Qin Zheng put down the chopsticks in his hand, and said regretfully, "I also asked the imperial doctor to see it, but I couldn't find anything wrong. It should be like what Mr. Suan said, it's some fetal element."

"Is that so, what a pity"

Ye Chiying felt a little regretful. After confirming that Chaoyan was not her competitor, she found this silly little girl very cute. The pure and penetrating eyes like a small animal made her feel very interesting. Yes, it's like a little meat bun, it's not bad to recognize this little sister

"Hey, it's not a pity that since I followed my brother, I have eaten a lot of delicious vegetarian dishes like these!"

Chaoyan happily picked up a piece of stewed pine mushrooms, signaling that everyone should not disappoint her

So this lunch ended in this relaxed and plain atmosphere

Ye Chiying bid farewell to Qin Zheng and went back to her Yexue Palace, sat down on the toffee chair in the inner hall, took the embroidery needles and silk cloth from the seat beside her, and planned to use embroidery to pass the boring time in the afternoon

"Niang Niang"

Suyun, who came in behind, handed the food box in his hand to the maid at the side, walked over and asked, "What do you think of the princess?"

"A simple little girl, very cute"

Ye Chiying twisted up the bright silver embroidery needle and pricked it against the pattern on the silk cloth

"Your Majesty doesn't seem to hate her?"

Suyun saw that the relaxed and contented appearance of her clothes was completely different from the puffy appearance when she saw Chaoyan at noon, so she bent down slyly, leaned over to Ye Chiying who was embroidering, and whispered in her ear: " Is your empress really not caring about this little girl?"

"Suyun, what do you mean?"

Ye Chiying heard that the tone of her words seemed to be wrong, as if there was some kind of mockery, so she couldn't help stopping her hands, and looked up at her

"Your Majesty, slaves are meaningless"

Na Suyun straightened up, her nimble eyes flicked from side to side

Ye Chiying immediately understood what she meant, so she put on a straight face and ordered the maids standing around: "You all step back first, leaving Suyun alone to serve me."


The maids were eager to go out to get some air and rest their feet, so they all happily promised and filed out.

"Now you can talk"

Ye Chiying raised her white orchid fingers, slowly stretched the colored thread, and embroidered stitch by stitch carelessly

"Niang Niang"

Na Suyun's bee eyes with slanted corners moved back and forth in her eye sockets, and she said in a low voice: "You were in the Lingxiao Pavilion just now, didn't you pay attention to your majesty's eyes?"

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