A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 18: The Cruel Jia Fu

"...That is to say," the scholar who read the announcement began to explain to ordinary people who didn't understand, "Master Chengyang Ling means: in today's Chengyang City, one is powerful and lawless, and the other is making trouble for the people, so The social order is not good, and severe punishments are needed. Once such an announcement is made, it will definitely put a spell on the lawless tyrants and troublesome people for that situation, and point out the way out, so that they will no longer dare to act lawlessly. "

"Is there such a good thing?" The common people immediately exploded when they heard this, and they chattered and said: "It seems that this new official should be a good man who pleads for the people and is an upright official? Then I will hurry to File a complaint, the days of being bullied by bullies for many years are finally coming to an end!"

"Oh! God, can we get back the house and land that has been robbed of our family for many years? I'm going to sue!"

"Regardless of whether it's true or not, go and try it out. These corrupt officials and bastards, I can't bear to be angry with them every day!"...

The common people reacted fiercely to this announcement, so the people who came to complain one after another almost broke the gate of Chengyang County Yamen.These complainants are also clearly distinguished, almost all of them are poor and small people, and the defendants are without exception the rich and powerful.

Na Jiafu was also unequivocal, he asked one by one, reviewed the pleadings, and immediately sent someone to check and report truthfully within a deadline.But the servants in Chengyang are suffering. They used to be very relaxed, but now they are so busy that they don’t touch the ground, they are running around, and they are very uncomfortable. They can’t help but gather together secretly and complain: "This The newly appointed Lord Jia is too serious!"

"That is, although the new official took office three fires, it's fine to be strict at the beginning, and everyone should be more sympathetic to each other. In the past, we should do what we should do. But now it's good! He has never finished handling cases, and these The plaintiffs are all poor ghosts, what benefits are worth our lives!"

"Who says it's not! Our Master Jia is really a fool who doesn't understand the truth!"

"Everyone, listen to what I have to say." At this time, a small official with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks stood up and said, "In my opinion, our new Chengyang Ling is a fledgling, ignorant of the world, and doesn't know the rules of the officialdom; why don't I enlighten you?" How about enlightening him and pointing out the reason for him?"

"Okay! Brother Hu, you are alert, resourceful, and eloquent. Maybe the adults will listen to it. I will wait for the good news of Brother Hu!" After hearing this, the other yamen servants agreed in unison.

"Okay, let's see, brothers. There is nothing I can't say. When he handles the case tomorrow, you can look at me."


"My lord, you are lucky."

On the second day, the barbarian brought a cup of tea with a smile, approached Jia Fu who was working at his desk in the courtroom, and said flatteringly, "Have a cup of tea."

"Well, I'm tired, I'm not thirsty." Jia Fu reviewed the mountain of official case books in his hand without raising his head, "You can put it there first."

"My lord, in fact, you don't have to work so hard. The little ones can take care of these trivial cases."

"Oh?" Jia Fu paused the brush in his hand after hearing this, raised his head and asked calmly, "What are you going to do with it?"

"Hmph!" the barbarian sneered, and said contemptuously, "there is a saying that the wicked first file a complaint. I think these people who come to file a complaint are nothing more than cunning tricksters. If you are a newcomer and don't know the situation, come here False accusations against good people. Sir, don’t bother with them at all, just give him a few whips for every troublemaker who comes to make trouble.”

"Really?" Jia Fu sneered after hearing this, put down the brush in his hand, pointed to the unfinished complaint papers on the table, and said: "The above statement is convincing, bloody and tearful, and the statement of the defendant They took their property and houses forcibly, forcing them to nowhere. Except for the plaintiff himself, all the neighbors in the same district had their fingerprints. They said pitifully that this was a statement made of blood. Are they all false accusations? The strange thing is that around me A lot of adjectives are related to you, are you going to take a closer look?"

"Ah?" Hu Li's face turned pale when he heard this, and he hastily argued: "My lord, those are all false accusations! The little one has never done such a thing!"

"False accusation?" Jia Fu pierced him mercilessly with sharp eyes, "I see that you have a bad memory, maybe Song Songpi will remember! Someone! Drag him out and punish the [-]th boss. !"

"My lord! You can't wow!" Hu Li was shocked when he heard this, and the servants below all looked at each other, hesitating: Is this new lord serious?It is really unheard of for an official to beat the government officials in order to protect the people who complained.

"Why are you still standing still! The officer told you to drag you out and beat him! Anyone who doesn't carry out the crime will be punished with this person!" Jia Fu sternly reprimanded when he saw that no one was moving.So those yamen servants didn't dare to neglect any more, they really dragged down the barbarian, and beat him up lightly.

"Hit it hard! Is it blind to be an official?" Jia Fu saw the trickiness, and slapped the gavel tree and shouted loudly.

So those yamen servants who beat the board didn't dare to release the water anymore, so they had to fight hard. How could the barbarians suffer from this?Immediately, he cried out in pain like killing a pig, and his skin was ripped apart by thirty boards. It was less than fifty boards, and the barbarian couldn't bear the pain.His lower body had already been beaten to a bloody mess. Everyone around him was terrified, his back felt cold, and he dared not breathe.

"Have you seen it?" Jia Fu stood up indifferently, pointed to the bloody corpse under the hall and said to all the yamen servants: "In the future, if anyone dares to bend the law for personal gain, take this person as an example! Pull him out!"

"We will bear in mind your lord's instruction!" All the yamen servants and petty officials promised in unison tremblingly. They never expected that although the new Lord Chengyang Ling looked angry at his face and was polite, he would be so polite. He is so ruthless and merciless; since he doesn't even buy the account of that old official Hu Li, then he should honestly and wholeheartedly follow him to do business in the future!

Jia Fu worked like this for more than half a month, and the situation in Chengyang gradually changed from chaos to peace under his hands.However, one night, when he was lighting up the lamp for work in the study, suddenly, a gust of cold wind outside the window blew out the candle.Immediately afterwards, a black figure suddenly jumped down from the beam, and before he could react, a bright long sword was already placed on his neck coldly.

"Don't move!" Jia Fu could only hear a man whispering in his ear, "If you dare to shout, I'll stab your throat with a sword!"

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