A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 37: Spring Breeze 1 Degree

"Hold profit!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Qin Zheng hurriedly stepped forward and hugged her waist, and pulled her back into his arms in time

"Your Majesty, since you don't want me, let me die! Why stop me!"

Naye Chiying cried and struggled in his arms and said

"Chiying, I didn't say I don't want you!"

Qin Zheng was so troubled by her, so he had no choice but to coax him softly and gently:

"Your Majesty, are you really willing to accept me as your concubine?"

As soon as Ye Chiying heard this, Fang stopped struggling, and looked into his eyes with tears in his eyes and asked.

"Yes, I want you... from now on, I will make you Concubine Ying"

Qin Zheng looked at this lovely beauty in his arms, and was in a daze for a moment; such a beautiful woman, why did I reject her?

"Ah, concubine Yingfei thanked Your Majesty!"

Ye Chiying immediately smiled, broke free from his hand, and slightly bent his knees to give him a blessing

"Your Majesty, since this is the case, tonight, I will let my concubine serve you well."

That Ye Chiying looked at Qin Zheng with big watery eyes, and smiled coquettishly: "According to our rules, the bride wants to offer a cup of tea to her beloved husband! I'll go and pour tea for His Majesty."

After speaking, facing the room full of candlelight, he turned around and ran to the outer hall. After a while, he came in with a silver tea bowl in his slender hands, and raised his hands high up to Qin Zhengdao with a smile; "Your Majesty, please use Concubine, this cup of tea"

Qin Zheng also smiled when he saw the silver tea bowl: What a smart and sensible princess, deliberately choosing a silver tea bowl that is not easy to poison is to express that she has no malicious intentions, and at the same time saves me from making me suspicious of the possibility of her poisoning. That way they both look better

Realizing this, he couldn't help feeling a little more fond of that clever Ye Chiying, took her tea bowl casually, and said politely, "There's Concubine Lao."

After finishing speaking, he took it under his nose and smelled it, and sighed, "What a fragrant tea!"

After finishing speaking, he put the tea in his mouth and took a sip, but frowned.


Ye Chiying laughed mischievously, and laughed like a silver bell, "Who told Your Majesty to scare people just now! Is this bowl of chili tea delicious? To trick you into drinking it, I put a lot of rose fragrance in it." !Hahaha!"

Qin Zheng glanced at her, but he was not angry. He just smiled slightly, and the corners of his mouth curled into a beautiful arc. Then he picked up the tea bowl and drank up the remaining chili water

"Oh? Your Majesty, you..."

Now it was Ye Chiying's turn to be dumbfounded. She looked at Qin Zheng in astonishment, as if she had seen some monster: These chili powders are the hottest ingredients chosen!How can he stand it?Is he crazy?

But before she could find the answer, Qin Zheng smiled wickedly, and suddenly hugged her back in his arms, threw the teacup on the ground, and hugged her shoulders tightly to pry open her cherry mouth. I leaned over and poured everything into her mouth.

The movements are neat and smooth, and they are done in one go; there is no chance for her to resist at all

"Hey...cough cough cough...it's so hot~! Your Majesty, you are so bad! Cough cough cough..."

Ye Chiying, who was finally let go by Qin Zheng, opened his mouth wide in pain, bent over and covered his neck with his hands, and coughed with tears in his eyes, "It's so hot, Your Majesty, you, you, you are so bad Already!"

"Since you and I are husband and wife, isn't this just sharing joys and sorrows with the princess?"

Qin Zheng laughed loudly at the side, but at the same time helped her gently pat the back

"Hmph! Your Majesty, you are still laughing, and I am angry!"

That Ye Chiying finally finished coughing, straightened up and punched her with a pink fist, but Qin Zheng grabbed her in the palm of his hand, and then hugged her horizontally, and said softly in her ear: "Then , let me make it up to my beloved concubine!"

After finishing speaking, he carried her into the dragon bed, and the golden curtain fell silently...

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