A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 38: Embroidered Purse

Early the next morning, Chao Yan, who stayed up all night and finally embroidered a rough bright yellow purse, got up early

She looked at the small purse in her hand with satisfaction. This was the first time she made something by herself in the world. The maids helped to match it with purple pearl tassels, which made it look even cuter.

Now she can't wait to show off to Qin Zhengxian. Although the little dragon embroidery on it is crooked and ugly, she thinks her embroidery is not bad, at least it can be seen what she is embroidering.

"I want to give my brother a surprise!"

Thinking of this, Chao Yan didn't even bother to eat breakfast, so she got dressed and ran to Zichen Palace

"Alas! Princess, please stay!"

The little eunuchs guarding the two golden unicorns in front of the Zichen Palace hurried forward to stop her, and one of the leading eunuchs smiled and said to her: "Your Majesty accepted a new princess last night, and she hasn't woken up yet. , if the princess has anything to do, please tell the servants, your majesty will wake up later, the servants will tell your majesty on behalf of the princess."


Chaoyan couldn't help but be taken aback when she heard this: Brother newly adopted a princess?He... is he sleeping with another woman in his arms at this time?

Thinking of this, she inexplicably suddenly felt a little sour in her heart, an indescribable feeling came to her heart, as if sad, a little sad, but when she felt it carefully, it was nothing

It's just a pain in my heart for a while, very uncomfortable feeling

"Princess, what's wrong with you?"

The eunuchs saw that she was silent for a long time, but her face turned pale, and they couldn't help asking with concern.

"No, nothing"

Chaoyan pushed away the eunuchs surrounding her in a trance, turned around and walked back, "You don't need to inform brother, don't let him know that I've been here"

After finishing speaking, she dropped the purse in her hand and ran away like flying

At this time, in Zichen Palace, Qin Zheng opened his eyes, saw that the sky outside was already bright, and sat up

"Your Majesty, are you awake?"

Ye Chiying, who was sleeping next to him, felt movement, and opened her eyes, stretched out her slender hands to hook his neck and said softly, "Sleep for a while, Your Majesty..."

"No need, Concubine Ai can rest on her own."

Qin Zheng gently pressed her hand down, and said gently: "It's time for me to go to court."

After speaking, he got up and got out of bed, and all the maids waiting outside came over to help him change his clothes and freshen up

"Then, your majesty will go, and my concubine will wait for your majesty to come back."

Ye Chiying's soft voice almost dripped, lying on the bed and looking at him with winking eyes like silk, said


Qin Zheng agreed casually, and soon finished dressing, and left the inner hall after dressing up, sat on the jade chariot carried by 18 people parked in the courtyard, and walked out of the gate of Zichen Palace along the road paved with stone slabs. Zhengan Palace rushed to

Suddenly, he glanced inadvertently, and noticed a yellow thing on the side of the road, which was very conspicuous on the white, clean and empty road

"Stop! What's that?"

he pointed to the ground and asked

"Return to Your Majesty, it is an embroidered purse"

The walking chariot stopped on the spot, and a little eunuch ran over to pick it up, looked at it and answered.


Qin Zheng's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "Bring it to me to see!"

So the little eunuch raised his purse above his head with both hands, and ran over to show him with small steps.

Qin Zheng picked it up in his hand and recognized it was the one from Chao Yanxiu last night. He couldn't help but frowned, and asked the eunuchs on the left and right: "Has anyone been here just now?"

"Return to Your Majesty, only the princess came here just now, but she went back soon, saying that the servants are not allowed to tell you that she has been here."

The gatekeeper is too listening, kneel on the ground and answer honestly


Qin Zheng held the small purse, closed his eyes, and seemed a little regretful, but thought that it would be a little wrong to go to Chaoyan instead of leaving early, so he patted his forehead lightly, and said helplessly : "Go on, go to court"

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