyan flowers are blooming in the grass, like small light blue trumpets.

On the winding and rugged mountain road, a middle-aged man was wearing a half-worn black robe and a square hat, and walked slowly along with a dog.

"Look, this man is really awesome"

Standing by the river, Shangguande pointed to Chao Yan at that person

"What is he doing up so early?"

Chao Yan asked puzzledly

"Ah, I don't know look"

Shangguande stood with his hands down, leisurely admiring the glowing red morning glow in the sky

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Suddenly, the dog barked, and it circled Niu Meng for a few laps, then heard Niu Meng scolding from a distance: "You bastard! You haven't reached your own field yet, If you want to shit, didn’t you already feed the master’s poop to you just now? You really can’t keep a hot shit in your stomach! Okay, you eat as you eat! The master doesn’t have to take you to the field to fatten up! "

Then I saw that the dog stopped barking, and squatted on the side of the road like a human being, motionless.

"It's really, really disgusting"

Chao Yan understood, dare to love this Niu Meng who came out to walk the dog, listened to what he said, he just had a bowel movement, and then the fat water did not flow into outsiders' fields so the dog ate his feces, now the dog is going to poop, but he The field has not yet arrived, so I don't want to throw away the fertilizer of the dog poop, so I have to let the dog eat it by itself

Chaoyan, who had figured it out, almost vomited, Shangguande squinted his eyes and laughed straight away: "Silly girl, don't think about it, just wait and see Yuanluo to try him."

I saw Yuan Luo had already appeared on the stage. She flashed out from behind the willow tree, wearing a goose yellow skirt, a peach blossom red jacket on top, and a peasant woman's bun, looking simple and clean.

I saw her rushing towards the cow who was watching the dog eating shit by the side of the road. When she saw him, she stopped and said, "My lord, do you know how to get to Xihe County?"

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