A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 19: I really misread you!

"Who is your Excellency?" Jia Fu was calm, he didn't shout or struggle, he just asked calmly.

"You don't need to know who I am." The man was undoubtedly an assassin, and the strength of the long sword he put on Jia Fu's neck increased obviously, and Jia Fu only felt a burning pain.I just heard the assassin say: "I can only warn you, it's best not to interfere with the case in Chengyang City, those unscrupulous people who falsely accused Uncle Guo will file a pleading paper in the future, and ignore them at all, otherwise, be careful of your head!"

"Since it's a false accusation, why are you still afraid of my official's interrogation?" Jia Fu asked, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Don't be wordy, no matter how much you dare to do, it's like this table!" The assassin said, and a sword flower disappeared quickly, and the Eight Immortals table in front of Jia Fu was instantly split in two.

"Do you feel the coolness on your left ear?" The assassin withdrew his long sword and sneered.

"Ah!" Jia Fu suddenly exclaimed, and touched the bun on his head. The assassin stuck to his ear and cut off a large piece of hair in front of the ear!

I didn't even notice it?It seems that this person is really powerful.

Jia Fu couldn't help but feel his legs go limp, and he slumped on the ground.

"Hmph, you know you're afraid?" The assassin pointed at him condescendingly and said, "If you don't want your neck to be divided like this next time, be more peaceful in the future!"

After finishing speaking, he tapped his toes, turned his body, and disappeared long ago.


When eating breakfast the next day, Chaoyan waited for a long time, but Jia Fu didn't come out for breakfast, so she asked the servants strangely: "Master Chengyang Ling, why haven't you woken up today?"

"Go back to the princess, my lord, he suddenly fell ill, so the princess doesn't have to wait for him. Let the princess eat by himself." A maid came back to tell her after asking about the situation.

"What? Mr. Jia is sick?" Chaoyan couldn't sit still when she heard this, and hurried to see Jia Fu.It was fine last night, what happened today?Could it be that he didn't sleep well at night and got cold?

She ran into Jia Fu's bedroom and saw Jia Fu lying on the bed. She just glanced at her lazily, but didn't get up, and asked depressedly, "The Princess is here?"

"Sir, what's the matter with you? What's wrong with you? Have you hired a doctor?" Chaoyan walked to his bed with concern, pulled a stool and sat down and asked.

"Princess You Lao is worried. I'm not sick, but a little tired." Jia Fu lay on the bed and said weakly.

"Sir, why is there less hair around your ears?" Zhao Yan asked in surprise when he saw a small piece of baldness around his left ear.

"There was an assassin last night, and he cut it off." Jia Fu looked at Chao Yan's surprised look, and continued, "He threatened me, and asked me not to meddle in the case related to Uncle Guo here."

"What? How dare you threaten you?" Chao Yan didn't understand, "How could they be so presumptuous? Why is Uncle Guo so bold? Is there any law left? Sir, don't be afraid, wait until I go to Beijing to talk to my brother, Let me see who dares to be so lawless!"

"Princess, don't be reckless!" Jia Fu hurriedly got up to stop Chaoyan who was about to run out, and said in a low voice mysteriously: "Listen to me, princess, that uncle is not an ordinary royal relative, he He is the only elder brother of the Empress Dowager Zhengci. In Chengyang City, he is so powerful that the sky is overwhelming, and I am afraid our house is also full of his eyes! Before you arrive in the Imperial Capital, he will know about it, and he has already made preparations."

"Who is the Empress Dowager Zhengci? So powerful?" Chao Yan didn't understand. She remembered that Qin Zheng's mother was the Empress Dowager Yide, the Empress Dowager Zhengci?I seem to have heard it, but I don't know.

"Your Majesty today is a concubine. His mother, Empress Dowager Yide, was originally a side concubine, and the main concubine had nothing to do with it. Therefore, after taking the throne, His Majesty appointed the empresses of the two palaces together as empress dowagers. The main concubine The concubine is the mother of His Majesty, the Empress Dowager Zhengci." Jia Fu patiently explained to her, "Although this Empress Dowager is not His Majesty's biological mother, she raised him as if she was her own. Uncle Xue Qiang in Yangcheng, who dares to touch him!"

"Hmph! Mister, you mean you're scared and don't want to worry about it?" Chaoyan stamped her feet anxiously when she saw his words.

"I can't help it, I can't control it. I'm just a humble little Chengyang Ling." Jia Fu sighed helplessly, covering his forehead with one hand, "When I was not out of the mountain, I thought that as long as I had blood in my heart, I could show off." Aspirations, but now I finally see the reality clearly, life-saving is the most important thing, those cases of the poor are not my responsibility. If anyone can solve it, why wait until now to let me do it, the previous few did it not early It's over..."

"Sir! I really misunderstood you!" Chaoyan was surprised when he heard that, and then after confirming that he was serious, he pointed at his nose angrily and said angrily: "When you were in the heavens, all the immortals praised you for being a genius. An upright, wise and strategic star official. I still admire you very much! Who knew that you would become so useless after reincarnation! How dare you say such irresponsible words out of greed for life and fear of death! If I could break the precept of killing, I would definitely I will kill you first! You are a despicable person who is greedy for life and afraid of death! Coward! You are not worthy of being a parent officer, and you are not worthy of my brother hiring you so seriously!"

"What did the princess say? Heaven? What heaven?" Jia Fu was confused, "What is a star official? Is the princess confused?"

"You still know I'm confused!" Zhao Yan yelled, "Okay, from now on you will be your peace officer, and I will search for evidence against that shitty uncle! Don't tell me to see you, a coward again!"

After she finished speaking, she slammed the door angrily and ran out.

Jia Fu stared blankly at the back of her leaving angrily, shook his head, lay down again with a sigh, and said to himself: "Think whatever you want, I don't want to die so early."

Chaoyan ran out of Chengyang Yamen in one breath, and came to the bustling street.

She carefully recalled the case of Uncle Guo that Jia Fu had mentioned before. It seemed that it was all about him seizing people's land and bullying men and women.At that time, there were a lot of pleadings against the uncle of this country, so I heard about some of them.

"Since he seized the people's land, there are naturally suffering people who want to sue him. I will search carefully, find a few witnesses of the sufferer, and then secretly take them to Beijing to show my brother. I am not afraid that the uncle of the country will not admit it! I believe my brother will definitely Enforce the law fairly and return justice to the common people.”

Chaoyan made up her mind and walked towards the slums to the west.

The sun quickly rose to the top of the head, and Chaoyan, who had run for a day without gaining anything, was tired and thirsty, leaning on a tree by the side of the road to rest.

It's really strange, why didn't anyone speak ill of Uncle Guo after running around most of the slums?Even if I dare not tell the truth due to his coquettish prestige, but I have already reported my family, don't these people dare to tell the truth in front of the princess?

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