She looked up and looked around, and she had already run to the suburbs and fields, and the number of people living there was gradually decreasing.

It seems that there will be no results if you continue walking, let's go back...

Chaoyan glanced around unwillingly for a long time, and finally had no choice but to retreat.

She was about to go back when she heard a man cursing loudly by the river not far away. Out of curiosity, she ran over to have a look.

Walking into the river, I saw a young man in ragged clothes shouting loudly by the river: "What kind of master Qingtian, what encourages men to farm and women to weave, and work hard! It's all a lie! Dog officials! You are all Colluded well!"

After he finished speaking, he jumped into the river.

"Hey!" Seeing that the situation was not going well, Zhao Yan hurried over, also plunged into the river, grabbed the man from behind, and pulled him desperately to the bank.However, she just jumped in and remembered that she couldn't swim at all.Immediately, he was choked by the cold river water, and the more he struggled, the more he sank to the bottom of the water.The cold river water overflowed the top of the head, making people unable to open their eyes in the water. The current was not very fast, but it made Chaoyan feel the horror for the first time: "Oh no, I can't swim! Now I'm a mortal again body, shall I be the first fairy to be drowned?"

Thinking of this, she became even more frightened and flustered, struggling desperately and helplessly, but a lot of river water was poured into her gaping mouth...

Suddenly, a pair of powerful hands tightly grabbed Chaoyan who was struggling to sink, and pulled her from behind to swim desperately to the shore.

After being pulled ashore, Chaoyan, still in shock, realized that the person who saved her was the one who wanted to commit suicide.

"You girl, okay, why did you jump into the river?" The man was also soaked, and the wet river sweat from his hair flowed across his face, looking embarrassed.

A gust of cool wind blew, and the two of them, who were soaked in water, couldn't help shivering.

"I saw that you were going to commit suicide, so I wanted to stop you! You...Ah! Why can't you think about it?" Chaoyan sneezed again and again, panting and wringing out the long hair at the back of her head. It feels good, the whole body is icy cold, the wet clothes stick to the body, it is wet and hot, it is uncomfortable.

"Young lady, why bother to save me?" Hearing this, the man's tone became much gentler, and he sat down on the ground with his whole body wet, and said dejectedly: "The world is dark now, I have nowhere to go, I might as well die. "

"I see, are you a local?" Chao Yan thought carefully about the curse words just now, bent over and asked, "Did you get bullied by an uncle named Xue Qiang? He robbed you It’s the family’s field, right?”

"How did the girl know?" The man raised his head in surprise and asked.

It was only then that Chaoyan noticed that this person had very fair skin, about 20 years old, with a square face, high nose bridge and single eyelids; although he was not handsome, he was not ugly either.

"I just heard what you said, so I guessed it." Chaoyan saw that it was true, and knew that this person was the witness of the bitter Lord that he wanted to find with all his heart, so he said to him: "Don't be so anxious, I will help you." How about finding a way to sue that bad uncle?"

"Young lady, don't be joking, who dares to do anything to his majestic uncle of the emperor!" The man lowered his head and sighed in disappointment, "Even Master Chengyang Ling, who seemed upright at first, dare not do anything to him now." Regardless of this matter, return my pleading paper against Uncle Guo, what can you, a little girl, do!"

"Don't mention that Jia Fu, he is timid and afraid of getting into trouble, but I am not afraid." Zhao Yan felt contemptuous when she thought of Jia Fu's useless appearance she saw this morning, and said with a cold snort: "To tell you the truth, I am the current Emperor Princess Chaoyan came out now to investigate the matter of uncle Guo bullying men and women. Now that I have finally found a victim like you, I can't leave it alone. Come with me, and I will take you directly to the imperial capital Miansheng, I see in front of the emperor, who would dare to bend the law for personal gain!"

"What? Miss, you are the princess? Are you kidding?" The man was taken aback, looked up at her in astonishment, and seemed not to believe it.

"I'm really the princess, don't I look like it?" Chaoyan pouted, and took off the purple Chaoyan flower jade pendant on her waist, which symbolized her status, and showed it to him, "Believe it now...Ah! It's uncomfortable to wear wet clothes, I'll take you to the clothes store first and change into dry new clothes... Ah, choo!"

"The girl is really the princess..." After the man was sure, he was surprised and happy, and hurriedly stopped in front of her and knelt down and begged: "Xiaomin Wucheng, the land was seized by the country's uncle Xue Qiang, father and mother go He interceded and was beaten to death by the family members of his mansion. Today, I was lucky enough to meet the princess, and it was really a lifesaver. I also hope that the princess will be the master for the little people!"

"Get up, let's...Ah Choo! Let's go change into clean clothes first, then talk... Ah Choo!"

Chaoyan picked up Wucheng and ran into the city. She bought two sets of clothes for a man and a woman in the nearest shop, and changed clothes in turn in the small room of the shop.

"Princess, where are we going now?" Wu Cheng asked strangely when she saw her pulling him out of the city.

"Shh, keep your voice down." Chao Yan let go of his sleeve, motioning him not to ask any more questions, then twisted her long hair that was not completely dry, and whispered to him as she walked: "That Chengyang Ling is now frightened by that old bastard Xue Qiang. If we go back to the city again, he will probably stop me from taking you to the Imperial Capital to seek justice if we return to the city. Go back to the imperial capital, and then I will take you into the palace to meet my emperor's elder brother, so that you can sue the imperial court!"

"Ah, so that's how it is...the Princess is thoughtful." Wu Cheng suddenly realized when he heard this, he couldn't help but nodded in admiration, and followed her out of Chengyang City Gate.

At this time, the sun had already set behind the west mountain, and the red clouds all over the sky were shining goldenly on the earth, and there were gradually fewer pedestrians on the road.Occasionally, a crow flew by in the peaceful sky, croaking, and flew into the woods.In the distance, you can still hear the beating sound of evening drums on Chengyang City Tower, and a silver-white full moon hangs high in the deep blue sky in the east, slowly passing through the clouds, getting brighter and brighter.

"It's getting dark..."

Chaoyan stopped in her tracks and raised her head to look around. At this time, she had already walked into the deep mountains, and the towering city walls of Chengyang City were no longer visible.Because there are many tall trees around, the sky covered by the lush branches and leaves looks very dark.

"Since it's getting dark, princess, shall we go?" Wu Cheng looked hesitantly at the darkening sky, and then turned to look in the direction of Chengyang City, "Why don't we go back, there is still time to return to Chengyang .”

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